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Everything posted by Jonasty

  1. It's looking like I won't be able to attend this, really bummed. Good luck and I hope you get a lot of folks out there!
  2. I've since switched to resin bases I've bought online in various styles but some of my original bases were just hand done with minimal thought/skill and some green stuff. For my Perdita crew, they just have flat bases with sand/gravel on them. I'm ok with the texture overall but I want to spruce them up a bit. What I want to do and have been having trouble figuring out is putting tumbleweeds on the bases. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to do this and make it look relatively good/believable? Also hopefully something that's fairly sturdy, at least once it's attached. Thanks.
  3. SO EXCITED!!! I've been waiting on news for PWU updates for a while now. I'm really hoping we get a full expansion out of this with new plastic sculpts! There's a store where I could get the original metal sculpt expansions but I'd prefer to have everything be the same scale and quality. And especially with Colette and the like which were never released in the first place. Please Wyrd don't make me wait for GenCon '14 to buy these. Just tell me where to send the money!!!
  4. Got my email (Upscale is indeed the best!). Can't wait to get this on the table and look forward to more stuff from you in the future, although my wallet isn't as giddy about it.
  5. Glad I'm not the only one. I figure it's a ton of emails to get through to confirm which style everyone wants so I'm not overly concerned, just thought I'd make sure I wasn't odd man out which it sounds like I'm not. *happy*
  6. Just wanted to follow up on the post-pledge emails. I haven't seen one yet and was wondering if these have started going out or not. (Just want to make sure they weren't flagged as spam or something by my email.)
  7. Wish I could be there for this but too much on my plate to make it. Plus the potential weather isn't helping. Good luck and I hope it goes well!
  8. Not sure if any of you are familiar with the Geek Girls, there a fun group of people who primarily support and discuss cosplaying. 99% of the time their stuff is super heros, video games, and anime for the most part but I just ran across this and thought you guys might get a kick out of it. http://geekxgirls.com/article.php?ID=1360
  9. We had something come up last night that we couldn't lock down, so we'd like some feedback and hopefully maybe an FAQ update down the line. Pandora's Fading Memory ability lets her Push when she wins an opposed Wp duel. The question we have is how you determine what the duel type is. Pg 31 of the rulebook seems to read that a model's duel is defined by the stat it's using and thus would apply only to that model. So if you are attacking with a Ca action against a defense using Wp, it's a Casting duel for you and Willpower duel for your opponent. Getting to the Pandora aspect of this, so if this is the case then when she attacks with most of her various actions, she wouldn't get the benefit of Fading Memory since it would be a CA duel for her. Is this correct? I've always read it as, if the duel involved Wp somehow on either side then it was a willpower duel overall. So she could then use Fading Memory for all of her attacks at that point. Part of why this came up was because her Incite action specifically lists her attack string as (Wp: 7:masks/Rst: Wp/Rg: 12) which started the conversation. So depending on how you define a duel, if it's only based on what stat your model is specifically using, then outside of defensively, the only action Pandora can trigger Fading Memory on is Incite currently. And then a follow up is should this be the case or is this a misprint on the Incite attack and it should be Ca, thus meaning Pandora only ever pushes on successful defensive duels?
  10. I'll say that this is exactly the kind of terrain I've always wanted and I'm so glad someone has finally come up with a way to deliver it. I don't have any of the resources necessary to come up with a lot of terrain on my own and I do need to as I don't game at places with a ton of terrain all the time. Plus going to those places, any terrain I did build would need to be transportable which is also difficult. Your stuff seems to fill literally every niche I have when thinking of trying to come up with terrain, so thanks! I'm excited to receive the Town Set and I'm really pumped for the Victorian ones as on top of all the other reasons I gave, there is almost no purchasable Victorian themed terrain out there for the wargaming crowd.
  11. Backed for my town set! Looking forward to the buildings and really can't wait to see the design work for the Victorian sets.
  12. The store was up long enough for me to complete my order and get my LE minis! Guess I'll order the book and any "regular" early release stuff later when things have calmed down. Off to bed. Good luck to everyone trying to get through!
  13. Wife is letting me stay up a little while longer lol. I keep holding out for a copy of the book but at this point if I'm able to get in again and my cart still has the minis, guess I'll stop pressing my luck and just get the rules manual later.
  14. I'm able to get into the store but with a crap ton of SQL language all over the place. And when I try to click the Rules Manual link I get the old 403 error. But I was happy to see that my cart maintained my minis selections. Now to hopefully see enough stability to trust my credit card info to it. :-!
  15. Had the dang minis in my cart, was trying to add a rule book and then BOOM!, webstore is closed again. Hopefully this gets resolved soon, I gotta get some sleep some time.
  16. So I might have missed it earlier in a thread. Has it been said what the time zone is? I'm assuming we're talking Midnight, West Coast US? Don't want to miss out on the limited releases if I can help it.
  17. Yeah, I'd totally buy these! Also, count me in as another vote for Victorian style city buildings. I really want to play games actually set in Malifaux proper with the large looming gothic buildings. So many boards, even Malifaux-specific ones all seem to be Western themed which is cool but totally misses the whole other half of the flavor.
  18. Less than 2 weeks to go till this so it seemed about time to resurrect this thread and get people aware! Huzzah M2E tournament!
  19. Yay I know about this one this year. Excited to see what's coming. Let me know if you need Henchy help.
  20. Might have been asked already so if so, I apologize. I'm looking for clarification on the Glimpse the Void trigger. It says that if no other models are buried, bury this model. Pretty sure I know the answer but my question is, if you or your opponent take models that start or can be buried on their own (Levi, Bete, etc), does this basically negate the entire trigger's usefulness? Can you not activate it if your opponent's Bete is currently buried on their own? Obviously having an opponent bury their own models creates its own unique fun with a Tara crew but I want to make sure I understand the interaction of the trigger in those instances.
  21. Just picked these up. I was able to use these to pin the feet on the Void Wretches to resin bases, to give you an idea of how small they are. If you're using the Games Workshop drill, this one is about half the width. Gotta be patient with it but it'll help you pin a lot of the new plastics. http://www.micromark.com/Finger-Drills-74-80-Set-of-4,7285.html http://www.micromark.com/brass-rod-020-inch-dia-x-12-inches-long-pkg-of-25,8137.html
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