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Everything posted by Chrisgossett

  1. is anyone taking any upgrades on this guy other then the one to give him fast ?
  2. I have been thinking about running him, but I'm just not sure how to fit him into the crew most the time, could you give an example of the list you are running him with. thanks
  3. Thanks for the info, that is exactly what i was thinking, run Somer, lenny, 2-3 slop haulers and then nothing but normal gremlins, its just very different from playing most the arcanist masters.
  4. Hello all Gremlin players, I am an arcanist player and own pretty much the entire faction. I have always loved Somer for the simple fact that making your opponent discard their entire hand is just mischievous. I have two (2) requests. 1. can anyone list any changes to the gremlins in general since latest beta 2. anyone with experience putting Somer on the board in 2.0 could you please enlightened me as to how he is performing and if he still maintains that great fun but can still be competitive and not just wiped off the board by something like Lilith. Thanks !
  5. I agree about kaeris and 2.0 but just think she will be a stand alone master now and that will be exciting
  6. Grow list take time, complete your objectives and secure points then who cares if you get tabled by turn 6
  7. if kaeris is the only souce of burning counters the student is needed if she is not then the 4 points could be useful other places depending on strat scheme and crew
  8. the special forces was somthing i overlooked good catch on that, i agree the sure manifest is nice i honestly posted this because it seemed like no one had brought it up. thanks for the feedback so far
  9. Hello All, I have been following some of the Ramos threads and play Marcus but have been considering picking up a Ramos Crew. It is currently the general view that in order to run Avatar Ramos most people will take the Mobile Toolkit and Rusty Alice. I have been considering this, and have been thinking that the Mobile Toolkit should not be necessarily, I understand the draw to it with the auto tomb to summon but taking into consideration the two extra cards from Rusty Alice the extra card from the Arcane Effigy and the additional cast the need for the tomb should not be there. so some basic math; I am doing this in my head so forgive me if there are a few basic mistakes and it is not a complete formula. There are 8 cards in your deck that can cast your summon spells, you are statistically going to draw a minimum of one in your starting hand of 9 cards and have a decent chance of drawing two. that being said lets not forget the flip to try to cast the spell, you have up to 4 chances to cast electrical creation, your 2ap casting expert then the effigy casting ap. that's 4 more chances to grab a tomb if you do then you also trigger surge netting yet another card you can also use the tomb you started with in your hand to surge early if needed. that is a total of 14 cards that you see out of your deck to grab only two of those needed 8 cards. so this post feels a bit like I am rambling, but that's it in a nut shell and the bonus is after you manifest you will have the Effigy extra casting with avatar Ramos and you wont be spending points on models that you are going to kill on purpose.
  10. Either way we need an official answer, because this is such a big difference 3 damage verse 6 damage, that it could be game changing in some cases. The longer it takes to get an official answer the more frustrated people are going to get. Its a simple enough situation, plain and simple. Will each marker trigger separate when a models base touches more then one marker?
  11. Hello Team Marcus, I have been using this thread for sometime now to grab pieces of information play test and theory craft with a few of my friends, and it has been very helpful. While I am still loyal to Marcus I think the overall goal is to be strong as a faction, for tournaments etc... I propose that a "team (insert Arcanist Master Name) thread" be created for each Arcanist Master as there is a serious lack of theory crafting activity out there for our faction's other masters. I do not have to much personal experience with the other masters so I was hoping one of Team Marcus player's will have some insight on these masters. I was simply going to get the ball rolling by creating a team thread for some of them. I wanted to ask permission to do this from the community because Team Marcus is more then one person. =) Thanks
  12. Hello Fellow Marcus players, I have been strolling the forums for a long time now and just did not ever bother registering and posting. The only master I own. I would like to join Team Marcus and would like # 132 if possible. Side Note: I actually looked at the T shirts, and would considering buying one if they had a bit more to them. It should be a normal T with Marcus or Arcanists printed on the front small where a just above where a pocket would be, and on the back it should say Team Marcus like a jersey would across the shoulders then your number below that. well that’s just my two cents. if it comes to pass i may buy one if not i will probably make my own
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