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The Godlyness

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Everything posted by The Godlyness

  1. *everyone that mentioned "the thing that must not be said" will now be haunted by ghost of Gary Gygax" Nothing to see here or contribute. since this thread does the same i seem to fit right in. that comes off salty, lets try being more nice next time k? fine ok.
  2. Mcm is pretty straightforward as is 'Dita, as is Nicodem. levi takes a bit to get used to yan lo has way to much stuff for a demo game, zoraida is not to shabby and pandora is very intricate
  3. yes. it has a defined end time. (which is when it is used)
  4. And i sir raise you "Sisters" Crews hiring this model as a master begin the game with 2 viks. A crew can have a maximum of 2 Viks in play at a time. ---------- Post added at 05:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:27 AM ---------- that i might have to agree on. let me ponder
  5. well whirlwind is a after damaging, i got mixed up and thought decapitate was a after also. decapitate is a when whirlwind is an after.
  6. well if you read the card it when Deploying these models at the Start of the game....emphasis mine. so after the game starts i am pretty sure you can have 2 sword viks, or pistol viks
  7. so lets say your pistol vik dies to horrible horrible things and your left with sword vik. then you use "another on?" to summon a second sword vik any problems with that?
  8. Decapitate on Steamborg says When damaging on misaki it says when damaging
  9. i was with you sharp objects i was there. how i always played it. but the errata makes my statements void btw where did you dig this up from? my seach fu is weak.
  10. @dracomax thank you for the link i was about to post it myself. @ryu i stand corrected, step 1c of the Damage Resolution order the kill effect would occur before the model is reduced to 0 wounds. StD off of wounds would happen at step 5Bii the only way i can think of 2 StD actions would be if. a witchling stalker had Slow to die some how. and after he was damaged by decapitate he used dispel magic on the kill effect, then after he died to being reduced to zero wounds somehow healed?
  11. ? Poison is applied on the hit. you don't have to even make a damage flip. Poison # When a model is hit by an attack with Poison # or affected by an Ability with Poison #, increase the number of Poison Tokens the model has to the # indicated either after resolving the attack, or as indicated by the Ability. Each time the model begins an activation it suffers 1 Wd per Poison Token it has, and then discards one Poison Token. pulled from the errata (see Coppelius)
  12. its been said before it will be said again, Izamu does not heal of of riposte. Carve a swathe. this model makes a healing flip after inflicting severe damage with a melee Strike. Riposte is not a melee strike. it just inflicts damage using the difference in the combat totals. he only heals if he Makes a melee strike against something and inflicts severe dg.
  13. Decapitate: When Damaging defender with this weapon, kill defender ..... has to do damage first. if the black joker is flipped the trigger does not go off. (aka the kill effect)
  14. *BLACK ABYSMAL RAGE BREWING IN THE DARKEST DEPTHS OF A MONSTERS SOUL* did some one mention DnD 4e? one know that doing so invokes death to speak of "it who must not be named" will bring it back from the hole it dug for itself. OT i dont care for who says what when for rumors. when i see it i will see it and when i play it i will find my gripes then.
  15. Ryle's Gatling gun has on the card itself that says : Gatling gun: After causing severe damage with this weapon, target suffers a dg 1/2/4 flip that can't be cheated. so lets say ryle shoots something, get his ram trigger for Full Auto. and flips severe. now STop. you now flip again due to his weapon 1/2/4 and flip severe (lucky you) you now do it again 1/2/4. now after you stop flipping severe's or the model dies and no one cares any more. now his trigger happens. which says: Fully automatic (Gatling gun) after inflicting damage make another Dg 1/2/4 flip against the same target which cant be cheated. now if you flip severe inflict the 4dg and then due to inflicting severe damage with a gatling gun you make and additional 1/2/4 flip. so relatively speaking you could due upwards of 10-14 dg in a single shot. the trigger it self only sparks the additional 1/2/4 one time but if it hits a severe it sparks more due to the weapon itself
  16. Ever play against Colette? she makes Viks movement shenanigans look like child's play.
  17. your right in that they can not shrug off the insignificant characteristic itself but they can shrug off the effect which gives it to them. if Hamlin casts understand the soulless, at sue. sue would be insignificant. sue then decides to shrug off the effects of understand the soulless. he is no longer insignificant. with excessive bleeding an effect is put on the model which makes them insignificant and make a wp duel or die later. also can be shrugged off. since all of the above sits on the model. Can you clarify what an effect is? An effect meets all of the following criteria: It is generated during an Encounter It sits 'on' a model Paralyzed sits on the model which is Paralyzed . Conduit sits on the Voodoo Doll. Nurse's Massive Dose sits on the target of the Spell. Has a defined end time Excessive Bleeding lasts until the end of the Encounter. Wild Heart lasts until the end of the Turn. Damage Effects end once the damage has been applied and you have started Damage Resolution. What is not considered an effect? The following are not effects: Models Anything printed on a model (although they may generate effects) Terrain Markers/Counters/Tokens Wounds A Model’s State (Model states include: Falling Back, Killed, Sacrificed, Buried all pulled strait from the faq (heh excessive bleeding is right in the faq) so to answer OP yes it can be shrugged off. (albeit comes with withdrawal lol)
  18. well with out the correct wording of seismic punch i cant be 100% but with what ratty said, you dont have to move them the full distance, that being said i dont know the wording on seismic punch.
  19. so a few things for your future reference. if you only have one wound left you can not use burning heart since it would kill you and you can not kill yourself with a set number of wounds unless otherwise specified (aka Leveticus) link is a nice ability but at no time does the emberling snap to Mei in its own activation. link says when ever the linked model walks or ends it activation push into base contact. seismic punch is not a walk its a push, hence why you disengaged from necro punk with out a Blocking Strike.(disengaging strike) but i did like the read. and the quotes make me laugh.
  20. can you attack you own models? yes you are the attacker and defender you flip for both models and cheat for both models. if you use an attack spell on your own model you can choose to tie it (eg fail it to receive the effects)
  21. transforming the model, negates or removes oldest magics, cause the piglet card does not have it. in my mind this means he can not be turned into a piglet.
  22. absolutly she can, it is one of the things that makes her so dangerous
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