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Everything posted by sephiroa

  1. maybe, but sonnia her alternate stands with a skull, and her avatar hasn't got any skull tough, still, it would be weird,, compliment, but it still has to be wiht there current faction, i don't think the guild would like it if justice would run everyday with her head in her hands,,
  2. HAHA that would be funny but i don't think it will be
  3. you always have to know those little details
  4. atlernate justice? noo i don't think so. alternate model is the same model, but in a different pose. and i don't think justice her head can be taken off like that the first 4 where all avatars, it would be weird if they now gave an alternate model.
  5. drawn to death only applies whe she is burried,, that's what i think tough
  6. sorry i made some assuptions, but i have i only agree with that if it would be like that, because the avatar is not as big and special as others. sorry i offended you and what is the special rule from justice?? death marshal death marshal are actually part undead and ressers so fluff wise, yess the avatar is normal
  7. that would be weird,, as it is :ajustice
  8. I would say that i don't mind, but you need the stat card, so you either have to buy the second rulebook, or you have to buy the silent one card on the wyrd site. as long as you have the official rules from the silent one
  9. well to start, why would it be cliché? second, i think it's only normal that this is her avatar, it's the same as sonnia, sonnia has the power and avatar of an arcanist and she hunts them, this is the same with justice, i think you don't like the avatar because the smiley is not as dramatic and big, as the rest of them, and because its "only" headless justice with her sword. i think if justice would have great wings as the shikome and great claws as a great eagle AND resser powers, you wouldn't mind at all.
  10. and sonnia has the power of an arcanist, and hoffman acctually IS an arcanist, he just doesn't know it yet, if you read the fluff, it's only natural that sonnia has this avatar, lady j, the same, she was in a building, surrounded by necrotic powers, and the building collapsed when the event happened, don't you think that the event allowed her to take some of the part undead powers from the judge and the necrotic energy in the air the save herself?
  11. i don't think she will become resseructionist, i only think she will have power AS a resseructionist,
  12. justica appeared,, she is dead,, does that mean she has become the combination of a resser and the guild?? she became what she was hunting so desperatly,
  13. nekima is a very durable minion, and one of the strongest melee minions, she has regeneration and can give regeneration to every neph. indeed the autocast and autotriggers are only ONE of the good aspects of nekima
  14. problem is, jack costs a lot of points, the goods thing is, perdita crew doesn't have any spells so they have to use focused strikes
  15. well, to take perdita down,i use. raspy, essence golem, 3 gamins silent one/snow storm/cerberus depends on the strategy, schemes and opponents crew, always use bite of winter, and if you cast with raspy, most of the time, you can do some damage, remember that perdita has "only" 8 wounds snow storm shatters with 4 damage, and it can make perdita burn trough some stones or some hand cards
  16. i think you forgot one of the subbtle rules of Malifaux, you can only buy a MAX of 2 mercenaries, so i think this list is illegal -edit- it is the gunsmith,, i read gunslinger,, my bad
  17. he doesn't have to be within 1inch i think lets say they are standing 5 inch from eachother, and in the middle is a wall ht1, i think they both get cover, (or am i missing something again??)
  18. 1) i agree 2) does this mean the shadow rule doesn't apply? or am I missing something? 3) same question,,
  19. no, nekima can buff everything, but mainly she is a good buffer for growing, use npehlim heart to give :masks on cb = auto flay, and nekima gives every neph regeneration 1. and she is one hell of a strong monster, 3 more ss but she is stronger, faster, harder than the mature. in 35ss list, my girlfirend would go lilith nekima 2 tots 1young teddy (she just loves teddy, i would take some youngs) 34ss 5cache, most of the time she uses blood from stone to transform 1 tot into a young, and yess, the list you gave,, nobody likes it,, in turn one you can create 2 matures and 1 young out off 2 desp merc's and nekima's ability, don't forget the healing flips to heal nekima and the healing spell from bb shaman to swap the corpse counter for a blood counter, (autotrigger because of neph heart)
  20. i have played my first game with nicodem, it was, well, very strange i played this against a justice crew, my list, nicodem mortimer 7 3 punk zombies 15 6 cache i played against justice judge executioner deathmarshal santiago it went realy well, considering i am fighting the undead killers. one thing that was realy annoying, with their last rites,, at one moment there where 4 corpse counters, and they where al gone before i could even summon some mindless or punk zombies, the bolster undead is just crazy, i killed justice with some punk zombies and flurry, with cb 9 against her df 5, she had to burn ss and when she ran out, she was a dead man, i mean woman, nicodem is crazy, his decay spell is good, and his rigor mortis spell is awesome, i paralyzed the judge, he could do nothing and just stood there, and he was his trumph card with his "judged" spell i love nicodem, now it's time to buy some additionel models
  21. well, some masters have a bit of a rock paper scissors thingy on them, i can whipe and kill marcus with raspy, but marcus is fast and agile enough to take ramos down and pick them out one by one, and ramos his minions all have armor so bite of winter won't work on them and ramos can bypass that armor from the golem and gamin, and executioner can take out raspy with relative ease. and this is only with the arcanists, and this is when you use the starterbox with a totem or 1 extra blister, so no special crews, and this is the average slaughter mission, i'm not talking about something else, because reconoiter or destroy the evidence, these are very different, it comes to this, bottem line is simple, you have no "best" master, some are just a bit better and stronger, but it al depends from the strategies and schemes, that's why i like Malifaux, NO game is the same, even if you both play with the same crews, same strategies, you always will have another scheme or the board is different, wich will make the difference in the world in Malifaux. when i'm playing 40k and i get to play against this cheesy list, i know i'm going down, but i Malifaux, they just have a better start, cheesy list are harder to take down or win from, but it's not impossible, (trust me i know, i tied with someone who was playing very cheesy and it made me win a tournemant) as long as you stay focused on the game, know what you have to do and what your opponent has to do, and you know the strenghts and weaknesses of your models and from your enemy, nothing is impossible well, this is my opinion in what is the "best" master
  22. don't judge models on their wounds, bete is one of those models that is extremely hard to kill, and she is "only" a minion, even with only 4 wounds, she is very hard to pin down in combat, and in melee she is a monster! but don't waste her, if you throw her in front of a crew, she will die, but if you use her at the right moment, she can be very turn th ride for you, canines are decent and the punk zombies are very good, but they are walking target for an ortega crew,
  23. here i read that you can cheat the damage flip from accelerant, but that would be weird i think, since they can never try and resist the spell,, it IS a damage flip tough, and there is no rule that says you can't cheat it, but i think accelrant works as a hazardous terrain,, i could be completly wrong tough, but i'm not sure. regards seph
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