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Everything posted by Bigkid

  1. Still pretty amazing though! What will they think of next?? You know, when I were a lad, all this were fields.....
  2. You wanna buy some pegs?! Dump everything except Seamus! Everything else is dirty power-gaming!
  3. As a Seamus player I don't have a problem with I2I as it is (and agree with the post above that states if you do then try something else with your crew selection). Looking at the results I can't help but chuckle. What with all the 'Sky is falling!' threads around and yet all the polls would suggest otherwise...
  4. At least her attacks aren't 'paired'.... Pert teenage breasts??
  5. Have a look at the Jokers faction in the Eden range. http://www.maelstromgames.co.uk/index.php?act=cat&cre=min-edn-jkr
  6. Number 6 for me. Painted tights really add a lot to the model and who doesn't love Red Doc Martens!
  7. I know their '25/30% off clearance' didn't apply to Ebay but for general purchases use their Ebay store. I'ts amazing what a simple feedback mechanic can do for delivery times/customer service...
  8. I didn't think it was possible to make Lilith look good (got to be one of the worst models in the Malifaux range) but you've done an amazing job on her! Awesome stuff!
  9. Does anyone know where I can get a proxy Rafkin for my all female Seamus crew?? Oh, wait... Excellent stuff mate! Just ordered mine.
  10. Theming Seamus is the only way to go in my opinion! With fluff like that you'd be mad not to go with it. I did the same with my Seamus crew (all female minions) it just took a bit of converting... My hanged: A very simple conversion for Gunslinger: I'd put a link to my painting thread thing but I haven't a clue how to do such witchcraft...
  11. But it does stop the abuse. Whilst still keeping Larva as a viable option with Bayou Gremlins (Piglets are Insignificant after all). Or, Larva could just not be allowed on Vermin which would solve everything...*wink*
  12. Although you could activate the Piglet first and 'Root around'.
  13. Or Larva may not be used on Insignificant models? Granted that stops the Malifaux Rat trick but it makes sense.
  14. So, 10 pages in and this thread has morphed into a 'Fixing Gremlins' thread....*wink* Time for a re-cap?? 'non-soulstone models fired by the pigapult should gain insignificant until next draw phase' and 'Larva becoming a (2) action rather than (all)'. Seem simple and concise, owt else?
  15. Couldn't agree more. Just don't get used to relying on it as a tactic...*wink*
  16. Hmmmm....so is it a 'broken mechanic' or a genuine tactic v's Chompy?*wink*
  17. Nice job! Although she does look like she's skidding on some ice 'Weeeeee....!!'
  18. Df 1 so pretty much anyone attacking it will do a wound. All of the examples above require it to use reckless which obviously weakens it. And I must be the only poor sod that gets poisoned every bloomin' week...*wink* Also, get something into melee with it and it no longer does anything. (Actually the last time i used one I killed a Ronin in melee! A 'hard to kill' Ronin! Happy days! True story.)
  19. I reckon this is the best and least intrusive solution. I must say that the pigapult is being painted as a bit of a doomsday weapon. With suggestions that summoning 3 Bayou Gremlins (resource intensive) and landing them where you want (flip reliant) almost assumed as a guaranteed result. It is also remarkably easy to destroy (ht3 and a love of reckless. Not to mention poison...). I agree that in theory it can be a game changer but in my experience it rarely is. And if being theoretically game changing then there are much worse bogeymen out there...
  20. Slap your legs!*wink* Alternating deployment is the future. Try it and tell me it doesn't add an air of excitement!
  21. Totally agree. I find myself having to sacrifice actions with my Master in order to manifest which seems self-defeating (and often, as mentioned above, a little confusing scheme/strategy wise). But I love the models and the comedy factor they bring (I'm talking Seamus and S'omer here..) so I continue to use them. Maybe I'm just a sucker for a pretty model...
  22. Blimey! You know, I sat looking at my post for a good few minutes before finally deciding that, yes I could be bothered to put up with the 'Shut up! You don't know what you're talking about!' responses. Maybe there's hope for us all yet...*wink*
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