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Everything posted by Angor

  1. i was wondering if anyone has tried to include civilians in games of malifaux? Many games happen in what could be heavily populated areas and it would definitely add an axtra factor to a scenario or even have the civilians part of a scenrario themselves. We used to play alot of Legends of the old West. In certains scenarios a random amount of civilians would be present on the table and random players would get to move them. Although they never attacked they would get in the way of gun fights, for the lawmen this was bad as they could never take a shot if it could hit a civilian but outlaws could happily fire into crowds. There was even a scenario where the outlaws had to try and injure as many civilians as possible. As the ranged combat works differently in Malifaux to LotOW the hiding behind people would be harder to work out without an extra special rule. I think that this sort of scenario and mechanic could really lend itself to malifaux. A Neverbord raid on downtown with a bunch of civilians on the table that they have to eliminate before the end of the game for example. Does anyone have any ideas on how this sort of idea could be implimented? Or scenrarios that could use civilians?
  2. Great work! Those look alot like the Otherworld rats you have used, are they? Can I see some more comparison shots of them near the rest of your plagued crew. I was thinking about buying some but was worried they would be too big.
  3. All are great looking crews! Your plagued crew looks awesome and I really like some of the conversions in that marcus crew. What are some of homecooked campaign rules btw?
  4. I thought stolen were made rare 3?
  5. Sounds like you have totally solved it there! I really like the idea of this guy, I kind of wish there was another outcast leader that was more villanous that would work well with things like the convict gunslinger and this guy. I think it would make a cool crew. One thing that slightly niggles me about this guy though. He can throw smoke bombs and make a push move away from somewhere. I am not sure if I would like it more if he had to place the smoke marker in base contact with himself or not. In a classical throwing smoke bombs at feet and running away kind of thing. It would be a little sillier which might not sit right on this character but the mechanic is just asking to be used on a ninja/magician style unit.
  6. Great idea! Maybe the meat shield should be limited to HT 2 and below or just HT 2. I guess something like a gremlin or child would make a worse shield than a regular person although I guess the imagery of a merc using a child as a shield seems pretty fitting for your idea. I am not sure I like the idea of the bigger models being able to be effected by this. I cant imagine someone successfully getting a teddy in a choke hold and dragging it around.
  7. I think having either a bunch of Criminals being transported or people eager to find their fortune going through the breach as your opening would be great. It would also be really easy to introduce non malifaux players to the game as you could control exactly how much they see of the world and their characters wouldnt have to know much at all. I think you will save yourself so much hassel keeping everyone as part of the the same crew that way they will stick together. Something like Von Schils crew would be great as you can have the Macho leader, the mage librarian, the pathfinder sniper, the flame thrower specialist and the grunt (npc?). That would save you all the hassel of having multiple people all doing completely different things in different places all at the same time. Maybe play as the guild as it would be easy to make a nice arcing storyline with malifaux under attack from 'enemy X' but spanners are thrown in the works as 'master Y' shows up with some goons. Also starting everyone off as more or less basic humans and having them unlock some potential with the use of soul stones could be cool. Would add a nice flavour to levelling up. Hmmm I think im talking myself into running a malifaux Roleplay now! Also dealands is cool but GURPS is the winners choice
  8. Can you not just tear him apart with your bare hands?
  9. I feel you are missing some tricks with the Dreamer. With the use of a Day dream you can massively increase his speed. Add in a few more and he gets even faster!
  10. Hello, I like my daydreams with hats!

  11. Thanks alot! I am obviously being really picky but when you start looking at the individual rats in the horde they look really silly.
  12. Hi guys I just ordered the Plagued box set and picked up a few other models for a Hamelin led crew. Although the Malifaux rats are awesome models I was not sold on having so many multiples of the same model or shelling out £50 on rats. So I thought I would try and make some of my own using greenstuff moulds I could print my own rats out of. Here is the first try and it came out okay but a little indistinct. I just wonder how they will look on the table. I really like the idea of a horde of rats instead of just one big one but they look a little meagre next to an actual model. C&C much aprecieted
  13. Wow I really like the crew. The basing looks ace across the board (not that keen on the blue edges though). How did you do the ice cubes and Raputinas ice magic effect? I am a big fan of the lighting up ice pillars.
  14. Good job in the battle and thanks for the battle report, it was a good read. I think you deserve +1VP just for choosing the scheme Plague on malifaux. Also thanks to Sandwich for his tactica.
  15. Just about finished my other Stiched. I think I might need to buy some flock for these bases as they are missing something at the moment.
  16. Great looking blood effects on all the models! Dont worry about the bull dog it looks good from the pictures. How many more dogs are you going to paint?
  17. Your using a new tube of superglue, give it a little squeeze and nothing comes out. You realise you have to pierce the foil covering the the nozzel and spray high pressured super glue in you eye. Then you deal with A&E and cleaning eye baths and a bright red eye for two weeks.
  18. I ordered myself a pack of the Britanan troopers after your size comparison Hazard hopefully they will work out! The standard one. I would love to get one of the nightmare editions if I could track one down for the right price. I have done a little work on him but all that muscle is proving pretty taxing for me. Also the pose of this models makes it impossible to take a good photo of him. I also wanted to put together an insidious madness to work along side the terror and the stiched together in my crew. I decided to convert up an old GW horror as it has a similar look to the Wyrd one so hopefully no one will be confused. I didnt want to paint it pink or blue to help disguise the model, I also wanted to avoid any other colours that were in my gang. This left me pretty much with purple or green, purple seemed to close to pink and blue, if I painted him green then I am sure he would quickly have been dubbed slimer (the failing of a great film). So I painted him every colour I could find! (Guess I could have just gotton to that sooner. He is pretty harsh on the eyes and really clashes with the gang but I guess he is pretty mad which fits the model well. Also when he is laying down his negative flips on will power duels I imagine everyone is just distracted by his garish skin tones.
  19. This is an amazing idea! Im not sold on height 3 but everything else looks great, a melee Gremlin would be a nice addition.
  20. You wouldnt get far with the dreamer without a pack of Daydreams.
  21. Thanks again for being so sweet everyone. I am a really lazy painter but there is nothing more encouraging than hearing people say nice things about your toys. Yeah they sure are! Thanks Hmmm both of you guys have said they might be too large wich is giving me the fear. If you can spare the time I would really like to see some comparison shots. I really thought I was onto a winner with these guys as a stand in for some Alps... I really couldnt give you an exact guide to painting them as for so long I really wasnt happy with mine. I used (GW paints) "Bestial Brown" as a base and then highlighted up with "Snakebite Leather" and a little "Desert Yellow". Although in between almost every coat of paint I used a wash or an ink and lost track of how many layers he got! I am concerned about painting the second as he stands no chance of looking exactly like the first. I was not happy with him until I completed the boring job of painting all his stitches black and then painting them Bleached Bone.
  22. Thankyou all so much for the kind words, I am really glad you liked the hats! Originally he was going to be red so I could have the primary colour daydreams. He was painted Blood Red (GW paint) first of all and then I just used a mix with Bad Moon Yellow and slowely build up thin layers. I dont really have a more precise technique just lots of thin coats. The dreamers base is made from some old GW tank bits with a part of a Battle fleet gothic ship, the cogs are from a cheap little wind up toy (A ladybird I think...?) and it provided me with maybe six usable cogs that I built a little mechanism with. Okay I aso did a little more work. I really dont like the Alp models I have to say. Of all the Wyrd miniatures they are the only ones that look like the same posed model with different hats and faces. ALso they dont really fit into the Dream vibe for me. I found an old box of toys and found a little marching band and thought they could work for the Alps. I added a key so it looks more like a wind up toy. The idea kind of works I think but the model didnt come out so well. I couldnt get much detail out of it and dont have the skills to free hand it. I did find some stiched puppet soldier models (possibly somewhere on the wyrd forum) that would make better stand ins but I cant for the life of me find them again. Oh well.
  23. Hey guys, we very recently got into Malifaux and seeing as I have had so much fun browsing the miniatures showcase forum I thought I would add my models to the mix. Usually I like to customise models somewhat but seeing as the Wyrd miniatures are so nice I couldnt really covert any of them. Because of this I wanted to make their bases a little more interesting. Due to one of my lamps breaking all the photos have some shadow on them I briefly cleaned them up in photoshop to help lessen the problem. I also had to borrow my lady's camera so the photos are not perfect I couldnt get the automatic macro to do my bidding, but they still show the models well enough. Complaining and excuses aside I hope you like them. I like the look of an innocent lost kid and wanted him climbing around on clearly pretty dangerous and rusty machinery. This was the first time I tried painting the eyes before the skin on a model and it worked pretty well, unfortunatly the varnish I used really dulled them down. One of the reasons I chose the Dreamer crew was because over the years I have collected tons of different minis, I have zombies, cowboys, all kinds of fantasy and scifi models... I did not have a giant killer Teddy! I am undecided if I should gore him up yet but he is close to being finished. I really like the Daydreams they are cute little guys. I really liked the hat on the blue Daydream and wanted to give them all hats. This guy has a sort of cowboy/detective hat... I think it adds some extra character. The last day dream is my favourite I think he came out really nicely. I like to think he is tipping his hat to some daydream lady. I really love the stiched together, after a few games playing with the crew they stand head and shoulders above everyone else on my favourite list they are just so fun to use. I love the look too, I was a big fan of 'Ooogie Boogie' from the Nightmare Before Christmas and these guys really have capture how sinister he is.
  24. I would hate to see anyone starve! 7. If Teddy activates his Toss trigger while using his claws and kills a Slow to Die model, does he toss the model before it gets its death action? Potentially stopping it getting a strike against him?
  25. Thankyou both Bozzy and Ratty. Undoubtedly I will have some more questions in the future.
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