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Everything posted by IceColdFork

  1. Very cool....like your choice of colors
  2. I paint about as quick as molasses so I started using a wet palette about a year ago and never looked back. My paints would always dry out on me and when trying to re-blend a color I could never it get it exactly the same. Now if I know I am going to need a lot of a color I can just mix up a large batch and keep it for days with out drying up. I built my wet palette a bit differently then the ones I have seen on this thread. First I used an old 16oz yogurt tub for my water container. I would suggest to use something with a lid to hold in the moisture. Second I bought a pack of sponges and cut one up to fit in the bottom of my yogurt tub. Finally I put enough water into the tub so that the sponge is fully saturated and slap down some parchment paper and call it a day.
  3. Aahhh thought they looked familiar I will have to go dig though my old clicks to see if I have anything similar....was looking at the "cinematic effects" over at http://www.armorcast.com/ but nothing has really grabbed me yet...perhaps the plasma blasts...we will see
  4. Hehe I love it...I just started playing and it looks better then my popsicle stick barricades and cardboard ovals with "forest" written on them. Now that I think about it for a min Duplo blocks might be a good way to teach a new player (like myself) the height rules...one block high=one ht...this would be an easy way to show it on the table.
  5. Hehe very nice Lobo!....the glowing ice pillars are especially cool! I am thinking using some kind of spell effect on my gamin similar to what you have on your Rasputina model....what did you use for the ice spell effect?
  6. I just ordered the Rasputina box at my local gaming store as my first crew as I learn to play Malifaux. I have been looking at pictures of the ice gamin that come in the box and I'm a bit puzzled as to what they are suppose to be doing. The one with his hands at his sides looks fine but the other two with their arms up look strange to me. Maybe they are supposed to be casting their icy blast spell? or dancing some kind of gamin jig? I can't figure it out.....any one seen any cool conversions on these guys?
  7. I have to agree, your Seamus looks quite splendid in his white hat.
  8. Very nice......your Sybelle gives me the heebee jeebees.
  9. Very nice so far. Looking forward to seeing ol' Squid-face McGillicutty when its all finished.
  10. Hello, I have been listening to The Gamers Lounge podcast talk about Malifaux for a few months now and finally decided to bite the bullet and jump in. I picked up the rules manual today and ordered the Rasputina box and a fate deck. I will probably also order another box soon so I can teach my friends the game...maybe Lilith?...I am going to try to get some people interested down at my local gaming store but if any one knows of a Malifaux scene in the P.A./N.J. area please let me know. Thanks a bunch. P.S. I will try and post up some picks of my crew when I get a brush on'em.
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