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C Swizzy

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Everything posted by C Swizzy

  1. I'll be there Wednesday night. As for Lou Mitchells I don't know.... I've eaten at places like that all my life, lol
  2. The wife and I, along with Dan and John from the podcast will be doing cake. She Swizzy is doing story and I might jump in if there's an opening. I'm only bringing Malifaux with me this year (well besides the 40K stuff I'm selling at bits trading). Hopefully Nilus won't yell at me, lol.
  3. We have a box of Teraclips we can bring with us. Also have a decent amount of terrain we have to go through. I'm sure we can donate a few pieces to the cause. We (fiance and I) might be up there Thursday, so we hope to see come of ya there!
  4. Maybe after my wedding I can apply to be a Henchmen. I would love to do it but my schedule kind of sucks (3pm-11pm with Thursday Friday off). I have some terrain that I might be able to donate to the cause. Let's keep in touch so we can make this happen!
  5. Wow, sounds awesome! I probably can't make it over there to check it out until Thursday, unless I wake up earlier and stop by before work.
  6. http://wanderingdragon.com/ Opening day is today. I can't attend because I have to work in an hour but I will give you all the low down when I do go. Their site says they have gaming tables, hope we can get some Malifaux going on over there!
  7. Awesome. Schaumburg is a bit closer to Joliet than Mt Prospect is. I should hopefully find time to go up there. Wedding plans always get in the way...
  8. I'm hoping to be up there Thursday and Friday. Can't afford to take any more days off (I work weekends) with the wedding in September.
  9. The title kind of says it all. We are giving away a Dead Justice Box Set, fully painted by Chris at 2 Ton Studios. The models are on Secret Weapon Miniature bases. All we require is that you send in your best gaming story, funny, sad, tragic, ironic, whatever and the winner will get the entire painted box set. More details at http://theeternalwarriors.com/?p=1448 along with a pic of the painted models.
  10. I will have to come out and check it out. Unfortunately I work 2nd shift on Wednesdays
  11. Which one will have that hostile interview you did with me?
  12. Vallejo paint and Secret Weapon Washes are sooo much better, and cheaper, than the new GW stuff IMO. I'm seriously at the point of saying if it's not in a dropper bottle, I'm not even going to bother. Too bad P3 doesn't come in dropper bottles, their red is soooooo freaking good!
  13. Even though there were no "official" reps from Wyrd at the con, Wyrd still showed plenty of support. The rule book, Crystal Brush, demos, and tournament support were all noticed by plenty at the con. Wyrd showed more support this year at Adepticon than GW ever has, and Adepticon is heavily biased towards GW games. Trust me, people took notice.
  14. I played on your table during the cake tournament and really enjoyed it. The texture on the foam actually made it possible to put a model on a slope and not have it tumble over. Was kind of trippy too after a while, lol Can't beat the price though
  15. We All needed enforced sleeping after this weekend. My batteries are still only half charged.
  16. I'm a huge fan of your crew. I freaked out when I saw them in the case at Adepticon. Would you be ok if people were to try to use the same paint scheme for Perdita and the Lucha-cutioner? I'd like to try but I think my painting won't be quite as good as yours. And congrats on your Brushes bro!
  17. Had an amazing time! Where do most of the Chicago peeps play? Games Plus I assume? Unfortunatly my schedule currently makes it impossible to go to Malifaux Mondays
  18. Hello everyone. Just got back from Adepticon and I wanted to keep in touch with all the peeps I met at Adepticon over the weekend. I'm relatively new to the game but I love it. I'm a co host on a podcast (TEW) and I would love to cover more Malifaux on the show. My fiancé (She Swizzy) also got bit by the Malifaux bug again. Crews that I own Ortegas Rasputina Dead Justice (who doesn't have her? Lol) Looking to go all Guild before I move on to more So once again Hola and I hope to be able to learn here but also help others any way I can
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