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Everything posted by CrazyCarl

  1. I hope your buddy enjoyed the game! Freeze over is pretty sick.
  2. I may see if I can get a few people together to make a day trip out of this from Binghamton. We've got to get some more inter-upstate Malifaux-ing going on
  3. Next video is currently uploading before I go to sleep. Thanks for all the comments and I hope you guys continue to enjoy!
  4. There's a diagram in the RM that shows a model charging off to the side of the target and says it is allowed. Perhaps I misunderstood and sorry for the OT reply.
  5. Greetings! I've always wanted to see more Malifaux video battle reports (I used to love the stuff VaulSC did for Fantasy when he did not WM/H stuff), so I figured why not put some up? I have two up at the moment, and will hopefully add more each week as we play a lot of Malifaux at our store. So, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please post here or on the video's comments. I'm very new at this, so any critique on how to improve will help! I'm currently recording from my iphone, so that's my equipment limitation up front. http://www.youtube.com/user/MrCrazycarlwinter?feature=watch
  6. Our local Levi player is using the Dead Rider to great effect. Dead Rider can Mounted Combat and drag Leveticus around, giving Levi a much larger threat range. Combine with Molly and Imbue Vigor for extra lulz.
  7. A bit of threadomancy, but can you use the Crooligan's "On the move" (the walk/push after interact) more than once per turn? Say you interact, push, interact, push, is that allowed?
  8. Designers can then encourage people to play model combinations they might otherwise not play. Something like Seamus plays with a Nurse, and the Nurse gains an ability like "when this model dies, Seamus gains 10:crows when casting Arise, My Sweet until the end of his next activation." That gives the flavor of the Nurse being pressed into the ranks and encourages playing odd combos one might not otherwise be inclined to play.
  9. A big difference between Warmahordes and Malifaux is the sizes of the two games. WM/H is much larger than Malifaux, and as such the tiered lists have a larger pool of models to draw from. And as I said in the OP, tiered lists really aren't a viable path now. I mainly posted this in the hopes that Wyrd developers might see the idea and have it shelved for future books. My other issue was the fact that there are models that just don't see a lot of play due to being underwhelming on the tabletop. In my local play group we're not super-competitive, but it's seldom you'll see someone play a model just because they like how it looks. I know we're not the norm, but I'd like the option of a mechanic that would encourage us to play the seldom used models. In the short term I think a revamp of statlines for book 1 models (because really, those are the ones that get sidelined most often) would probably be the best fix, but long term I think tiered lists could be a viable mechanic in the game, especially as the fluff develops and new characters get added in.
  10. I think the Somer avatar is enough. A master that can manifest turn 2, then receive reactivate (via Hog Whisperer) = WIN!
  11. I've never noticed any discussion on the subject of theme lists for Malifaux. It's something I've tossed around with friends as a way to encourage competitive use of uncompetitive models. It's something Warmahordes does that I think is a really cool concept. For those unfamiliar, basically Warmahordes has lists in each faction book that says "you take this caster/lock with these models and you get this bonus." Something like a free 'jack/beast, extra models, bonus rules, etc. Perhaps not now, but certainly down the road I think it would be super cool for Malifaux. I would like to be encouraged to play Nurses with McMourning, Hoarcats ever, etc.
  12. Yeah. It's even better on large based models because they're, well, larger
  13. I have dreams of reactivating my master and popping out Piglets left and right, dancing in my head!
  14. Ophelia and all the Kin have Aim High, so you can fire into combats that have Young'un's involved (so long as the target isn't Ht 1) and be fine. That said, the opponent still gets +1 Df for each of your guys it's in melee with, so it's still not a great idea.
  15. I want to be able to cast Flame Wall on Ice Pillars and have them melt. Then it'd be fair
  16. This looks excellent. I happen to have been left a bunch of O scale trains with track and look forward to trying this kind of scenario out. As for things that could be done with it, I like adding in a push for all models on the train (2-3 inches) to go along with the damage (which simulates the inertia). It could lead to some hilarity if someone was sitting at the front of the engine, or if the train curves for some reason and the model would fly off it.
  17. I wouldn't say there's anything I -hate- about Malifaux. I dislike that "December Releases" come out in the last 3rd of the month. I dislike the disparity in power levels of book 1 and book 2 minions/masters (on average), though I feel that book 3 did a very, very good job of avoiding power creep (eg there are good book 3 minions, but they're not auto-includes on the level of Lelu/Lilitu, Stitched, Soulstone Miner[to a lesser extent], etc). I appreciate the effort Wyrd has put into its rule system, and while I understand that they're primarily a miniatures company, I'd hazard a guess that the majority of their customers play the game the minis go with, not just hobby with them, so any efforts to streamline rules is great.
  18. The crazy alpha strike is what I have a problem with. I have yet to see or come up with a good way of dealing with it. With 2 DD he's still crazy mobile, but that mobility is much, much more limited (33% more limited in fact) with only 2 DD. I'd say let him use only 1, but I think that might be a bit much.
  19. Performers are really powerful, but I think many Collette Players tend to forget that as the rank and file girls get overshadowed by the Duet. Try to play some games w/o it and the games are much more interesting and fun for your opponent, and more challenging for you.
  20. I think restricting the Dreamer to connecting two Daydreams would help a lot.
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