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Everything posted by Wurmwood

  1. I bought the multiplayer box and three boosters and was able to sell/trade everything I didn't want either locally or (mostly) right here in these forums. Wasn't that difficult. (Although I was bummed I didn't end up with a Teddy....)
  2. Usually King Crimson or Porcupine Tree. Sometimes Patriots Football Weekly's podcast or a Malifaux podcast (e.g. Aethervox, sometimes Gamer's Lounge).
  3. Not much I can add beyond what's already been said, but this is an absolutely beautiful model. Thanks for sharing it with us. It definitely got my brain percolating with ideas for my own future LCB/Dreamer.
  4. Really nice stuff, Ratty. I love the stitching and seams on your piglet. I'm getting thoroughly unsatisfied with my own Puppets now. :happypuppet1
  5. Not only did I sleep, but was then afflicted with acute laziness. Stitches will have to wait until tomorrow....
  6. Nicely done. :happypuppet2 I'm very curious how the Widow will look painted up. I like the idea of the spider legs peeking up from under her skirt rather than a big spider-centaur body.
  7. After some reflection I agree with you. I'm going to do the stitching and the string tying the tops of the Sorrows heads (after I get home from work and sleep today).
  8. I'm debating whether or not I should go back through and pick out all the stitching in a lighter color.
  9. Here's my first set of Wicked Dolls for my Collodi crew. I just need to make their cobblestone bases now to match Collodi and the Marionettes. Not my best work, but I didn't want to spend a TON of time on them.... [EDIT: Finished Dolls]:
  10. I just did up custom cards the other day for my Puppet Wars versions of Wicked Dolls and was pleasantly surprised how easy it was. I used Gimp 2 to modify the template.
  11. That's why I included the Card Creator link. :happypuppet1
  12. You can always print out larger versions of the cards from: http://www.wyrd-games.net/StatCards/Guildv2.pdf http://www.wyrd-games.net/StatCards/Resurrectionistsv2.pdf http://www.wyrd-games.net/StatCards/Arcanistsv2.pdf http://www.wyrd-games.net/StatCards/Neverbornv2.pdf http://www.wyrd-games.net/StatCards/Outcastsv2.pdf Or easily make up your own with: http://malifaux.nezumi.me.uk/Downloads/CardCreator.zip if the model you want isn't at the above links.
  13. Did I miss the results? (c'mon Dreamer/LCB!)
  14. This immediately came to my mind too.
  15. Could we get an official ruling regarding using Puppet Wars models as Wicked Dolls in an Official Tournament (assuming you aren't already using other Puppet Wars models as their equivalent Malifaux models in your crew). I know a lot of us have chimed in our thoughts on this in the past, but I'd love an official ruling on it. Thanks
  16. Very nice. :happypuppet2 Wish I could blend like that....
  17. Glad to hear they arrived safe and sound. I'm surprised they took so long to reach you, J4CK!
  18. Thanks for all the kind words. I'm glad people are liking him as much as I did. Anyone else that's doing/done the conversion, please feel free to throw up your pics of old "Long-fingers".
  19. Ok, all finished. Here he is with his Marionettes:
  20. I think I'm going to have his eyes glow green with a bit of source lighting from them. Thanks for the comments. :happypuppet2 [edit: abandoned the glowing eyes idea - didn't like the look]
  21. Hehe, no problem. :happypuppet1
  22. Nicely done, AntiZombie. :happypuppet2
  23. Yes, I drilled straight through the cuff, so the pin goes from the hand, through the cuff and into the arm. Just have to green stuff the edges a little now.
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