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Everything posted by viggo3000

  1. In conclusion. Learn to fight them insted of scream cheez of the interwebz.
  2. I play against them alot. I usuly play pandora. I hit them with project emotions and from there its usuly no problem. When i faced the with my ressers i gave them nurse + rouge necromancy to the face. They are hard but they cost friggi´n 14 ss.
  3. Another thing that you always have to have in mind is the mindeset of the player on the other side of the table. If i face a new guy or a player that i know that i usuly win against i will play a weaker list. Pandora has caused som outcry at our club.
  4. 1: New cool minis in different shapes. 2: A uppdate of the game that is not full of errors and loops. 3: A "army list book" caus about everything but the rules for the minis is outdated in the first book. 4: Alot of gaming.
  5. Csonti: I know, the first way that the trigger worked just felt like ruleabuse. I started to play the army when the uppdate came.
  6. The FAQ made it clear. "lmmune to lnfluence: This model ignores effects that require the use of Wp when defending in a Duel." From the rulebook. "Replace description with: “This model is immune to Wp Duels when it is the defender.” From the FAQ" "The Box Opens: Models within 12' of this model lose any immunities to Wp Duels." So yes, pandora can touch constructs.
  7. Yea the game in very inspiered by warmachine and i enjoy the combo part of the game. It gives a god contrast to the more movement based side of warhammer. In my club warhammer is the dominant game. Warmachine has a smal group of players and there is som other smal games. There is a weary diferent view on Mali in the group. The players that play least and the "fluff" players hate all more extreme combos and has judged all form of allly as cheesy. The nekima lure list was claimed to be impossible to beat and a pure cheesefest by some.
  8. Hello. What is normaly considered beardy in malifaux ? In other games with more units on the table you can just take something that i underpriced and angry (darkelf hydra) and take it mutiple times but you cant realy do that in malifaux due to the smal amount of points. One thing that i see as WAAC in this game is the convict gunslinger. I have faced i a couple of times and i have not had any problem with it but he was in the hand of an inexperinced player. I see alot of themed crews with gunslingers on the net and im sure that people dont take him in their cult of december / red chapell gang becaus he´s cool.
  9. Stitched togethers work well. They work with all the neverborn masters and pandoras wp Cuddling is nice for them. They can give cover to the rest of the crew if you face somethin shooty (wich is nice since pandoras crew often is kinda fragile) For 5 points they are a steal.
  10. I thought that a: the riders would take care of that and that takes her close. b: dies every turn
  11. Hello. Im looking for a new modeling projekt and a rider list would be awesome. If i take levi i could play the following list. 25ss Leveticus Hooded rider Mechanical rider Beté noir Anny chance that it might work ? No ss and only four models but four awesome models.
  12. Thanks guys. The rouge necromancy is on a 50mm ;-)
  13. you could use the torso of a showgirl and a fitting lower boddy.
  14. It would be great with some more fluff :-)
  15. Mcmourning + zombie chichuahua. Ability to raise a rouge necromancy in i 2ss gam = sweet. Mc mourning is also a awesome master hunter and his 7ss soulstone cache is nice.
  16. In adition to the nurse you should mention that the drugs sacrifices what she buffs. Sacrifice = 0 points for the oponent in a slaughter. My favorite tactic with the nurse is to move her upp position first turn. Summon a rouge necromancy within 2" of her and hit it with the drugs. Walk the rouge necromancy into combat late in the turn and cause havoc.
  17. For me the twins work real well with pandora. Forcing more wp duels and ading abit of punch in cc.
  18. Looks very solid, love the high amount of dogs. Im thinking of trying out something like this: Mcmourning Sebastian 6ss Nurse 5ss Belle 4ss Desperate merc 2ss Desperate merc 2ss k9 2ss k9 2ss k9 2ss The mercs would be awesome with a nurse. Yes i like the nurse ;-)
  19. I finished second place with the army. The first respons was always "cool a nurse" then they tasted the pain of a rouge necromancy on speed. The nurse was well worth her ss.
  20. viggo3000


    What do you think is the best way to field nekima ? I dont think that she is worth her points as a pure fighter. Not enough ss for suport after her high cost and she will be damaged by even the smalest minion. This is the best nekima list i have played. Pandora lilitu (new card with uppdated double take). Terror tot Desperate mercenary Nekima. 25ss It uses most of nekimas ability. The -2 wp aura, the mask give away and she will rape anything non master that comes alone. Share youre view on the girl.
  21. Hello. It would be nice with some collor on the mini. Right now its all grey and white. I would paint the sand bright brown. Maby ad some branches. Ad som details on the mini. Bright blue claws would work.
  22. Hehe, i use nekima to. I dident ad her to my sign cause she´s no master.
  23. Thank you. Sorry for the lightning, i have no god camera and no god cameraskills ;-) . Blood in the snow would be awesome but i dont know how i would do that in a god way. Blood have a tendency to look crap. I like stipled blood (like on sebastians saw) but that methot would be hard to aplie on snow. I will take a few more photos on the rouge necromancy tomorow.
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