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Everything posted by OldManMyke

  1. Make sure you understand the overpower trigger for Rasputina as, for me at least, that has been the key to success, especially with the EoP Golem is unfortunately, poor, better to take a blessed and have an extra SS in your cache. Im by no means an expert with her but have been winning the odd game here and there
  2. Yep I can do laminated cards for all those as well
  3. Whats cards/ models do you need, sure someone will be able to lend you them on the day
  4. Yep its that time of the week again when a new episode of Malifools hits the airwaves. No Hanson this week, instead something much much worse I'm joined by both Conrad and Jon in this episode and we cover various kickstarters, have a bit of a rant about painting - whilst offering up a possible solution and chat about use of Proxy models in games. We also talk about how I got on at Vapnartak (hint, I didn't win the spoon) and a practice game that Jon and I had for the Lost Love event next weekend. 13ss for Ashes and Dust!!!!!! Finally we discuss the narrative campaign that Conrads club is about to run for new players. Remember the competition and the Fate Karma deck Kickstarter that should be with us soon. Wild West Exodus - http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/wildwestexodus/wild-west-exodus-sci-fi-western-miniatures-game Rob Hawkins - http://robhawkinshobby.blogspot.co.uk/ Andy Fosters article about Kickstarter and the small miniature company - http://forum-of-doom.com/index.php?topic=16575.msg261884#msg261884 Tanelorn Campaign - http://www.tanelornwgc.com/index.php/club-news/53-the-missing-a-three-part-malifaux-narrative-campaign Pick it up at http://malifools.podbean.com or via iTunes
  5. Hi all, looking for folks to come on the show next week and talk about crew choices, expectations etc. for maybe 10 to 15 minutes. All you need is Skype and a headset with mic. If you're interested then please let me know via PM or email me at malifoolsradio@gmail.com
  6. I know we don't play the game right but it just seems to be getting stronger and stronger in the UK. Events that a year ago might have had 12 players now have 24 or 30 showing up for a day of gaming, and more importantly its not the same players - new folk seem to be turning up all the time. In the two local clubs i go to I would say it is up there for #1 spot as the most played game.
  7. I would definately buy some and have an address in the US that they could be shipped to, let me know roughly a cost and we can work something out
  8. So ukrocky and I talked yesterday and all orders from the Uk should go to him, i will be sending him all the orders that had been sent to me.
  9. It was a smashing event with 3 great games. Location was great as well, really nice place for a tournament. Thanks for running it And, can't wait until the next one.
  10. Thats a brave choice, what you thinking for extra blister?
  11. Seems I have sort of drifted in to collecting UK orders for these. If you are in the UK and interested then send me a private message with your details or catch me on twitter @oldmanmyke
  12. After the other day that doesn't make me feel any better Joel However I promise that if one of the strategies ends up being Beatdown than I will use Molly, unlike a certain fellow we know
  13. I could lend you a Perdita crew if you wanted
  14. Nope, but my EBO plushy will be a prize if it comes in time
  15. Think I've made all the updates and we've made the 18 initial places. Will now be opening the stretch goals and hopefully we will be able to get 6 for those as well making 4 person teams. Thanks for the support
  16. Would love to do it but its the week after 4M and Im pretty sure I will still be trying to regain brownie points
  17. Thanks Bill, thats pretty much what we thought, but wanted to double check
  18. Was playing a game with Jon this morning (Raspy vs. Molly) and a question came up that we weren't sure of the answer on. We then asked the collective powers on Twitter but they weren't sure either. Basically Molly cast The Shocking Truth at Rasputina and the question was if I Damage Prevention flipped and stopped the 3 wounds, would I also stop the Paralyzed as well. We decided it probably wouldn't and carried on with the game, but given that noone on twitter could come up with a definative yes / no we thought it was worth asking on the forums as well. So any thoughts?
  19. That would be the sensible thing to do However as its not a Cult of December model I cant take it (self imposed restriction) Looks like I will end up back on the Blessed - though I do have a Mech Rider somewhere
  20. Okie dokie so back to the drawing board as i dont like leaving SS unused. Curse 1 model blisters
  21. Question - do the pool restrictions constrain the amount of a model type you can have. So with Raspy am I limited to 3 Ice Gamin or any number of Gamin as its an allowed model type? Sorry for being thick but it sort of goes with the territory
  22. One more place in this until we hit the stretch goal. If you've told me that you'd like to come and I haven't put your name down on the list in the first post then ping me and tell me a) I'm an idiot that I forgot you. This is going to start kicking into high gear soon and is looking like being a great event (even if I do say so myself) so don't delay, get your name in today See what I did there
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