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St. Murphy

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Everything posted by St. Murphy

  1. The latest skuttlebutt over at A Wyrd Place says there will be an easter sale with all the translucent/dayglow sets including nightmare tara. Oh, and the elusive gremlin rabbit rider.
  2. Ice Tornado Ca attack Rg8 2/3BB/3BBB Model w/ Frozen Heart reduce damage down to 0 and push 3' Overpower Trigger: After damaging take this action again. The way I'm reading this, a Model with Frozen heart takes no damage so the trigger would not happen. Or is damage 0 a thing and the term "after damaging" more of a timing thing? Thanks for your input.
  3. I'm looking for a Silent One, Preferably unpainted. I've got cash or I have a Bayou Boss set still on the sprue that I don't plan on playing that can go in as part of a trade.
  4. League games start tomorrow! Don't forget to print out your scoresheets from the Rapid Growth document. There're a link to it in the first post of the thread if you need it.
  5. I'm down with one store one purchase. I only need one malifaux child anywho. I am also about supporting a couple of local stores. If I shop at two stores this month can I get the second store entered in the weekly drawing for the store prize, but not a second child for me?
  6. A couple of us NJ Jackalopes will be coming by this Sunday for some games.
  7. Terrain day to kickoff the league is this Tues 2/10. I'll be donating a little something I picked up from last year's Etch Master indigogo campaign for one of the participation prizes. Most of the folks I've talked to who are participating are starting up a new master for the league so its a great time to try something new.
  8. League kickoff is a week from tuesday, starting with the terrain day. Chris has acquired an awesome set of plastic craft western buildings to add to our Malifaux terrain. They will look awesome on the custom vinyl mats he got last summer. It is a ton of fun playing on such great looking themed terrain.
  9. What if I make four separate purchases totaling over $60 in February? Can I take one picture of all 4 receipts?
  10. Joss is down to 2 wounds and has the burning +1 condition. During upkeep he suffers 1 damage from burning and is brought down to 1 wound. His Overload ability gives him the reactivate condition when he suffers damage which reduced him to 1 wound. The reactivate condition gives him another activation this turn. So even though the activation phase is over, does he still get to activate before the end of the turn?
  11. Thanks Justin. I was just screwing around with normal interacts to place scheme markers, so this clears it up.
  12. Now that I have Streets, Buildings and Sewers I can finally put together full terraclips 3'x3' boards. As soon as I figure out how to post photos here I upload some pics. Until then, feel free to share your terraclips creations.
  13. Say I have a model on top of a ht 1 terrain right at the edge of it. Is it legal to place a scheme marker off the edge of the terrain? The marker starts in base contact with the model but nothing else, so that it essentially ends up on the ground at the base of the terrain. Or similarly(but different) a model is on the ground in base contact with a ht 1 terrain. Can the model place a scheme marker essentially on top of the ht 1 terrain (or "underneath" it)? Both seem reasonable to me as in both cases the marker would end up no further away from the model from a top down perspective. At the same time both seem fishy as neither case actually results in technically base contact.
  14. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Malifaux-M2e-Outcasts-Ronin-3-pack-/231370718374? I've got some plastic Ronin up for sale on ebay. I just updated the listing to include an international shipping option. If you're interested, make me an offer on ebay, and include in the note that you spoke to me on the Wyrd Forums. I'll be happy knock a couple of bucks off for you.
  15. I'll be there. I'll show you my proxies tomorrow at Wyrd Wednesday.
  16. As a Kaeris player, I find she doesn't typically play out to have the earth shattering combos that instant kill a master or win the game in one fell swoop. Her crew works with a lot of synergy around the burning condition. Kaeris and the firestarter hand out burning tokens like easter candy. Rail Golem becomes a reactivating juggernaut when you set him on fire first turn. The gun smith's get ++ to attack flips against targets with burning. Rail workers can cause a model to immediately resolve the burning condition for a zero action. Kaeris herself gets + to attack and damage with her immolate against models with burning. She can also draw extra cards (so you can cheat the hell out off all your duels) from models with burning within 3". First turn: set 3 of your models on fire right next to Kaeris and draw some extra cards. Set the rail golem on fire so you can use some of those Tomes you just drew to get your trigger on locomotion. Starting on the second turn set aflame any enemy model within 12". Snipe em with the gunsmiths and charge the rail golem into the fray and locomotion the hell out of somebody. Get a good handle on how her crew operates with minimal upgrades. Then start using them one at a time to get a handle on them. Use grab and drop to send out your minions with scheme markers and to maneuver your enemies(like singling out your opponent's master). As far as game balance goes, up close,it will not be balanced. Most models have a hard counter from another model. Each master with have a hard time against a couple of other masters out there. But when you look at it from further back, it becomes balanced. Each faction has the tools to balance out with the other factions. That is why you don't select your crew until you announce factions and determine schemes and strategies. Don't try and win a shootout against guild and don't try and win a fistfight with neverborn. Not sayin' it can't happen, but be flexible in your approach. And most of all, play the schemes and strategies. Pick models that can accomplish your goals. Fire gamin are great for running around the board and dropping scheme markers, but they're not going to assassinate a master. Anywho, keep working with Kaeris. She is awesome once you get a feel for the synergy of her crew. And feel free to message me if you want to talk more.
  17. Cool. I hope they make the Gencon releases available on the Web like they did last year.
  18. Spots of the webstore have been that way for a while now. I wouldn't worry about it. New products are not available in the webstore for some time after their release to give retailers (your FLGS) an opportunity to move some product before websales. Those missing numbers on the webstore may just be placeholders for products that aren't currently available online.
  19. I was just reading ask a gremlin in Wyrd Chronicals 11 (I know, I'm a bit behind on my reading), and I noticed this: Q: When can we expect the first M2E expansion? A: When da Bayou heats up and goes all a swelterin’. Sounds like summer to me. Wave 2? With a book?
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