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Everything posted by Requirement

  1. They all activate at the same time. You activate simultaneously then sequentially end your activations in the order declared. This makes a pretty strong case that since both Viks are active when the replace effect happens that they would not get to continue on their activation. That may just be the way I see it though.
  2. Sounds awesome. Looks awesome. Fully interested and signed up for the mailing list. I into this whole idea.
  3. Interesting article. Has it officially been ruled on the and on targeting him? I read it that you would get a if you shot him or a if you focused that shot.... I could be wrong though. However, your article did make me think about fielding him again in a larger game.
  4. Those faces are abrasively good. Like so good I want to break them so I am no longer jealous.
  5. For the record, I use straight pins(for sewing) for all my pinning needs. They are pretty hard and I have never had any problem cutting them with any decent pair of cutters, including my buddies smaller pair. It is all about the quality of the jaw of the cutters.
  6. Yeah, the Shikome drives me to the bottle. She's already summoned two this game.
  7. Sucks hard. As if Kirai wasn't kicking me hard enough.
  8. My friend and I can't quite come to a conclusion as to what Ikiryo is worth when killed in the Slaughter strategy... Halp plz?
  9. phenomenal painting. I love those counters. Someday, maybe I'll get around to making some of my own.
  10. I started with Lucius then bought Sonnia. I just recently got Hoffman. The thing I would say about Lucius with Sonnia is that you can have Sonnia as the master and basically just bring Lucius' box set as the crew giving you an awesome synergy side (from Lucius, who doesn't really need soul stones) while keeping the full power of Sonnia (who, as you know, loves to eat soul stones.) As much as I love Hoffman... and really, I am loving playing him, his box comes in at a whopping 17 stones. So, unless you plan on playing exclusively 25 stone games, you will be left wanting more, like a $30 Peacekeeper. (I assume Mrs. Breachbarfer wouldn't be too happy about that purchase *grins*) It is also important to note that while, yes, you can bring Samael and Witchling Stalkers with Hoffman, he gains no real benefit from it like he would bringing more constructs. All in all if you want to add new feel and new models I would say go for Lucius. If you think you can convince the Mrs. to allow a little more than a box set (or if one of your friends gets you a gift card for a present), get Hoffman. And either way... see if you can sneak a Watcher in there... because seriously, they are pretty nifty.
  11. I like your metals. The swords all came out awesome.
  12. I know! $10 at the LGS… $5.50 at the local hobby shop. I figure since the owner of the LGS knows me as "Malifaux Guy" I pay them enough to not feel too bad about about buying flock and tools elsewhere.
  13. The best option you have is educating your opponent. http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?29454-How-to-Beat-Hamelin-the-Plagued Magic pockets made a great thread a few weeks ago that is actually helpful. It may be worthwhile to show this to your friend and everyone you play against. Hamelin is beatable, he is just admittedly really hard to beat. My biggest complaint playing against him is the boring factor. It's not that I don't have fun if I lose... but if I lose, do nothing, and am not entertained... that isn't a good play experience. Most boring situation on the face of the earth? Rats vs. Executioner.
  14. Again, love the base! I am also fond of the paintjob on Ryle. He ended up becoming one of my favorite models while painting him (I hadn't really liked the sculpt previously) and I started picking up on all those little details.
  15. I was going to say, your choice to paint white... ballsy. I like it and it turned out much better than mine.
  16. I was just joking around. I actually got my pair for cheap, like 5 bucks as well. I'm the kind of person always looking for a deal. So when I see decent clippers on sale for $5, jeweler's files for $3.50, or painting palates for 99 cents... I jump on all those deals. I'm also the guy you see walking around every store for 2 hours looking at everything to see if there is anything good for modeling or painting. As much as I love my LGS sometimes it's worth it to go other places and take a peek.
  17. OR alternatively you could just buy a bunch of cheap-o sets! Then you would have tons of wire-cutters for cutting all sorts of stuff. Damage one? Grab the next!
  18. Happy to see more from you. Love the paintjobs! Love the old terrain! aSeamus looks quite fearsome.
  19. He either always does amazing or does next to nothing. I feel he has a tendency to become quite the target.
  20. Also makes a lot of sense. This is how my buddy argued it and played it.
  21. If the "steel music wire" you have is similar to guitar strings (All the wires I looked up to double check what you were talking about were similar) then, yes I have. Yes, it worked out pretty well. If I remember correctly the GF9 Heavy Cutters are just electricians snips. (Can't remember if my roommate had GF9 heavy or light cutters, but it could snip the ends off my guitar strings easliy.)
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