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Everything posted by HaggisMcMutton

  1. I'm liking those sucker punch girls. As alternative Ronin I personally think they would look great! SweetPea could maybe be an alternative 'pistol Vik', and Amber and Blondie maybe could be alt. convict gunslingers.
  2. Heh, myself and Twisted metal were there playing next to ya when this happened. Your opponent was like, 'ok mcmourning, Pandora gave you self loathing, slice your self while avoiding any vital organs, then the piece you cut off your body, slap that goop back on to heal yourself.'
  3. This, plus the Watcher. ( 3 SS). A significant model, that can fly 6 inches is very valuable for the guild that is in general quite slow. A 3 SS model that can fly around grabbing objectives for the Guild, can shoot at a target and remove cover or terrifying, or deck manipulation in the form of the forewarned action (which is my favorite part of the model)
  4. I have both Hoffman and Lucius, and I started Malifaux with the Sonnia Box set. IMHO, both sets are decent, but I would recommend getting Hoffman's box set over Lucius's box set. The hunter is an ok model, but the guardian and the watcher are definitely worth getting. The guardian can work well with sonnia's box set. The guardian can protect sonnia or my boy, Sam Hopkins, who are both two fairly squishy models. The watcher, well, is a freakin amazing model. The watcher is a 3 SS model that has a 6 inch move and is significant. A speedy model that can fly around grabbing objectives is uncommon for guild models. It can also do some deck manipulation or shoot at enemy models to remove their cover or terrifying, setting it up nicely for your other models to shoot. For me personally, it is as close to an 'auto-include' model as it gets for me. Hoffman's box set by itself is 17 (?) Soul Stones. C. Hoffman is a good master, also. Lucius is a henchman, I personally find him weak as a master, maybe even the weakest of the henchman as masters. Lucius as a minion as a nice ability to slingshot a model forward, and he seems to work well with Lady Justice because of this. He is not really made to fight himself, but to order others to fight. He issues orders to friendly guardsman models to either move or make a strike. One of his zero actions is an aura that gives +2 CB to friendly guardsman models. His box set all can work with him, but I find it to be extremely weak. Guild guards work better in numbers, and the box set only comes with one. (altho if you want the female sculpt of the guild guard , the boxset is the only way to get it.) The captain works best with multiple guild guard. Ryle is decent, some seem to swear by him, I'm personally lukewarm about him. I don't have the lawyer, so I can't speak for him. So my personal opinion is that Hoffman's boxset is a better option, and works better with Sonnia's boxset. Even if you later expand with Lady Justice's boxset or Perdita's boxset, I still say Hoffman's boxset would work better with them over using Lucius's boxset with them.
  5. good video, crazycarl! Neat to see this kirai v collette matchup played by two local pros.
  6. Good reports, crazycarl! I'll have to use a painted army next time, next to your painted guys and the good looking terrain, my unpainted collette looks poor. I'm giving a shout out to my fellow BC Adeptus gamers, what's up, fools? We mostly hang out at Jupiter Games in Vestal, NY if anyone out there is interested.
  7. First off, I think Malifaux is a great game, and I dont really 'hate' anything about it, just somethings annoy me. I respectfully disagree with those that dont like how the negative flips and the jokers are handled, i think it leads to unpredicability and excitement that you can't get by rolling a d6. In general, Neverborn annoy me. Most of their stuff is overpowered, although i wouldn't say it's somehow broken. Especially when learning the game, their tricks seem dirty, compared to someone playing a more striaghtforward crew, like from the Guild, the Viks, and Von Shill. Iv'e seen people use every dirty neverborn trick in the book, this side of the 'filth list' against a new player who's playing his 1st or 2nd game. In part it seems like the 'screw having fun i wanna win at all costs so I can stroke my fragile ego' players tend to lean towards playing Neverborn because it is a top tier faction (whether or not neverborn being 'broken' or superpowerful is real or just percieved to be). Regardless of the type of player who is playing Neverborn, IMHO alot of the times it is not fun to play against, independant of who wins. Maybe this is more of a criticism of certain types of players over criticism of the game itself, but 2 main things drew me away from warhammer 40k and towards this crazy new game called Malifaux. One being that it seemedlike a totally different play style (with cards instead of dice) then 40k, and also that it seemed more like a 'beer and pretzels' game where you can be competitive but its still fun. Opposed to 40k, where it devolves into more of a WAAC (win at all costs) type of game. A great thing about Malifaux over, say 40k, is that it has a lower barrier to entry, both in cost and in the basic rules. And although it can be nice to have a rules Marshall who pays attention to the Malifaux community and can quickly respond to rules questions, (unlike in 40k were Games Workshop *might* release a FAQ in say, oh i dunno maybe the next few years) I agree with you guys that it can be a bit chaotic to find out what exactly the official ruling is. Lelu/lelitu and the stitched annoy me lol, again I personally don't enjoy playing against them. I always like to mix it up and play a different list everytime/almost everytime, But its just too predictable to see overpowered models like Lelu and Lelitu being used every single time. Which one is it, the Stitched?, that can deny your opponent kill points towards the slaughter Strategy? Yeah, running 2 of them, thus denying your opponent even the opportunity to kill them so he can add them to his killed total is unfair. (This has NOT happened to me personally). Book 2 in general seems overpowered in comparason to book 1, but so far it looks to me like book 3 is on par. In conclusion, Malifaux still is kickass!
  8. Iv'e done a casual 2v2 game a while back, lots of fun. It was my viks teamed with LCB/Dreamer versus Levi and Mcmorning. We did shared strategy for everyone to keep it simple, and every player had his own schemes. Everyone could pick whatever master they wanted for a 35 SS per player game, but like I said it was a just for fun causual game so the 4 of us were not interested in creating nasty combos between Masters. Every player had their own turn, SS cache, and hand. We did a four-way initiate flip, and that order determined each individual's turn order. I believe we treated our allied player's models as 'friendly' models. We all knew our crews and the rules so everything went at a good pace, it wasnt like 'ok i did my activation, now I'll take a nap till next turn'. It worked well for a causual game with 4 like minded players who are more interested in having a challenging but fair and fun match, then winning at all costs or trying to go for some nasty beat-face combo. In tournaments where it is obviously more competitive, it's like Nilus said, watch out for the nasty cross-faction combos that Wyrd might not have intended for.
  9. whatever it turns out to be, im sure tuesday will make it awesome!
  10. I concur, more Sonnia being mean in that cute adorable way!
  11. pretty please, more malidoodles!
  12. your drawings are amazing! Have my babies! More Malidoodles!
  13. I'm fairly new when it comes to Lady J's box set, but when I play Perdita or Sonnia, i do think taking Nino, the executioner, and the Guild Austringer are solid additions. Nino's long range shooting plus his spell adding +2 to his cb, making his gun have 9cb is awesome. The executioner can be a bit squishy with his df of only 3, but he can dish out the hurt quite well. His last rites action works great for me when playing against ressers. The Austringer gives ya a raptor that ignores cover and LOS at a 12 inch range or a 18 inch range for 2 action points. Theres no hiding from this guy!
  14. Yes! Some respect for my boy Sam! I think he's an awesome model with his hat, a pistol in one hand, and a bear trap in the other! In my local gaming area I think he's underrated by the other players, but always seem to leave impressed when he shoots them up with his flaming bullets. Basically I like taking advantage of the fact that he's underrated. He's fun to play with too. But yeah to repeat what you guys have said already, he can be a bit squishy, keep him back a bit.
  15. I'm currently building a Vik's crew with 3 ronin and misaki. Been reading this thread and thanks for you guys posting all the advice!
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