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Hateful Darkblack

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Everything posted by Hateful Darkblack

  1. Skimmed the Minions and Peons, and they look good, but probably need a little editing for format. I'll continue to work on those.
  2. Went through and edited the Totems for format and clarity. Other than Little Lass and Voodoo Doll, which are empty, they all look really good.
  3. Oh yeah, I've had that happen a few times. Will someone do this for the Masters at least? (And 1.5 models that turned into Masters?) Put standard text on each, and a link to the M2E version? That's a lot of cut and paste work but it'd make the Wiki better.
  4. Looking through the Gremlins Henchmen. Wow, ragbanzo, you have been rocking it. Old Major: This has a solid summary of his abilities, but needs more advice on how to use him. Maybe mention The Old Pig Knows The Way in Mobility. What other movement tricks does he have? Also, talk about what he provides for a crew. Is he a must-take for Pig-intensive Crews? Is he ever useful in a Crew without other Pigs? The Leading a Crew, Building a Crew, and Strategies and Schemes could use more information. Also the Playing Against Old Major. Are there any power combos with Nudge 'Em On to give a really useful suit to another friendly model that are good enough to be worth calling out? Sammy LaCroix: Great summary of what she does, but more advice would be helpful! What Master Upgrades does she especially like for each Master? How often should she be using her Voodoo Pins, compared with Jynx? She seems like she's got a lot of tricks she can do in special situations (including a summon that kills enemy Scheme Markers), but what do you hire her for? Also, this could use Leading a Crew and Playing Against Sammy sections. Really love the parts where you talk about how she synergizes with each Master. Maybe turn that into a list? And does she ever lead her own Crew, or does the loss of Good Student Upgrades make her less valuable? Trixiebelle: I really like this article, and the way it talks about specific tricks you can use with her. Maybe mention how Ill Omens helps support Mah's Daily Chores? Also, still needs a Leading a Crew and Playing Against Trixiebelle sections.
  5. Okay, wrote McTavish. Would love if someone would take a look and edit or give feedback.
  6. She's a durable Summoner with team buffs and a decent melee attack! She's bad at Theoryfaux. So if you're playing Theoryfaux, don't hire her. But her Summoning ability is quite solid, especially in a Henchman-led game. Her melee attack is decent, and a little better if you take the Protect the Young Upgrade. The free Charges can be nice, since you're likely to hire a lot of Swampfiends. The nice thing is that Gupps are Significant Minions, which means that those extra Summons can mean VP for the right Strategies. She lacks healing and a ranged attack. Fortunately, she has some synergy with McTavish, who has a great ranged attack and is often really good for Neverborn Crews. For healing, you can add a Wicked Doll or two (which is nice because she can make attacks outside her Activation and use the buff Condition too) or Coppelius if you're playing Neverborn.
  7. That's a neat idea! Even more so if you put it in red and include a link to the new version. Mister Shine, what do you think?
  8. Hench. Lots and lots of sweet, sweet hench.
  9. Okay, Fingers looks really nice. I edited for structure and formatting and font and things, and added some more recommendations for how to use him. Also updated Francois with format, crew leadership, and some notes and editing. I'll do more as I go through them! (And add links, credit, and status to the first entry while I do.)
  10. (I'll actually provide more tracking and review soon. I just couldn't resist the quick summary.)
  11. Here's a thread to keep track of who's doing what with Gremlins non-Master models. This is connected to Let's Populate the M2E Wiki! So far, it has mostly been rgarbanzo doing everything with everything, because he's a rockstar. But here's some more info on the state of everything! Henchmen Fingers - good (rgarbanzo) Francois LaCroix - good (rgarbanzo) Mancha Roja - great (rgarbanzo) McTavish - good (Hateful Darkblack) Old Major - good (rgarbanzo) Sammy LaCroix - good (rgarbanzo) Trixiebelle - good (rgarbanzo) Totems Apprentice Wesley (The Brewmaster) - good (rgarbanzo) Lovely Assistant (Wong) - good (rgarbanzo) Old Cranky (Generic) - good (rgarbanzo) Penelope (Ulix) - good (rgarbanzo) Skeeter (Somer) - good (rgarbanzo) The Little Lass (Mah Tucket) - good (rgarbanzo) Voodoo Doll (Zoraida) - good (Hateful Darkblack) Young LaCroix (Ophelia) - good (rgarbanzo) Enforcers Lenny - good (rgarbanzo) Pere Ravage - good (rgarbanzo) Rami LaCroix - good (rgarbanzo) Raphael LaCroix - good (rgarbanzo) Whiskey Golem - good (rgarbanzo) Burt Jebsen - good (rgarbanzo) Gracie - good (rgarbanzo) Gremlin Taxidermist - good (rgarbanzo) Merris LaCroix - good (rgarbanzo) Minions Bayou Bushwackers - good (rgarbanzo) Bayou Gator - good (rgarbanzo) Bayou Gremlin - good (rgarbanzo) Hog Whisperer - good (rgarbanzo) Lightning Bugs - good (rgarbanzo) Lucky Effigy - good (rgarbanzo) Moon Shinobi - good (rgarbanzo) Piglet - good (rgarbanzo) Rooster Riders - good (rgarbanzo) Slop Hauler - good (rgarbanzo) The Sow - good (rgarbanzo) War Pig - good (rgarbanzo) Wild Boar - good (rgarbanzo) Peons Pigapult - good (rgarbanzo) Stuffed Piglets - good (rgarbanzo)
  12. He is a Henchman. In a Henchman game, he's surprisingly good! I usually play him slightly separate from the rest of the Crew: Huggy runs objectives as a super-tough flanker, which the rest of the crew (usually Betrayers, Illuminated, and Terror Tots) take a single key point with their toughness and pulls in enemy models as needed. Huggy leverages the Brilliance-spreading of the Illuminated and Beckoners when required, but mostly he can work on his own in that kind of game.
  13. Asyouwish78 runs these challenges, because she's awesome. They're on A Wyrd Place on Facebook. And they're monthly.
  14. Did a little proof reading. Fixed a few spelling and formatting things. Thanks for this excellent work! I'm definitely updating this to great!
  15. I've considered making an Arachnid-centered levi crew some time. You'd want a Mechanical Rider to get some summons in there.
  16. I'm pretty sure this means "GenCon."
  17. Leveticus usually hires lots of Constructs, either in his core crew or with Pariah of Iron.
  18. Also, woo! Thank you to rgarbanzo for the plug for this thread on Episode #6 of the excellent Growling Cow podcast! Go check it out if you aren't listening already! http://growlingcow.blogspot.com
  19. Huh! I mean, there's already Hamelin, which is SORTA a street urchin Crew. It would be pretty easy to add in a Henchman that could hire Lost models that piggybacked on that.
  20. Throwing in some silurid is great for a Neverborn Lynch crew. Or any crew that can hire them, really.
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