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Everything posted by Ausplosions

  1. What is a Side-to-Side, and what is a ripple?
  2. The model gets a slow to die action as a result of being killed. You should have got a stalker out of it.
  3. Except he can kill anything with one hit, and has the soulstones to be able to hit.
  4. Yeah, haven't done it, was more just curious.
  5. Can Levi use a corpse/scrap counter he carries for entropic transformation?
  6. Immune to influence. And shoot Hoffman with undead psychosis when he is not I2I. Getc a crow or two and stop those constructs from coming near.
  7. If I cast distract, and get a crow in the total, I can cause slow to two additional targets. Do the additional targets also get a resist? or just the original target? Same with seamus and undead psychosis. .
  8. Undead are immune to morale duels, not Wp duels.
  9. She actually works well off the board too. People will be hesitant to attack an easy to kill model for fear of her popping out. She is a fantastic psychological weapon.
  10. Alright, exactly as I thought. It's just worded differently everytime someone explains it.... At least I do know what I'm doing. :-P
  11. So, I'm in the market for a new crew. I have Seamus, McMourning, Nico and Hoffman with Nicodem being my main man. I want something different. Something with a few tricks I can pull, but I don't want the Dreamer (he's cool, but has alot of hate, and the cards are now out-of-date, and I don't want to carry around printouts of erratas and changes.) If possible (but not a huge concern) I also want a crew that is almost complete out of the starter box, but not the Ortegas, they are so boring!! I'm thinking: Kirai: I've got the rest of the Ressers, so why not round it out. She's quick, and plays completely different to the rest of the faction. But she is still Resserectionist. Leveticus: Again, alot of my current models can be used with him. He a has a completely different playstyle. And apparently he's a bit of a challenge to get to grips with. But is he still to similar to Ressers? Not sure if I should be going with more summon-style crews... Help!
  12. Everytime this gets posted I get more confused. So what does Immune to influence make a model immune to?
  13. This, absolutely positively this! We really need to get the book 1 model's cards/stats available somewhere. It shouldn't be up to players to lend Book 1 to people just to try and get them into the game...
  14. Can Hoffman Assimilate a trigger for a weapon he does not wield himself?
  15. Neither comes first. It's one or the other. A model cannot be killed AND sacrificed. If a seishin loses all it's wounds, it is killed, but it's card states that when it is killed it counts as being sacrificed. Sacrificed models don't make more seishin..
  16. So let's say I hire Joss for Hoffman, Hoffman overide edicts Joss before Joss has activated (getting a kind of companion) can Joss the use his ability to discard powers and then reactivate? Or by using OE, does that prevent a model from gaining reactivate even though it is its first activation? And on another note can Hoffman.(0) Linked In a model that has not activated yet, and then cast OE on it giving it reactivate. Both say 'Activate target model once this model's activation ends. And as I choose the order when things happen, can i choose to do the models normal activation first, and then the reactivate granted by OE?
  17. Was pleading more than berating. Apologies for any offense, none was intended.
  18. Except that when Seishin are killed, they count as sacrificed. So no.
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