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Posts posted by (Keenan)

  1. I'm still using the metal one, for all the use Seamus gets right now, but what comes to mind right away would be a scenic base made of plastic that you could bump CCK next to something and use plastic glue to bond them.  Something like the new plastic bases that Wyrd has recently put out.  Or a scenic base made of a different material that you can drill into a feature of the base and CCK and pin it.  Hope that helps.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Flint said:

    Slavery =/ racism. In history  slaves  were of different colours and nations, including Europeans even in XIX century. Same goes for slavers.

    Sure about that?  I am no historian, but slavery throughout history was more about conquering and expansion than doing it because you hated someone as a people.  The way I see it in terms of this discussion (being about slavery in the US), racism to the horrible extent that we have it and have had it was born of slavery, not the other way around.  That certainly doesn't excuse it either way.  As I said I am not a historian (in fact I find history in a broad sense really boring), so if I am off base on my conclusion by all means tell me.  I am always open to learn.

  3. Completely ignoring whether CR7 is a viable crew or what Wyrd's or anyone else's intentions were/are, the new upgrades specifically say on the box Master Upgrades Deck, which to me would mean Wrath wouldn't get one this book. That being said yeah it would be cool to introduce new upgrades for Henchmen and make them more viable/playable

  4. All I've gotten from it is most people like to complain when things don't go the way they want.  Person A has never had a red joker flip for them they're going to to hate it.  Person B has only had red joker flip for them and never against them they're going to love it.  It's part of the game and as the game itself says: Bad Things Happen.

  5. 48 minutes ago, solkan said:

    Given how important the tentacles are to that model, and how large they are, the model has a significant portion of itself past the edge of its base.  And it's frequently going to do the "Which way can I turn my models so that there's room for this melee?" dance.


    I agree.  I guess I just don't mind that overhang.  Makes the model seem more dynamic to me.  

  6. 5 hours ago, Philosfr said:

    The base overhang is definitely a concern. Very hard to make him fit in any type of case or on the table in a lot of cases. It looks very cool, but it's on the verge of being unplayable.


    That said, I still like him better than the old sculpt :) Got mine painted up as soon as I got home from GenCon so I could use him in a league the next day.



    Someone's motivated! Looks great!

  7. 13 hours ago, solkan said:

    I think my main complaint about the model is the overhang past the edge of the base.

    Overhang of the tentacles?  Or are you having problems that the feet and hand are hanging off the base?

  8. What are everyone's thoughts on the model?  Will you be buying it/did you buy it and why?  Would you change it somehow?


    For me, I bought it and assembled it already.  Really liking the size of it and liking it better than the tadpole, but I have more positive feelings toward the tadpole than most I think.  I'm trying to decide what it looks like: cthulu on steroids? Rampaging mutated starfish?  The only thing I would change on it would be either a Venom-esque tongue or a Xenomorph extra mouth and put some eyes on it somewhere.  Overall really like it as is though.

  9. I feel the need to clarify something because after my post stating that I don't think either joker needs to be tuned down, several people jumped in about competitive crowd and power gamers.  That isn't me.  I haven't played in a tournament since 1st edition and even then I was a casual player.  And if you want to play with house rules I'm all for that too.  I just wouldn't be playing that game with you because I think the RJ & BJ are fun the way they are.

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  10. 23 hours ago, Kadeton said:

    but again, they can't do that every year

    Why not?  It's easy enough to design I think and cheap enough for the company and for the players to buy a master upgrade box every year or two to change how the game/masters play.  It's certainly better than waiting every six years for an army book just to have an edition change make the majority of the models you own obsolete.  Cycling a master's upgrades in and out keeps the individual masters fresh as well as the game.  New master upgrades every two years and new GG every year sounds like a decent way to evolve the game to me.

  11. Firstly, my preferences: I don't play Lilith frankly because I hate her pose.  Old metal, alt metal, plastic.  Just doesn't do it for me.  Change her to look more nephilim or undead or any other thing I don't care but please a more combat ready stance.  After that the changelings.  I didn't buy the plastic ones because as cool as they look, they just don't quite fit.  I'm actually proxying the old metal imps as changelings.  Besides that a more nephilim looking Graves would look cool, but I'm happy with my Michael Clarke Duncan paint job.  Or a new Primordial Magic.  


    As for Dreamer, I said in another post, the artwork is just not there for me.  Being as that his fluff was one of the four things that got me into the game in the first place, a render for older Dreamer would have to blow me away to give up Little Nemo the Dream Master.  And regal looking Titania?  I get the impression she is the type to make sure everyone can see what she was subjected to with the bloody eye sockets, cuts, torn clothing, etc.

  12. Got a brief look the other day.  Mostly looking at a couple models stats and a decent amount of the artwork.  Von Schill looks pretty freaking awesome, Dreamer I wasn't too crazy about, but his grown up Daydream with him looked awesome.  Reserving final judgement until I can see the picture for longer or until I see a render of a model.  All the other artwork I saw looked great.

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