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Everything posted by Katcher

  1. There´s a "new" Trigun movie, it´s not bad at all.. Quite nice for anime was Ghost hunt, some epizodes remind me Kirai
  2. Is anyone here interested in chilli growing or cooking really vulcano-hot dishes?
  3. Kung fu hustle is good fun... :-) And Red cliffs are very nice and epic movie with very good characters. It a bit longer, but totally worth it. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3qIXQCHf94]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3qIXQCHf94[/ame]
  4. Just for your frustration, look at "the best of west" resin models Finecast.. http://kirbysblog-ic.blogspot.com/2011/05/citadel-finecast.html So, nothing so bright and shine as the advertisment says. Here, in Czech republic, this will lead to increase of other games, Malifaux included. It´s pity, that no one plays Warmachine and just a few guys plays Infinity.
  5. Shame on me for living in Europe...
  6. I have my good ol´ machette and survival bag ready. You never know.
  7. Not cute enought....OK, Mexican orks maybe
  8. Get a weird scanner a go for it! I thing, that after a few planned suprises at Gencon, popularity of Malifaux will grow..so don´t be depressed!
  9. Welcome.. I play as well W40K /For Dark angels/ and comparing the price and the "system" - it´s something completly different. You just neeed a starter and about 2 - 3 blisters and you are ready to rock. Also, the card are quite cool..No more 1,1,1,1 rolls on 2+ armor saves. I´m sure that you will find Malifaux spirit verye good
  10. Just one hint : Play it. No list is perfect. Try posibilities, proxy it, learn it, feel the style of play with variosu roster.Find what suits you best...That´s best way how to make proper gang for you
  11. Dunno...Stitched together´s fog is great for getting not shot and his Not dead! (or whatever) is making it quite good model for bodyguarding the dreamer. But you must bury it at the end of your turn and rebury afterwards. With Neverborn everything depends on playstyle. If you really want to play Alpbomb, I fear that I´m not the right person to answer... But Leli/Lili + Alps doesn´t feel right. Don´t forget, that when one dies, the other quicky follows..Just dunno..
  12. Alpbomb is cheesy and it is not a nice list to play with or against....Just cheesy And to be honest, it was discussed a lot so your oponent shouldn´t be suprised.... Do not forget, that you will get overactived, when your Alps are burried..Maybe a Stitched together to provide some cover.
  13. Type of event : Demo play and coorinated playing. So it will be Malifaux Tuesday, all together with gaming, painting, terrain building, demoing and so on Date : 24.4.2011, from 14.00 - 22.00 Location : Fénix Gaming Club, Klatovská 101, Plzeň, 301 00 Czech rep. Phone : There´s no phone, it´s not a shop, but a club. My phone is +420 777 625 653 __________________
  14. Type of event : Demo play and coorinated playing. We have a lot of newbies, who have minis, but haven´t played yet.. So it will be Malifaux Tuesday, all together with gaming, painting, terrain building, demoing and so on Date : 17.4.2011, from 14.00 - 22.00 Location : Fénix Gaming Club, Klatovská 101, Plzeň, 301 00 Czech rep. Phone : There´s no phone, it´s not a shop, but a club. My phone is +420 777 625 653
  15. Welcome! It´s nice to see how Malifaux spreads all over the world....hmmm, creating some visualization or graph, perhabs.. As i can see, you will not have problems to get the minis to play with
  16. Wellcome and enjoy your stay.... It´s a good to have group, you don´t have problems finding oponents and you can even sometimes try to ask for a try of another gang
  17. Welcome and enjoy your stay... It can be suprising, but all the crew are balanced and none of them can be conspidered crappy after all..
  18. Katcher

    Hi all

    Welcome to the land of cowboys and zombies and horror teddy bears! Enjoy your stay and don´t forget, where you left your coffin...
  19. Today´s match Czech rep vs U.S.A in World Cup
  20. Hello, I was just thinking about some little summer campaing, because everyone loves these capture and command maps like Mordheim has - just to show some groundcountrol and so on. Is there anything similar in Malifaux? I ´ve been looking for some little map or so, but found nothing.... Is there something? Do you now about any sources? And last question - some skilled drawer interested?
  21. - > Positive : LCB fixed, teddies still in WIP - finish the bases, details on the Angels hearth..and of course - TONS OF BLOOD!
  22. Welcome and enjoy your stay!
  23. So, here´s a little project, I´m workin´at right know...but it goes slow, the exam time at school eats a lot of time.. It is still WIP, but I wanted just to share Behold, GOOD AND EVIL ! ...the evil one has a devil tail on the back and will be painted gorely red or so, it´s still wip.. ..a few moar at http://katcher.rajce.idnes.cz/mmedove/ ...with a little dedication to Hayzel, the one and only Neverborn princess
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