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Everything posted by therat

  1. what's this spot for?

  2. I'm using avatar Candy painted to look doll-like. Works pretty well.
  3. This seems correct. Sorrows do not cause paralysis duels, so a model's immunity to paralysis would not prevent the duel. Indeed reading is fun.
  4. I agree that it is unclear, mostly due to the different references to "cache" and "pool." I always thought the cache is what the master brings with him/her, nothing more, and that the pool is the total number of stones the crew had. Whether that pool is full or not varied, but the limit is 7. If the Ronin's card references the "cache," though, that throws the whole thing for a loop. It sounds like it means to reference the "pool," but those words have never been formally differentiated (I don't think), so it's a bit unclear. As it stands, the argument with the most weight is that a Ronin cannot increase the number of stones in the pool beyond 7 because there exists another card that explicitly states breaching the limit is okay for that ability and the Ronin's card does not. At the same time, it could be the devs intended the Ronin to be able to breach the max, but just forgot to add it. The matter is muddy and would be an excellent inclusion in an FAQ.
  5. I was not under the impression that the effects of an action limited their use in this way. Would a Sorrow's Doldrums be unable to target a model with Frozen Heart? Can Pandora not make disengaging strikes against a model without a attack? If the target having a attack of its own is a requirement for her to use that action, then she cannot. I argue that the effect is post-duel and that, as currently written, she can target models that lack a and/or attack with Self Loathing and Self Harm respectively.
  6. But you will, right? You will let your loyal fanbase have a crack at them before anyone else, right?! Oh, and congrats on the successful campaign!
  7. I actually thought it was an option when I scanned the project, though I'm not disappointed it's not. Now I don't have to decide on the style I prefer. It would be cool to get some of the smaller pieces distressed, though. Especially the outhouse!
  8. Hey, I like the option to choose between upscale and frontier, but can a backer mix the style? That is, can I get some buildings upscale and others frontier?
  9. So Pandora can't get away from a jackhammer kick, eh? That's good to know as both a Mei Feng and Pandora player. While that means she'll have trouble getting away from Feng, it also means she can possibly lead her around.
  10. I must agree with Draco & Strumpet. If you go into the game knowing full-well that there are 5 turns to complete your objectives and you can choose to design a crew and have them act according to that restraint, the only reason a crew cannot pull ahead is that it is not designed to win in 5 turns. It cannot be played like a 6 turn game anymore and crews must be made and played to reflect that. Some setups that are pure killy (Reckoning, Assassinate, Murder Protege, etc) could run a 1.5 crew and be fine. But if you need to get to the other half and drop a lot of markers you've gotta change how you're gonna do it without that extra turn.
  11. Flight: This model is immune to falling damage and may ignore any terrain or models while moving. Incorporeal: This model ignores, and is ignored by, other models and terrain during any movement or push. Reduce all damage this model suffers from Sh and Ml Attack Actions by half. I get what you're going for, but RAW it does not fit. Both rules just allow the models to ignore terrain and other models. The only differences are flight allows it to ignore falling and incorporeal allows for half damage. If a flying model can move up and land on a building, as these are written, so can an incorporeal. Getting down, though, the incorporeal model would take damage if the terrain is more than 2" high. I don't remember this being brought up in the beta forums, but it probably should have been.
  12. I'd assume all the old plastics will get their cards soon-ish. I wouldn't count on the metals ever getting M2E cards. I would like to know a rough idea of when Wyrd intends to start including the cards with the older plastics, though. Some of my friends are looking at getting into the game, but they're hesitant to do so until everything is settled.
  13. Blood Sacrifice says that he may begin the game buried. He can start in play if you want him to, it would just be a bit difficult to get him up the field without charging allies.
  14. Probably not too much longer, Beta Wave 2 should start shortly after Gencon. Hopefully you'll be playing Master Molly by September.
  15. I did some snooping, but couldn't find any info. Does anyone have some good ideas for alternate December Acolytes? I love the model, but I'd like to run two, maybe even three, and I don't really want duplicates. Anybody have a thought?
  16. therat

    Alt Kaeris?

    Miss Fire would be pretty cool... or would it be hot? There's really no reason why they couldn't drop a master/hench Miss. Just because it hasn't been done before doesn't mean they can't do it now. I anticipate that two Kaeris models will be released in M2E. If all the models are being redone, redoing her in plastic is not truly providing the 'alt' we were promised. She needs a new plastic version as well as an additional sculpt to fulfill the terms of the dead heat.
  17. Why not drop the swarm in favor of Hamelin? Same cost, right? It could possibly grant the same number of paralyze actions, too, with his trigger.
  18. But many of us buy them to both play and display and a fully painted army is, in my opinion, far more impressive than a fully painted crew. My argument is very commodity-based, which is a product of our strange flavor of capitalism. This discussion has actually opened my eyes a bit, making me think about the models more in terms of price-to-enjoy rather than price-of-miniature.
  19. I agree, to play Malifaux it costs less money and I prefer it to playing anything GW (or just about anyone else, actually). I'm just pointing out that the miniatures themselves are not always priced cheaper than comparable GW ones, especially considering the new plastics. @ Jewomie: The size difference is negligible and I find GW's newer plastics to be quite detailed, especially when compared to Wyrd plastics. Does my argument of models to play vs number of models really matter? Eh, I guess it depends on how you view value. If value is time, spending less to play for the same time is the better value and I can't help but agree. Still, I think it's fair to point out that Wyrd minis are not exactly cheap. The game itself is cheap, but the minis are quite expensive. @ CRC: I was looking at some of the models in the WFB range, not 40k, specifically some of the High Elf sets. I guess I always connected Malifaux to Fantasy, not sure why, square bases make a big difference . My point, really, is that it is the nature of the game that makes Malifaux cheaper. Wyrd isn't producing minis at a super cheap price, they just made a really fun game that works with fewer models. It's just something that came up when I tried to get my friend into it. I told him that Malifaux is really cheap compared to games like Warhammer, but when he looked at the models he was shocked to find how expensive they are. I went to compare to GW and found that Wyrd only wins the price war when comparing individual masters to characters and sometimes large monsters. Malifaux is cheap, the minis are just as expensive as the next guy.
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