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Dark Alleycat

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Everything posted by Dark Alleycat

  1. Cameras allways catch the harshest lights and angles no matter how spiffy the model i have found. Looking good btw.
  2. I wish I could take credit for the idea,but It was an almost direct copy from the old Games Workshop vindicare assassin sculpt. When i saw the skull at Von Schill's feet it was a sure thing lol. And yeah I will be putting up the pics as soon as im done. I got sucked into painting a Warjack but will have abuela finished soon,and the stalker and her based.
  3. Yeah one sec will link the thread that has my santiago and my nino. I havent gotten Perdita sealed yet so havent posted her up. http://wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?t=20164 Thats the start of the stuff,the Ortega clan pics are towards the back end.
  4. Amazing perdita man. Btw,did you have trouble getting the details right on her face? I jsut recently finished my own perdita and it was a nightmare trying to make it look right.
  5. Onyro. Being able to remove a models immune to influence ability is the single strongest benefit you can give to a Seamus crew.
  6. Now,this is assuming that you are playing as guild of course. If you arent,let us know what faction and master you are using so i can tailor this a bit.So as far as Kirai goes. A couple witchling stalkers can do wonders for dealing with spirits. Death Marshals do well against Dreamer and his crew. Or anything with Slow to die for that matter. The dreamer has a large weakness,given that his troops are suited only for hit and run really...anything more and they can get squishy quick. Leveticus...well it depends on how its being played...But you take out his hollow waifs and it really limits his card supply. If your playing Seamus...Then you shouldn't have trouble with any of those crews mentioned with the possible exception of Kirai. She is the only master that can do as many movement hijinks as Seamus,but she doesnt have the board control. Best thing to remember...do everything you can to prevent your opponent from being able to play on his terms.
  7. Hmmm...I just want book three to arrive so Samael Hopkins becomes a Henchman,flaming bullets and soulstone use = happy
  8. Also,a good shot in on Perdita can drop her in her tracks. her Defense is so high because any real strong hit will crush her like a grape.Good flips to bad,but I have had Samael hopkins one shot Perdita if she didnt do a damage prevention flip to save her. She ended up burning 4 soulstones to survive one round of sammy rapid firing her and still ended it with 2 wounds remaining.
  9. a hanged a punk zombie,2 belles,a convict gunslinger and a crooked man btw. more then enough to give you options.
  10. Ah so you went to GG's Beer-lifaux game? If I end up making it out there for one of them,I can hook you up with enough Seamus crew helper models to get you to 35 pretty easily. I also do painting commission work if you are wanting to get your models painted without doing them yourself.
  11. He is a risk only if you allow your opponent to make him one. And he is a great answer to most models that can be shot with ranged weapons.
  12. A guild Austringer gives a good long range option. Santiago Ortega is a beast in mid range. Him and Samael can reduce just about any model in the game into a smoking heap. Watchers...the one real place that Sonnia has trouble with is mobility.Not much slows us down,but we arent that fast in the first place. Von Schill. for 10 pts,he gives an amazing amount of mobility,another great ranged option. The bad thing is that he likes his soulstones almost as much as sonnia does so it can be hard keeing them going. Oh...Bit of advice..Allways keep Samael either within 3 inchs of Sonnia,or way out of range. The first time he gets obeyed and blasts Sonnia for 8 damage you will never make the same mistake twice lol.
  13. *nods* Sonnia is an awesome master,and by far my favorite.
  14. Punk zombies are very powerful,but they are slow,they are low defense,and they arent particularly durable. So if you cant keep them in cover till you need to kill something in their charge range,you need a way to deliver them to the target. Either Nic's ability to summon them,or belles to pull the target.
  15. Though If i were to say,what is the top tier masters for me? Seamus and Sonnia. Assuming equal luck on card draws,I can answer most problems in the game with one of those two masters.I say most,only because my experiences with Hamelin have unfortunately been theorycrafting.But Sybelle,several belles,two punk zombies and a hanged can put a severe crimp in Hamelins abilities. The Hanged being able to generate win wp duels or fall back(note,not a morale duel,just a wp duel or you run away) pretty much at will,combined with the ability to give certain key models -flip to wp duels means that even masters will lose a WP duel eventually. The ability to pull the ratcatchers or Nix far from their swarms and tear them apart will also make matters easier.The punk zombies ability to walk up and slice&dice the swarms finish the job. The large amounts of terrifying that the army has will make it harder for Hamelin to get to grips with the army. With Sonnia,it would probably involve some creative abuse of Cordon,combined with Flame Walls and a Governor's proxy for the second set of flame walls,and just play a rousing game of "you dont get to move past this point" Not to mention the raw hilarity of a guaranteed two VP from the Subjugate scheme.The Guardsman cordoning mean that Holdout and bodyguard both are quite likely. So your halfway to a win without doing very much actual damage to them. Not counting the sheer raw hilarity of the Stalker bombs exploding constantly.Wow...got a bit off topic there but anyways.
  16. In my opinion,though I cant seem to make her work well,Perdita is one of the strongest contenders for best Master IMO.
  17. Well,having the picture showing up would be a wonderful start to getting comments and critiques *smiles* but yes,these forums are filled with some truely amazing and wonderfully helpful painters. and yes Ophelia is a good crew,She has some...seriously amusing shenanigans.
  18. Luckily the stalker isnt sealed yet so I can go back and give the sword hilt a bit more highlighting. Generally for a red I fall back on my GW paints as I have the Red gore-Blood Red-blazing orange. I admit I wasn't completely happy with Nino,but like I said,It was a test piece for several things. I think painting it before it was glued together might have done alot more for it lol. Will definitely go back over the boots. And thanks man,I really appreciate the advice and comments. By tomorrow I should have Perdita and Abuela to add to the list.
  19. Seriously my friend,take the time to become healed. You have nothing to apologize for,there is not a single person that reads your threads or has learned from your example and teachings that doesn't wish you the absolute best. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Wyrd would rather not have the minis at all then risk the health and wellbeing of one of its painters. You have my hopes and prayers to a full recovery.Remember..you will heal fully in time.Take the time you need to heal with a free heart. You WILL pick up your brush and accomplish wonders again. I have no doubt of it,and neither should you. Rest and Recover friend Alleycat.
  20. Wow,over a month since I had something finished. Far too long and downright depressing it is. Well thankfully,this laziness is going to cease. And to prove it,we have a finished Nino and a Ortega themed witchling stalker that is awaiting a base. Comments and feedback are allways appreciated of course. This guy I tried out a couple new things...a layer of dust on his coat and hat,trying to tint the metal of his gun. The metal tinting worked out far better on the rusted/corroded/bloodstained blades of the witchling stalker below. also got some nice OSL going.
  21. Samael Hopkins's Arrest. Ive yet to actually use it.
  22. Another possible list,going with a slightly different focus Seamus 2ss 2 Crooked Men 2 Rotten Belles 2 Onyro 2 Desperate Mercs With this,you can use the crooked men to drop shafted markers on the approaches that the heavy hitters will use. Or lure them onto them in the first place. 3 damage,paralyzed or very rarely killed,is not something most people want to risk. And a paralyzed model can be shot all to hell by the desperate mercs,assuming they havent become more rotten belles. Since you will have your opponent beat on activations,with the Onyro something you could do is get a Belle to where she can see over a ice pillar,then after your opponent has activated all of theirs,you send a Onyro through the wall,have it attack,and then lure it back through the wall so its safe from reprisal. Make your opponent afraid to put up ice barriers because they will know you can go through them easier then they can. use Shafted markers to deny evidence counters.
  23. Onyro or the Convict honestly. Both of those will do wonders,though you will need a bit of prep time with the onyro. you might also consider a crooked man/Belle combo. Now construct means they dont have to take Morale duels,but unless im wrong they can still be made to take WP duels. I dont have my book in front of me but I dont remember that list as having immune to influence,even with frozen heart. Alternately you might want to grab a Hanged because they can pull people around like the Belles,can ignore the ice walls. Also how aggressively were you playing with Seamus? with his ability to heal himself through his pain spell you can accomplish alot by bouncing him around. Also remember that her ice pillars are breakable,but not easily,and they block her LOS too.First place I would get points from,is dropping Sybelle and the CCK. If i were to make a 30 ss list,I would probably go for... Seamus 3ss 2 Onyro 1 Gaki 1 Hanged 1 Rotten Belle (crazy I know but hear me out) 2 Desperate Mercs,Ideally for theme value the female one. Now the way this would work,is you use the Rotten belle for lureing,after the onyro have removed any immunity that any of those models might have.You use the mercs as gunners,and as mobile corpse counters. If you have to deal with a ice block,use the hanged to pull them in. Also he can take away half a models health and prevent it from being healed fairly easily. Just keep him away from Rasputina and Misaki, he can almost ignore the damage from everyone else. As for the Gaki,he is there to flit about and then eat any Gamin that gets close. Also remember that you can outmanuever her quite easily. your troops are at base,faster,you can allways use a lure to move one of your own peices around as well.Alternately you could take 3 rotten belles instead of the hanged,and outactivate him excessively,especially if you keep the onyro and the gaki away from Misaki and rasputina and make it so that any losses you suffer are replaceable.
  24. Austringer sends raptor flying towards Convict Gunslinger. Convict Gunslinger draws and fires"Winner winner,chicken dinner!" Ok so I watched 21 the other night and somehow that quote just seemed to fit.
  25. and if it is a higher cast individual,you can do it with them having more wounds. Also,anything with Hard to Kill is almost automatically going to become a Stalker. Also another very valid tactic is waiting for a Stalker to be nearly dead,and then violate him to turn him into a stalker. Works best if he has allready activated,and is within 2 inch of one or more enemy models for his explosion.
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