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Iron Heel

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Everything posted by Iron Heel

  1. One already closed on 8/22 for $102. In some cases it can be cheaper for folks in some parts of the world to take the eBay mark up but get cheaper shipping options in the mix. Nightmare Tara will probably be a good seller as it will be a long time before regular tara comes out. When is she slated for release?
  2. Yes. Honestly, I'd be fine dropping $10 for a pdf of the full card set for wave 1. I get the cards I want (albeit not as nicely printed) and Wyrd gets some $ for compiling the files for me to download. Win-win!
  3. As others have said, using the terms Rock/Paper/Scissors puts very specific ideas in folks heads...and they don't seem to match what you are talking about. Calling your categories Tank/Control/Kill would let folks just read what you mean without getting twisted about one trumping the other.
  4. Perhaps for those who engaged in that discussion in the Beta. However, this is going to be one of those things that recurs as it becomes resonant for others. Expect to see this discussion opened again in a new thread 4-6 weeks from now by a person not on this thread. So if card selling was part of Wyrd's sales plan and needed to build capital, spur growth, support expansion, etc. okay. However, I was under the impression that the Arsenal decks are basically sold at cost to help get M2E up and running for everyone. If that is the case...why not just post the cards in pdf form online like those in the Beta? Give players the option: 1. Buy cards decks that you want which are a wash for Wyrd $-wise. OR 2. Download pdfs and print your own accurate and up-to-date cards. Having both of these options lets players get the cards they want in a format of their choosing while (seemingly) not having and negative financial impact on Wyrd. Actually, I would think having all the "real" cards online would spur more folks into the game. I've found that a good game will attract players in as much as they are aware of how good it is. Wyrd made the rules available online long ago. I looked over them and watched that really detailed Aussie tutorial video on Youtube before making any Malifaux purchases. If anything, getting to see the cards might have gotten me buying stuff sooner as I would be able to better gauge what I wanted to buy/play.
  5. I'd forgotten about the upgrades issue. Still another reason to offer singles as my Tara set just rose from $80 to $96 because of that. I wouldn't harp on this so much except that they were able to do it for 1.0-1.5 and I was really impressed with that service to the Mailfaux community. I've got a couple problems with the secondary card market: 1. It is a PitA and may entail waiting quite a while for the full # of cards you need. 2. There are cards that will be much more "needed" and thus harder to come by. How many people will only need the beckoners from the NB deck?
  6. At the face of it, the Arsenal boxes don't look like too bad of a deal: $8 for wave one of a faction...okay. That is great and all as long as you focus your playing on a caster like LJ or Seamus...but Malifaux has many other masters for whom "faction" is less meaningful. This comes into play with dual faction masters. I have Lynch and fluffy support models from Gencon 2012. In order to play the full fluffy crew I would need to get Wave 1 Arsenal boxes for NB and TT...and then perhaps each of those for Wave 2 depending on where folks primary faction resides. That is $32 to play the fluffy crew. Think of Levi or Marcus who can build crews around figure categories other than "faction" (like Beast, Undead, Construct, and so on). Now think about Levi, Marcus, or some such complete faction-ignorer...you may end up needing to buy almost every faction deck! As someone who was building up the models to run a Levi crew for M2E, I am not too pleased about this. I ended up with a few models from Guild, Outcasts, Archanists, & Rezzers (not all represented in Wave 1). I may end up needing to buy $64 of card boxes between wave 1 & 2 just to play the model I have for this one crew! Wyrd...Please offer singles through your site again. :Stuck_Puppet:
  7. He's a complicated man; no one understands him but his...ummm...dead hooker?
  8. Hmmmm...I did orders 16881 and 16888 and haven't heard a thing...CUTTER!
  9. Very impressive. These are quite lovely.
  10. I've worked on many a metal figure with areas of pitting where it should be smooth. Not seen any such things in Wyrd plastics.
  11. Hi, I imagine this was covered somewhere else, but I missed the memo. Are dual faction cards showing up in both faction decks? (i.e. Dark Debts cards will be in TT and NB decks.)
  12. Order #16069 (book & Tara); shipped on Friday. Ordered 08-15-2013 in the early AM FedEx says I'll get it in CA on Thursday. (I've always found USPS a little quicker for non-special domestic mailings...at least it is not UPS, I've gotten two non-Wyrd gaming orders through them that were all beaten up by the time they arrived.)
  13. Perhaps Phillip becomes the Molly-specific totem in the horrors crew boxed set!
  14. I think they fall into one of two classification: 1. "Tyrant" Subcategories include: 1a. "Frustrated While Remaining Patient Tyrant" 2a. "Really Frustrated Because You Blew Your Wad and Didn't Manifest Tyrant" 2. "Fu***d" Subcategories include: 2a. "Indigenous Fu***d" 2b. "Immigrant Fu***d")
  15. I love the "Phillip T in a baby carriage" idea...It would push me into picking up a new faction!
  16. This is a really exciting prospect! I've not looked at any of the D&D wikis, but I think the big SoI&F (GoT) wiki is a nice model. Having a page with a timeline would be cool as the storyline thus far lends itself well to that.
  17. Iron Heel


    I am very curious to see what they did with him and was surprised that they pulled him. It makes me wonder if they decided to go a very different direction with him as I felt his last Beta incarnation was much smoother than earlier on.
  18. I am glad that M2E seems to have really taken off. Regarding Wyrd's success, this is the 2nd year that I've ordered $300+ of stuff during Gencon, so I guess their marketing must be on the mark...I don't think I've ever spent more than $100 at a time on any other game.
  19. I did up an order for the book and Tara set and was disappointed with that price, so I tried swapping out the book for DMs to hit the $100 mark...the shipping cost was nearly the same. FedEx sucks for consumers, but I am sure that the folks at Wyrd are happy to have FedEx do the pick ups directly from their warehouse.
  20. I prefer plastics for the reasons noted + I can work in the house without getting metal shavings all over the place. I would love for Wyrd to start adding move freebee bits on their sprues as there not been much of that thus far. I've only picked up a couple resin figures and they are fabluous, not economical for a whole crew though.
  21. So will we be looking at an avatar for each master in M2E including those newly promoted?
  22. Yes indeed. Especially if you do a poigniant scene like Zephyr's family reunion in Book 3 or something using the hanging tree.
  23. Thanks Ratty. I always figured it was done in the hopes of spreading out the figures and diminish speculation. I assime that they never put out a statement justifying it because that opens the door to more direct criticsm.
  24. It appears that Wyrd and USPS already did a collaboration...
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