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Da Git

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Everything posted by Da Git

  1. In the middle of a game & search fu is off... if you add a second card to a duel is it bound by the same modifiers as the starting flip? So soulstoning a focused strike would give the soulstone flip a as well?? or soulstoneing a shot into cover would give the soulstone flip a as well?? Cheers!
  2. This sounds really good! I can't find any fault in your logic. If you don't have the Bro then it can leave her open for an activation, but with good use of "you're mine", she should be able to mimise return harm (aside from her being hardcore in general). You could also bring in the Oiran to help isolate models.
  3. I've also been playing her pretty much exclusively for a while now. I have found that there are a few sneaky tricks to making her hard to touch... some of which have been mentioned above. From blatent to ninja-like. 1. Her defence is pretty amazing, cheat in a high card or soulstone and not much will get through it. Also allows to disengage easier. 2. Bring her in with her crew and kill everyone! You can companion her with Yamziko & Shang for a decent alpha strike. 3. Toraswap. I also don't like this one so much as anything that can deal with Misaki can almost certanly deal with Torakage, still better him than her! 4. Oiran can lure her out. 5. Good use of "Your Mine". As said above giving other people to hit compined with good Df is a winner! Just make sure you remember it!! Does this last till the closing phase? If so, you may need to activate early to bring it back up. 6. Possibly the sneakiest, have Shang magical extention her "clear off*" spell on Misaki's opponent, then choose to fail Misaki's Rst and push 3' away (hopefully out of combat & forcing them to waste an AP. Can be used as part of the companion chain.
  4. Game 2 Ten Thunders Vs Arcanists Alrighty so after some ponderings I come into my second (kinda third, but I count the first games against McMourning as 1 practices match!) 35SS Scrap Strategy: Shared Treasure Hunt Deployment: Diagonal Terrain: Mine, for fun we decided to make this an underground mine… so lots of passages and such. Random feature: Rockfalls Ten Thunders Crew Misaki, 8 Cache Shang – 3 Ototo – 8 Yamaziko – 6 Toragake – 6 Wastrel (Strange Metal Blade, this was a tough choice… In the end I chose this for some extra oomph in CC & the possibility of paralyse or slow. Earth’s Elixir was also tempting to keep him alive until he makes his escape) – 4 2 Clockwork Traps – 4 Schemes: Holdout, Kill Protégé (Ama) Plan: Set up traps to hinder his approach to the treasure. Use Wastrel to secret passage up to the marker while everything else sets up as a wall to provide backup to protect him and stop him getting through. At least in theory... those Night terrors might be hard to stop! Arcanist Crew Marcus – 8 Cache Jackalope – 1 Kaeris – 8 Essence of Power – 2 1 Ama No Zako – 8 4 Night Terrors – 12 Schemes: Stake a claim, Bodyguard
  5. What he said!! Sorry for the confusion. Also let me just say again, Decapitate is amazing. Save those Rams! Something I found hard was the general squishiness of living models. Coming from McMourning & Kirai I found the minions quite soft. Any advice?
  6. Such bad taste... Love it!! @ the OP: Are those the secret weapon bases?
  7. I really enjoy chinese martial arts movies (even if lot of them have over drametised endings) so Misaki is the girl for me... Although I must say that I am fairly intrigued about Lynch (despite my dislike of Neverborn!)
  8. So I had two scraps last night… contrasting with each other rather vividly… The first was full of forgetfulness & errors… I deployed from left to right the archer on a raised platform on the flank, followed by the Wastrel, Toragake, Ototoin the centre then Yamaziko, Misaki & Shang on the right. Opposite them was McMourning, Grave Spirit, Dead Rider & Canine Remains in the centre, with the 3 Necropunks facing Misaki. First turn the necro’s moved up as did my centre. Misaki went last & after 3 walks melee experted a Necro with Decapitate. She followed up with the next 2 on the next turn. It was then that we realised that if he had of discarded the cards I wouldn’t have killed the punks as they have Hard to Kill… He also finally remembered to bring out bete! With such a strong centre, he taxied McM around to engage Misaki and after a big brawl ended up with all of McM’s side dead, highlight was the wastrel shooting into melee with Misaki, McM & Bete, killing Bete (who then failed One with the Night!!). All in all, a very favourable win for Misaki’s first outing but soured by so many errors! 8 – 0 Misaki Round 2 (same crews) Same deployment from Misaki but a little more compressed. This time McM deployed the Necro’s on the other flank well away from Misaki! Misaki’s side moved up staying as a group while McM was a lot more cautious, gaining his body counters & staying out of sight. Turn 2 saw the Torakage dropped some smoke to prevent any Dead rider charges. However although it couldn’t see over the smoke it could over the barrier it was hiding behind & taxied him back to McM’s LoS. (rats, bad mistake on my part!!). Misaki companions Shang & Yamaziko to engage the dead rider bringing it down to 2 wounds (dang Grave spirit!!) McM activates slings Torakage (for grudge) & then takes out Yamaziko with a dissection/scalpel strike trigger (ouch!). this also brings out Bete… Who runs rampant slitting Ototo’s jugular & teaming up with the doctor to take out Misaki & Shang. The Archer managed to shine at this point shooting both McM (who was town to 2 wds) & Bete (One with the Night) with a well placed focused trigger! Only to watch the Wastrel get eaten by Necropunks & re-release bete! I conceded as the Archer head for the hills! Result 0 – 8 McMourning! Thoughts… Still very new to the crew & it showed! Really need to remember what each model can do. The cards also played a fairly big part in the games (an example being comparing the wastrel’s shot into combat game one then both the wastrel’s & the archers shots finding Misaki four(!) times in a row) Misaki: Great stats but really needs those rams for decapitate (this is such a brutal trigger for her, use it! Also really needs the defensive bonus from “your mine” while in a brawl… I forgot it a few time & really would’ve helped. I need to use this action a lot better. This was the only (0) I used as I tried to stay out of LoS (preventing shadow, which could pull her too far out of position) to use diving charge & no one fled to need Save Face. Shang: Not sure on this one yet… Rush of Magic was ok as I got to trim out a rubbish card each turn & whenever I re-flipped cards they were generally no better (or worse!), but I could see this as a game winner so will keep trying. Something I used game one was magical extension Misaki’s clear off spell to move my models out of combat so I could shoot them! Ototo: shone game one doing hurt to the dead rider & McMourning, ignoring Hard to wound is great! Game 2 he missed Bete & then got flurried & jugular slit  Yamaziko: good little support model for Misaki, I like her a lot for healing, supporting attacks, companion & un-recklessing! Will use again. Torakage: Need more practice. Used switch a couple of times & smoke bombs were useful (just needed better placement!). Archer: Expensive, but I found useful. I used Yajiri to make stuff slow or do lots of hurt. The focused shot is great! 2 Questions: Something from Malifool’s is that if you get the re-shoot trigger, it is still focused, is this right? Can threading the needle be used to ignore a model engaged with the target? Wastrel: I like this model. Great for 4ss & I think I will include them a fair bit. Brilliant shot in game one for Bete! Other models I think would be good & would like to try are the clockwork traps & Oiran.
  9. Alrighty… First game with Misaki for me!! This is using the unfinished stat cards I made so some things might not be 100% but they’ll have to do till I get the book & models!! Ten Thunders Vs Ressers Strategy: Shared Escape & Survive Deployment: Standard Terrain: Quarantine Zone, Magic Nexus (3x3 marker cast & Rst flips of models completely within receive +). Ten Thunders Crew Misaki, 6 cache Shang – 3 Ototo – 8 Yamaziko – 6 Toragake – 6 Archer – 6 Wastrel (Petrified Feather) – 4 Schemes: Breakthough, Kill protégé (Dead Rider) Resser Crew McMourning – 8 Cache Avatar – 2 Grave Spirit – 1 Dead Rider – 10 Bete Noir – 9 3 Necropunks – 9 1 Canine remains Schemes: Breakthough, Grudge (Torakage) Tactics are: Big brawl in the middle, Use the Archer & Wastrel to shoot anything makes it past the main line, Wastrel goes for Breakthough with feather late game. Game tomorrow, Thoughts??
  10. that makes far too much sense... in an unfortunate way!!
  11. How does aetheric demands effect the hiring of effigies? Unless Vanessa's is different, the effigy's rule only prevents the connection of totems to the designated leader.
  12. Well the mod's have made their pressence felt... Anyways, Thanks for the info on the arrows there eternal, I assume Yajiri is the name of the spell & the others are the types? Will check out that movie too... its rather amusing how this book has reinvigorated my enjoyment of Chinese movies (also saw Big trouble in Lottle China Town because of Bert!!)
  13. If this 中 is the symbol you mean then that is the kanji for middle. China is 中国 meaning middle country. This is all Japanese but the symbols are generally the same in Chinese too.
  14. There are some pretty simple crest designs in the 10t forum. I also like the idea of different simbols but same colour or just slight variations of the same one. After some of the crews sound like they're more associates of the katanaka clan rather than full members.
  15. I have a fair bit of the 10T stuff here: http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?34693-Ten-Thunders-Summery If you want to fill in any gaps that would be great!!
  16. Alrighty, after listening to the Malifools Podcast, I've added their info to the first post (hoping I haven't gone too far!)... I have also made cards with all the info I have on them using ratty's card creater, if anyone wants these PM me. As far as tactics go, I want to try out a few things, an all misaki 10T (+ Oiran, I consider these ladies very themey). I also want to add in Wastrels & Traps, I reackon they have the best synergy with Misaki so far... I still can't wait to get the book to see what other combos you can pull by mix-matching minions to masters! Master wise I want Misaki, Yan, & Mei. Although for brawls I do like that idea of teaming up Mei & Jakob. In regards to Mei & Kaeris, I'm not 100% sure how good they would be together as both of them love lots of cards & SS, so they may be competing too much with each other. Maybe Kaeris early for range, the Mei for Combat??
  17. Ok, so found out the name is Mistaken Identity... Is this basically the same as Copy Cat Killer's spell (except target 10T instead of Seamus)?
  18. So after listening to the malifools podcast, I've added a fair bit to my version of the summery to the stage where I believe I almost have each models full card (still missing somethings though). Not too bad for living in a country where Malifaux barely exists (Tyrants bless the internet!!). Before I post too much more. I'd like some clarification on how far this can go in regards to copywrite & just general politeness to Wyrd. I believe Wyrd is a fairly lenient company when it comes to posting rules, (this post proves that!). The evil empire of miniature games would have deleted this thread long ago & sent inquisitors hunting us down to burn for our crimes! So I really don't want to tick them off too much!! I will deffinately be buying the Book & a fair bit of the range. but I can't speak for all. Advice? & Back on topic, Toragake are sick!! I also agree with Fearlord in that crew selection is going to be tricky with so many high cost models.
  19. Added new info, got a much better picture of Ototo now, kinda seems like a cross between a choppy Santiago & a 6 armed bear!! Hopefully he is a bt quicker though!
  20. Until I find out what the special arrow spell is called (& probably still afterwards...) I'm calling it "Hawkeyes (think marvel) stolen arrow heads!" I'm thinking that Wyrd has done a really nice job of making this crew seem like a bunch of Ninjas!! Sound like amazing rules to go with amazing models! Has anyone actually got the models yet? how are they? is the detail sharp?
  21. snap!! However most ressers wouldn't know this either... crew + Von Schill as a one man kick a$$!!
  22. Thanks Eternal, Nix & Fearlord... you lucky people who either have the book or can look through it!! (I won't be able to get it till it comes out, anyone know when that is?) @ Fearlord: Miskai, the Minion alway had Rg:2 on her bisento. - Thats so cool about rush of power, another reason to take Shang (& he was always looking pretty cool!) - Torakage just keep getting better, wish the bury was as easy as the miners one... but they still are very cool & looks like they can look after themselves in melee ok too! @ Nix: Thanks for the added detail on those triggers, sounds like there are a lot! Can't wait to see the book!!
  23. Nice!! Misaki's triggers are sounding decidedly deadly, It's going to be nice coming to a faction that uses all it's suits rather than just :crows (rezzers!) Although it is going to be tough deciding which model gets to use which card in the hand!! Is shang insignificant?
  24. thanks for that Etenal Void, nice little summeryof abilities you've given, what's the cb & damage spread like when the bow is unpowered up? not bad or pretty pants? He is looking pretty leathal otherwise, nice fire support for the 10T! You also clarified up the focus & 0 action nicely, I was wondering what the point was, so thanks again! The trigger looks quite interesting, albeit a little random, especially if you can cheat in a higher card, but lose the extra shot. More choices are always fun in a game of cards!! Put in first post. Some other questions I have are: Are all the totems insig (soul porter is, but what about the rest? (spesh Shang as he is a tad more expensive?) How suit dependant are the 10T (mainly Misaki's stuff but others as well)... from what I've seen is that all suits can be useful for different models. Is this consistant or does one suit win out? Cheers!!
  25. Updated Shang on first post. Thanks, for all the info people, Misaki's crew is really starting to take shape in my mind!! I am also poddering looking for some Ninja models to use as wrastrels, afterall ninja are kinda the black sheep of the martial arts world!! The next one that I am really curious about is the archer... From what I have, they have 2 0's, one to gain magical or blasts for the bow, the other to give to there shots, although this seems kinda pointless as they can focus shot for a 1?? is this correct? I'm assuming the trigger for more shots is trigger happy? are they kinda mobile like the trapper with redeploy or some other movement shenagans?
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