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Hateful Darkblack

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Everything posted by Hateful Darkblack

  1. Shapeless gives you one extra (0) action, for a total of 2. Unlike (+1) Instinctual, you can use the same action twice. So, yeah, it's option 3 of your list.
  2. That would be Chris. He does that to all of us. They're separate, but as long as it's a game against a different faction, games can be reported to Dead Heat as usual.
  3. Awesome! This looks really nice! Cna't wait to see what it looks like when it's finished!
  4. Yes, yes it is! And it's fun so far. I missed the first Saturday, so I'm still catching up. But Malifaux Saturdays are always my favorite. Our Henchman is awesome. @pixelante, I apologize for my local gaming meta having the wrong kind of fun. We'll strive to be less worthless in your eyes in the future. @Ozz, thanks for the correction! I forgot about The Dreamer not hiring mercenaries! But, yeah, I think Gensuke626 has an alterate build there.
  5. Nice! But why Pandora? This seems like it would work even better for The Dreamer, since you end up with a bunch of Nightmares and can make up lost time with the Dreamers speed and burying tricks.
  6. Yeah, there are other reasons to kill models besides Slaughter and Kill Protege.
  7. My local gaming friends are running an achievement league now, and one of the achievements in it is to run a crew with models from all five factions. So, it's cool that it's possible to hire all five factions, even in a Scrap. I've been slogging through it in my mind, and figured I'd share what I found. Special tricks that some Masters can do: Hoffman can hire Arcanist Constructs, and Coppelius. Ramos can hire a few Guild Constructs. Marcus can hire Beasts from any faction. Zoraida can hire low-Wp models from any faction. All Neverborn can hire up to two Effigies. Leveticus can hire Undead and Constructs from any faction. Hamelin can hire Ht1 and Insignificant models from any faction. Special Tricks that most Masters can do: Performer and Mannequin: An Arcanist mercenary. Jack Daw + The Hanged: A mercenary that lets you hire a Resser model. Hamelin the Ratcatcher: A catchall. A mercenary that lets you hire a Ht 1 model from any faction through Growing Influence. This is very limited, though, since the model has to stay within 10" of Hamelin, so it's less preferable than other methods. The big problem is that there's no general trick to hire Guild or Neverborn models. You can hire one of them with Hamelin Ratcatcher, but you need some way to hire the other. On top of that, you can't generally hire Jack Daw, Hamelin Ratcatcher, and the Performer: only two of three. All that said, here are the leaders who can hire a five-faction Crew: C. Hoffman: Hire Jack Daw, The Hanged, Coppelius, and Joss. Other Guild Masters & Henchmen: Can't do it. Kirai: Hire Hamelin + a Watcher, a Performer & Mannequin, and Insidious Madness. Other Resser Masters & Henchmen: Can't do it. Ramos: Hire a Hunter, Jack Daw, The Hanged, Hamelin + Terror Tot. Marcus: Hire a Lawyer (or Guild Hound), Night Terrors, Silurids, and McTavish. Other Arcanist Masters & Henchmen: Can't do it. Zoraida: Hire a Brutal Effigy, Carrion Effigy, Arcane Effigy, and Hodgepodge Effigy. Collodi: Hire a Brutal Effigy, Carrion Effigy, Arcane Effigy, and Hodgepodge Effigy. Pandora: Hire a Brutal Effigy, Carrion Effigy, Performer + Mannequin, and Desperate Mercenary. Lilith: Hire a Brutal Effigy, Carrion Effigy, Performer + Mannequin, and Desperate Mercenary. The Dreamer: Hire a Brutal Effigy, Night Terror, Arcane Effigy, and Desperate Mercenary. (EDIT: The Dreamer can't hire Mercenaries. So hire Collodi, Hodgepodge Effigy, Brutal Effigy, Arcane Effigy, and Night Terrors.) Leveticus: Hire a Watcher, Canine Remains, Ice Gamin, and Wicked Doll. Hamelin: Hire a Guild Hound, Canine Remains, Hoarcat Pride, and Mysterious Effigy. Other Outcast Masters & Henchmen: Can't do it. That's 10 Masters and 1 Henchman who can do it. A little less than half. Am I missing anything?
  8. So, do you take a negative flip if there are some targets in cover?
  9. Twisted Metal, Thanks! Glad you like it! Hmm, good point on the Final Lunge. The main reason I was saying sacrificed is because I didn't want it to be able to make a Slow to Die Final Lunge after it dies from making a first Final Lunge. I hadn't realized that would make it Slaughter-proof. Any suggestions for changing that? Making Twitch-Spasm a spell may be a good idea. Let me think about that!
  10. Misaki has a spell that gives her a Blast on her Melee attack, but I think it's only during her turn.
  11. There are a few melee weapons that generate blasts, yeah. Hmm, if Self-Loathing can drop Blasts, that's pretty awesome.
  12. @Alex, Hmm. Yeah, I think it probably should be Insignificant, now that I think about it. @kannachan, Awesome! Please let me know how those go!
  13. This is cleared up a little in the recent rules clarifications. http://www.malifaux.com/Errata.php
  14. General tips against Pandora: Kill her Sorrows and Doppelganger. They are a lot more fragile than she is, and killing them knocks out a lot of Pandora's offensive potential. Use blasts or area affects to drop her. Zoraida-specific tips: Zoraida loves working with Collodi and it's a winning combination against anyone. Collodi's even faster than Pandora. Have Zoraida attack Pandora directly. Zoraida's got the best Wp in the game. If she manifests, she's not quite as high in WP, but she'll still win pretty often, and be able to kill Pandora with spells. Hire Misaki as a Mercenary. Misaki is great at killing Pandora with her blast melee attack. Zoraida loves to Conduit/Obey, which can help against Pandora.
  15. Yeah, this means that units with Leap are way way way fast.
  16. Either side can summon the Ronin. Most often, the only Master who can afford to do that kind of thing is Colette.
  17. The terrain I got arrived quickly and looks really nice!
  18. Note, though, that the enemy models just lost a Wp duel within 12" of her, though, if they fail the Resist, so enemy models still take 1 Wd each.
  19. As read by computer, this is accurate. I would be very surprised if any Judge in any tournament ever rules this way, even though it's technically correct. If someone did, I would love to hear about it, because it would be hilarious. I wish you luck in your desire never to have RAI arguments. I suspect you'll have difficulty with that, especially with this particular typo.
  20. The trigger doesn't stop it from blocking a Corpse Counter. If it was going to drop a Corpse Counter (not all living or Undead models do) it still will.
  21. After every game, I take some time ans ask myself: What things did I do well there, that I should do again next time? What things did I do wrong, and what could I do differently next time? Usually, if my opponent is willing and there's time, we spend about 10 minutes or so talking about these things. I've never played a game where I didn't learn something. Like Sandwich, I'd never played a mini game before Malifaux, and honestly I haven't had an interest in picking up any other games.
  22. Jswiers, I totally disagree with you. While Malifaux does deal in genre conventions, it deliberately breaks a lot of tropes. The stern judge and the scheming bureaucrat are generally male roles, but in Malifaux, they're Lady Justice and Sonnia Criid. Likewise the jaded mercenary, the rampaging barbarian warlord, the crusading reporter, and the gunslinger come to clean up town. One of the things that I love about Malifaux is that there are so many strong female characters. I don't see any reason why there couldn't be a female Resser master. A driven scientist would work. So would a Morticia Addams type of femme fatale. Or an elevated Bete Noire. Or a horrible vitrioleuse, which were popular in 19th century French urban legends.
  23. I dig it. The armor is awesomely disgusting. Love the fluff, and the crunch matches the fluff, which is great. The mechanic for switching between Corpse Counters and Body Parts seems useful in potential, but also very expensive as a (1) action. I'd suggest making it a (0) action instead. Is the Armor supposed to be ablative? You should probably note that the -1 Armor penalty is cumulative and lasts until the end of the encounter. Fleshwork Patching, also, should note that it lasts until the end of the counter. And, honestly, I think it should be a (1) Action. I think Macabre has a typo in it. "This model loses this ability if it does gain any armor from Fleshwork Padding." I assume that should be "does not gain" instead. Lastly, he's a surgeon -- shouldn't he have some way to give a Healing Flip? At 8 Soulstones cost, it doesn't seem unreasonable to give him McMourning's Master Surgeon ability.
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