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Hateful Darkblack

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Everything posted by Hateful Darkblack

  1. The Coryphee's Dance Together ability notes that it can only be used if the Coryphee is in an Arcanist Crew. Yes, the Effigies are considered totally separate models. Collodi can hire multiples of them.
  2. Another resource recommendation: PullMyFinger has articles for The Dreamer and Collodi. 1. Which one is more newbie-friendly? Both are about medium newbie-friendly. I think Collodi gets a little more high-power the first time you play him because his scary triggers are pretty clear how to use. 2. Which one has more different play styles? The Dreamer has more options for play styles. Collodi is a controller, with some team-buffing and a little bit of summoning on the side. Dreamer is a lot of things depending on which Limited Upgrade you take and how you manage your Waking condition: he can be a massively top-notch summoner, or a melee beatstick, or a crew-buffer and enemy-debuffer, or even a decent ranged attacker. 3. Which one is in general considered to be stronger? This is in dispute. Personally I think Collodi is a little stronger, but a lot of really smart players seem to favor The Dreamer. 4. Are both of them playable out of the box? Mostly. The Dreamer will miss his Daydreams and things to Summon, but he's still playable. Collodi will do okay, but will benefit from a little more expansion. 5. What models do I need next for both boxes? Dreamer: Daydreams for sure. A few other Nightmares would be good: Stitched Together, maybe Widow Weaver, maybe Lelu and Lilitu, maybe a Teddy. Coppelius seems good too. Collodi: Some more Puppets. Stitched Together are great for him. Effigies, especially Arcane, Hodgepodge, and Brutal. A Coryphee is good. Widow Weaver is really great with Collodi (and if you take her, you may want to buy a Teddy for her to Summon). A proxy for Vasilisa would be nice (the model is not released yet as of July 2014, sadly.) Strong non-Puppet Minions are helpful too: The Illuminated or even some Silurid might be nice.
  3. I don't think "dibs" were ever a thing on a Wiki - the idea is that everyone can and should edit to improve the pages. Definitely please do work on Brutal Effigy! I'd love to see more about how to use him.
  4. Okay, I updated, finalized, and alphabetized the list. I'm sending it on out to Nathan now. Thanks everyone!
  5. There's still more to do! Right now, the Neverborn, Ressers, and Guild especially need models fleshed out and finished. All have had a lot of fantastic work and some great articles, but still have some models that aren't finished. The Outcasts, Gremlins, Ten Thunders, and Arcanists are basically complete, but if you have advice for using models more effectively, you should feel free to jump in and contribute to existing entries.
  6. My goodness! So much has been done in such little time. I'm amazed and grateful for all your work! Okay! Here's my list of contributors! If I missed you, or if you're multiple people on this list (because your name is differen ton the wiki and the forums or I made a mistake), please let me know! I intend to send this list to Wyrd staff in a day or two. Exceptional Contributors (my standard for this was people who did about half a faction on their own): Mister Shine (Colette, overall administration)BACMS (Hamelin, Ryle, Guardian, Hunter, Latigo Pistolero, Pale Rider, many Guild minions)CraigAFleming/Rythos42 (Kang, Rail Golem, Arcanists overall)Csonti (Von Schill, many Freikorps)Dirial (Lady Justice, Perdita, Sonnia, Guild overall)Entrepeninja (Hoffman, McMourning, many many Arcanists)Mindshred (Jack Daw, Lady Justice, many assorted Outcasts)PraetorDragon (Kirai, Yan Lo, Resurrectionists overall)Razhem (Misaki, many Ten Thunders, Ten Thunders overall)Rgarbanzo (Yan Lo, Brewmaster, Sensei Yu, everything Gremlins, promotion, commentary, much much more)Therat (Pandora, Neverborn overall)Contributors (contributed significantly to at least one article or provided other major support):96p (Strategies/Schemes)Adranphil (Marcus, many other edits)Archmage (Kaeris)Asyouwish78 (Perdita)Binkys/animatedslinky (Rasputina, Rail Golem)Brdparker (Ironsides, Nicodem, Strategies/Schemes)ClementWyrd (assorted editing, style, 1.5 link updates)Dero23 (Wong)Dgraz (Marcus)Docbungle (Mah Tucket)DocSchlock (Arcanists)Dracomax (Ramos)entropolous (McMourning)Ezyryder/Mr__Tom (Shenlong, Jakob Lynch, Zoraida)Fancyhat (Molly)Fenrisian (Yan Lo)Godlyness (Dreamer)Grandpapanurgl (Nicodem, Mortimer)hippodruid (Kaeris)Joel (Lilith, Pandora)Kriltic (McMourning)Lemonconstruct (Lucas McCabe, Ulix)Malal (Ophelia)MalifauxVE (Mysterious Effigy)Matney X (Mei Feng, Mercenaries)Minimumphase (Shenlong, Lucius, Dashel, Austringer, Rifleman, Warden)Mouseketeer (Viktoria of Ashes)moxypoo (Tara)nagash1956 (Ressers)necroon (Wicked Doll)nogoatsnoglory (The Brewmaster, Kirai)osoi (Strategies/Schemes)Panner_ (Perdita)Rameses (Nix)Rathnard (Silurid)scirian (The Stolen)Skedarman (Ten Thunders Minions)StuffedKiwi (Lelu, Lilitu)TerryTot (Ressers)Tjuk/Da Git (Witchling Handlers, many other Guild and Neverborn models)tunagami (Tara)Vaiuri (Sonnia, Witchling Stalker, Death Marshal, Sidir, Luna)zenrat (Arcanists)Zfiend (DayDream, Doppelganger, Lord Chompy)Thanks again to all of you! Yay!
  7. I just updated the missing sections from the Nothing Beast, and updated some notes on the Abomination. The Outcasts are now done-done! woo hoo!
  8. Updated to add the latest story. Each episode seems to involve William falling into the clutches of a new Faction. This time, he escapes from a Guild Warehouse and maybe builds a super-Coryphee or something!
  9. Oh, hey! Didn't realize I had another week! I figured I'd need to be done by the end of the month, so I just worked on it today. Just finished my entry here: Warehouse Inventory.
  10. 1161 words. All themes used: Metamorphosis (the Brass Herald), Courtesan, Music Box, Doorway, Quote ("That's why we never came back here!")
  11. A very incomplete list of a subsection of the contents of Guild Hazardous Materials Containment Facility K: 1. Me When the Death Marshall raid came, I stowed myself in the nearest crate while the chaos was happening. The crate was full of spare odds and ends, and plenty of packing material, and I hid at the bottom. I was drunk and panicked and they were rounding up and shooting everyone, so I stayed quiet and stayed put. The Death Marshalls seized everything, boxed it up, and put it into this warehouse to sort out later. I was pretty used to being used as cargo, so I didn’t move and just slept uncomfortably for hours or days, and I woke up in a crate and kicked my way out. 2. A useful assortment of lamps, nails, tools, crowbars, carts, and other warehouse tools The first things I found scavenging. The sorts of things the warehouse employees would need to do their job, and by wonderful coincidence the kinds of things I would need to rob the place. 3. A box of unsorted books labelled “For Incineration” I’m sure these were dangerous things - Resurrectionist tomes, political propaganda, recovered notes from Old Malifaux, the kinds of things the Guild liked to ban. I didn’t read them, though. When I crowbarred that crate open, I just started tearing out pages and eating them, I was so hungry. I think I got lucky and didn’t eat any books that would curse me just from touching the pages, but in that instant I would have eaten them anyway. 4. A very solid doorway This isn’t really part of a standard inventory of a warehouse, but it was the most important thing for me in that moment. That door was a very solid metal blast door. The Guild are smart at their jobs. They weren’t going to let out any of the terrible things they worked so hard to lock up. Which meant that unless I could think of a plan, and once my stomach was full enough that I could think straight I realized I had only one chance to get out, and that was held in the other boxes. 5. A box of unstable explosives The label on the crate said that the contents were “QUARANTINED FOR ERRATIC EMANATIONS”. I didn’t know whether that meant they were just bum explosives that would blow up at the wrong moment, or if they were cursed or something. Some dynamite would have been a great way to get out, if I knew how to use it safely, but this was not looking very promising at all. 6. The Courtesan She was beautiful, all tin and brass and gears and coils. She looked like an elegant dancer with an adoring kissy-face, and she was perched in a graceful pose up on her tippy-toes, arms upraised, standing on top of a big pedestal-sized music box. Now here was something that might be useful for an escape. A nice condemned construct. I wound up the music box, but all it did was play music. Unfortunately, I had no talent with clockworks, so I couldn’t fix her. And I certainly couldn’t stop the music that was playing. I started hurrying a little bit, worried the sound might attract guards. 7. A crate full of assorted musical instruments I grabbed a few of the smaller items that I thought I might be able to sell for a profit later. Didn’t see much else I could do. 8. A giant elephant’s skull, all pitch black, its eyes still glowing And there was nothing I could do with that but shiver and move on. 9. The Brass Herald The device I’d been hired by the Neverborn to protect, some long time ago. Hell, the device I’d been hired by someone claiming to be in the Guild to protect, even longer ago. A scholar had told me he’d extracted it from my dreams. I’d seen myself the way it forced the truth out of people. I’d seen the way everyone wanted it. And of course the Guild locked it up here. It was too dangerous. I was in a fever dream by then, and I forgot that I didn’t know how to work that kind of machinery. I started taking the Brass Herald apart piece by piece. Maybe I could fix it. Or take it home. 10. Assorted gears, crankshafts, parts, and mechanisms In a boxed labelled CONFISCATED. I began grabbing pieces of the Brass Herald and putting them together. Connecting them up in new ways. Attaching them to that beautiful Clockwork Courtesan. Was it a trick of the dim flickering lamplight, or were they fusing it together? Were my hands the agents of some higher power, guiding my way without bothering to instruct me? It wouldn’t have been the first time. 11. A box of soulstones labelled “SOULSTONES, CORRUPTED” One for love and two for fortune, three for hope and four for revenge. Sing-song instructions were bubbling up in my mind to the tune of the music box as I scavenged parts and haphazardly joined it all together. The Courtesan grew part by part, fusing with the soulstones and the clockwork pieces. It took hours or days, I don’t know. Nothing I was doing made any sense. Everything I was doing made all the sense in the world. I was building a Companion. I was building a Promise to get me out of this prison. I was building The Brass Herald into her metamorphosis. I was establishing a getaway. I was lost in the throes of madness. 12. A curved blade with a warning “DO NOT TOUCH — AETHER DECAY” When the Courtesan Herald was completed, I handed her the sword. She was nine feet tall by then, her limbs misshapen and powerful. Her Soulstone eyes glowed to life. 13. Not me. Not any more. I was lucky: she decided not to kill me. I was loyal: I guided her by lantern to the door and she smashed it without effort. I was careless: I had not considered what I would do about the guards once we got out. I was alert: I picked off a few with my trusty Collier pistol as I followed the Courtesan Herald down the hallways. I was insignificant: If she knew I was there, she never recognized me. I was immune: Whatever madness she projected from her strange brass body wasn’t affecting me. I was desperate: I followed her path of bloodshed and destruction. And I was clever: I threw a spare lit lantern onto the explosives as we were running away. I was free: we walked out to safety and into the cool night, somewhere deep in the Quarantine Zone of Malifaux City itself. And now, I was hunted. I'd just built something horrible, attacked a dangerous facility, damaged Guild property, destroyed buildings, and made myself a fugitive. That’s why we never came back here!
  12. Mindshred, you are rockin' the Outcasts! We may well be able to have them finished today!
  13. TedPro and Hateful Darkblack are the same person, and that person is very grateful for your help Rythos42!
  14. One thing I like about Malifaux is that every Crew has stuff they do that seems so broken you feel like you're cheating when you're doing it, and your opponent needs to check your cards to confirm that it really works that way. Getting your Master Alpha'd seems like it'd be pretty painful. I have no idea if it's too overwhelming. Plenty of Masters can kill another Master in a single turn if they're in position. How much worse is it to take over your opponent's Master for one Activation, with a full turn of setup?
  15. Things I dread when I'm playing Hamelin: Condition removal (Witchling Stalker, Johan, even Monk of Low River.) Mass attacks (Blasts and pulses) Counterspells (Sonnia will do a number on me) Models with really high Wp
  16. What makes you think I would hog them all to myself?
  17. I think it would be totally cheap and inappropriate for me to continue posting here, just to increase my "Like" count.
  18. Yeah, I noticed this! You can if you kill them and then use Breath of Fire.
  19. The guy who got me into Malifaux in the first place (my awesome friend R) is one of these folks. I ran a demo game of M2E with him a few months ago and his response was "I don't think I want to relearn the system again." It's legit! But M2E seems to be picking up a lot of new players and now that I know it, I vastly prefer it.
  20. Shadowy is guaranteed Plant Explosives. Good for other Schemes too. What he does translates directly to VP. I love that weird little guy.
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