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Everything posted by LupusFerreus

  1. Mc Hammish? I know McCabe is, not sure about the first though
  2. The New Gaining Grounds Pack isn't out yet but they basically give cumulative VP instead of end game VP. So if you want to hold things then Yin can provide that security.
  3. Should be very good for the new strategies which require longer protection of objectives.
  4. Okay, now I definitely have to get him.
  5. My current "dream" and competitive Master is in fact Perdita. What makes Hoffman so fun for you and why should people taking him for competitive play?
  6. Just because I'm bored and seeing if I can remember correctly: Perdita is two (body and hat), Santiago is two (body and one arm), Francisco is one, totem is one, don't know papa loco, Nino I can't remember because it was so long ago but I can imagine the gun being needed to be glued on.
  7. Urge to buy Hoffman...rising...
  8. Thanks, it's from a DeviantArt image I found. The artist has several Malifaux artwork. http://anako-art.deviantart.com/art/Perdita-sketch-comm-347280710

  9. I see, that's really helpful. Would you rather just summon one Shikome? It seems very intensive, even competitively. I should think Jaakuna is also good and requires less. As for having two, how good would it be to start with one and summon the other?
  10. Dammit this thread revival has made me want her revision so bad...
  11. Thanks, that's much appreciated. That scenario looks interesting. Nice to have a bit of a change.
  12. No worries, it's a different comp to most I know of.
  13. Just paint it like Rudolph and you'll be fine! I know I haven't paid yet (end of this week, I'm getting paid) but I'd like to formally declare my selections. Faction: Guild Starter box: The Ortegas (Perdita, Santiago, Francisco, Niño - no Papa as I didn't buy the box so I don't own the model) Totem: Enslaved Nephilim Additional box: The Guardian Also, my name is Will. I will be wearing a Sombrero at the event.
  14. The "pool" consists of the starter box, totem, extra box (+ 1 summon type if applicable). Not as many duplicates of the starter box as you want. If what's in your box are summons, that's ok, but you can't take loads more Ice Gamin for instance. Otherwise Kirai players wouldnt be needing to take another box of Seishin if they want to start with more than one.
  15. Unless you can summon I believe you are limited to the box.
  16. You are correct. Enemy models need to be inside the area to be affected.
  17. With Slaughter, I worry about summoning minions as every model I summon is potential VP for my opponent. Essentially it's "hey, here's some more points you can have!" How do you keep track of all the points? I'm sure I'll be more confident when I have other Resser masters for strategy options, existing on just Kirai seems to put me at a disadvantage, competitively speaking, as good as Kirai is.
  18. Well for Reconnoiter, I may not have the physical models, money and all that. Otherwise, just think it puts too much a strain on her Wds. Maybe take Dead Rider and Night Terrors? Contain Power is kill the enemy master, preferably (for VPs) with your own.
  19. Okay, so I'm taking Kirai to tournaments later this year and I know that it's very likely the following Strategies will come up: Contain Power Reconnoiter Slaughter I know Kirai is considered a "top tier" master, but I really see these as big weaknesses for her. Insignificant models, Kirai needing to kill stuff, and how shared slaughter works doesn't it suck for her to lose models all the time? Is there a way for her to win or at least not lose so badly at these strategies? I know I'm a new player but all I can think of is not summoning models for points denial.
  20. What about in terms of Slaughter/Contain Power scenario? The latter must be quite hard with Viks + Von Schill.
  21. I think somewhere else in this thread, Clousseau nicely said that Masters can use any totem as long as it is in the same faction and assumingly, if they can take it normally. e.g. Lilith can take Primordial Magic as well as Cherub, but not Poltergeist (can't have it anyway) or Student of Conflict (different faction). Hope this helps.
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