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Everything posted by Mentat_Canis

  1. Pandora & Zoraida then throw in some filth is nasty because you obey models to run out into the open. Colette & Raspy because raspy has almost unlimited soulstones to fire her spells off with. But ya nothing gets much more broke in combo form then the triple tomes with Colette and Ramos or Colette and Hoff.
  2. It depends on the Dreamer players build but it is a rough match up because most of your models are low Wp Low Wd's but you can have a metric ton of them. I think the key is to spread out and wait for him to pop up for a small target think 2 gremlins and then shoot him down. You have the ranged firepower to deal with his force its just a matter of ok those Gremlins die now we use these. Pere would be good for this because if he comes after Pere and Pere dies which is fairly common he explodes and don't be afraid to shoot your own models with models that can deal blast damage. I would also look into Som'er Teeth because he really does add a ton leading Ophelia. I am not going to lie he is a tough battle and its an uphill fight because of the speed the Terrifying and the damage output but its not a lost cause.
  3. So I don't know if its just me but I definitely have models that well I don't care if all I needed to do was drop a 6 to send it back to you to cheat I wouldn't. In that list are -Mannequins -Molemen -Mechanical doves -Primordial Magic -Ice Gamin(Except to go low and throw a :tomes) -Jackalope -Terror Tots(Other then to grow them) -Alps I am sure I will have more of these as I continue to expand my crews but are there just models you don't care if they get hit and die they aren't worth a decent card in your hand.
  4. Great advise so far in this thread. Some other pointers with Cassy if you have a target alone or you need something dead Blond act is very powerful because she can get 4 attacks a turn with potential blasts. One thing that most new players also miss is that if you have a performer who might die soon get her to within 3-4 inches of either the duet or cassy after they have activated because a southern charmed blond acted cassy in combat is scary as hell, and a second action for the duet is also just as silly. Colette is also a combat monster and our only way to deal with armor which hoses this crew. She gets into the fray turn 3-4 depending on what is happening and if you play with her right you should be able to stop making soulstones from cards as you should start making them from discharge soulstone and magicians duel. The box set takes a long time to really get the most out of because they are quick to die when played wrong. If you are going to do demo games to get people into the game I would recommend not using Colette because it can confuse people with all of the special abilities you are using and how you get to have more soulstones. It can turn people away from the game same as I would say don't teach with Pandora, The Dreamer, or maybe even Kairi.
  5. I like to think of it as hyperbole :top: and you are more percise I am normally good at the rules reading but when I am wrong I always like to be corrected. This was a fun topic hope the op got what he needed cause we kinda hi-jacked it from help with raspy to North Wind Ice Mirrors.
  6. I agree that I do have some big tells on really good and really bad hands on the ones in the middle I do a much better job about is it a bunch of 9/10 or is a bunch of 6/7. I also think it can be a very good strategy to show your opponent if you have have black joker in your hand because it can make them waste cards early in a turn because they know if they are hit they are hit. Not always a good idea but vs the right people its devastating.
  7. Ya Irken I like the list for 40ss which is bigger then we normally play around here 30-35 but I like it but I am trying to get away from the Duet just to try some other things. Soulstone miner I will have to give a go cause I really don't like to proxy. Sholto I might steal that list in the near future because it looks fun and interesting. Thanks guys.
  8. Ok I figured the Colette player would just pull from the other guys hand randomly also I didn't know if would just be a flip because of the random aspect good to know that at least some people thought the same too.
  9. Well I would love to say I don't lose but going 2-1 at a touristy yesterday proves me wrong. Normally its because I push to hard and get out of position, or I get game breaking black or red joker that cause just hose you. Put I know most the time its because of wrong objectives and moving to fast..
  10. Ok we were talking about this at the local store and how does this happen. Bedazzle: You must cheat randomly the rest of the turn. A. Flip a top card off the fate deck. B. Randomize cards and Let the Colette player draw one. C. Hand your Cards to Colette player they don't look at the card they randomize and Bedazzled Player picks one. D. Bedazzled player randomizes hand and selects a card. Since it says cheats I think it should come from your hand, but all random events come from your deck. I like option B. the most out of B.C. & D.
  11. Thank you Ratty great to know now and I was with everyone else where I was thinking Rg was an abbreviation also so now I know and knowing is half the battle.
  12. So I picked up my TerraClips from my FLGS yesterday and I do love my lego sets so here is what I did last night. First impressions is that you need more L-Clips this might be because I went 3 and 4 stories tall to figure out what can happen and they are really easy to put together I just have to figure out how to get the doors to stay in a cool way. Below is my Farmhouse/ rich city home. The other one is the bell tower. Was a great product hope you guys like the pictures. Uploaded just needed to figure out what they wanted me to do.
  13. Really guys it made no sense for this to trigger if the spell didn't go off. It was a mistype by someone its not like this is a big deal its a slight clarification. Just relax and move along. Oh and if you were playing it the other way it was a 2 out of 54 chance and would have made no sense.
  14. Lobo I don't care what ways it goes but you says it has been ruled on I looked through the Resolved rules forum so if you could show me where it is ruled on I will be happy with whatever the ruling is. The only place I found it was the link I posted in my initial thread. I just want to know to help a player out in the Arcanist Board and to make sure I play it right. I will be playing 6 inches until we get a clear ruling. I agree its almost never needed because it is the difference between 19 and 22 inches.
  15. Yes I have always played you get to do it from 9" the question came up in the Archanist Forums today and I tried to look up if it had been ruled on and in the Resolved section there was the link above which doesn't say yes or no so I just posted to know what way it is because some people play one way some another. The main reason this comes up is that Ice Mirror says within 6" and North wind says increase Rg. So the question is does saying within 6" count as saying a range.
  16. Yes this I know that's why its within 3 inches of Raspy that was not the question, the question was do I get to cast through a mirror 9 inches away from Raspy if Raspy is in the Aura of North Wind.
  17. I believe it has a special rule that says it can be hired in faction even by people that have hiring restrictions so that it can be hired by Levi, Hamlin, and the Gremlins. This is from memory so don't sue me if I am wrong.
  18. This was in the Resolved Rules thread yet has 2 different answers and no ruling from a marshal. http://wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?t=18324&highlight=NOrth+Wind So Question Does North wind allow you to cast through an Ice mirror up to 9 inches Away. Then you get your 3 inches on your spell. Thank you ahead of time for the answer. (1) North Wind- Models with Frozen Heart recieve +3 to the Rg of their Abilities, Spells, and ranged Weapons. Pulses and Aura's ranges are not increased. Abilities: Ice Mirror: When casting a spell, this model may draw LoS and range from a Friendly model with Frozen Heart within 6". These spells receive -3 Ca. Spells with the gun icon may not be cast through a model in melee using Ice Mirror.
  19. http://wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?t=18324&highlight=NOrth+Wind Here is the resolved Rules forum answer I know it doesn't actually resolve anything because there is no Marshal or Employee response to it. edit: Posted in Rules forum to see if we can get an answer.
  20. Ok Raspy is great and much fun to play. How I play her might be different then others but I build my crew around her and have her do all the heavy lifting. So that in mind -Ice Gamin I have them as her bodyguard usually 2 for me one forward one back because the +1 Damage is very nice. -Ice Golem I personally don't like so don't use so ask someone else. - Decembers Acolyte I keep close to Raspy as a last line of defense and to be close to a silent one. Range 15 is great for him - Silent one I run between 1 and 2 the reason I run them is first Perfect Mirror so you only take a -1cb to casting through them. Other reason is +3rg to all tallents abilities and what not. How I read that rule is now you can ark through 9 inches ahead and with +3 to the spell. Plus Shatter 3 is great. -Snow Storm, Great front line brawler 8 wounds spirit with eat your fill. He likes draging silent one's into positions or his ice gamin buddy. Don't move to fast and you have him there to take some wounds kill something get all wounds back and draw your enemy out so Raspy can kill things. (If I take him I won't bring an Acolyte or Cerberus just to many points.) - Tiger, Gives you something you don't have in very fast melee beater that is independent. Great piece love to take it. Essance - Must have link and cast ice pillars. Lists 35______________ 35______________ 25 Raspy ___________Raspy____________ Raspy -Essance_________ -Essance _________-Essance Snow ___________Silent ____________Silent One Silent x2 ________Tiger _____________Acolyte Gaminx2________ Gaminx3 __________Gaminx2 6 stones ________Convict/Acolyte ____7 Stones _______________5 Stones Mix and match have fun.
  21. Yes soulstone factory. but she kinda has always been that I plan on taking her to the front with Cassandra because being able to switch them is great. This is really a setup for getting ready for Avatar Colette who with what I have looked at will not be able to give support to her girls and no more soulstone factory when you go Avatar. She is really a good ranged Caster then with a potential auto trigger Happy and one of the 3 will get to do 3 magicians dual. Just trying to add some hard hitters with some resilience and I love the Kearis Model.
  22. I am giving myself a challenge with Colette to try and play with limited or no Showgirl. I have been playing with her since she was released and I think the biggest issue I have with her is that most of her lists are the same and I do switch up from time to time but its always at 35 cassandra, Duet(or not) 1/2 performers, doves. Throw in Johan, Joss, Lady Hammer when I want to. So my challenge for a couple of games in September because its when Kaeris comes out is to run with 1 or fewer showgirls. List I have thought over is Colette - doves x1 -2 Cassandra (Just to good together) -9 Kaeris - 8 2x Fire Gamin - 8 Gunsmith or Convict - 6(I think I am doing this from memory) 5 Stones What are anyone's low or no showgirl Colette list and if played how have the worked.
  23. My local area has exploded recently and I have not been seeing much guild to be honest I have not faced criid or lady J for a little bit. I am the only player who plays the non-Ramos Archaists but that is ok. I see lots of Neverborn and Ressers cause of the models we do only have 2 Gremlin players.
  24. Definitely not, you lose so much with her the movement fun times the ability to generate more soulstones, all of her wonderful doves for your other performers. She goes from being a great support piece to being someone who tries to get it done alone. She also gains some card manipulation on your enemy and you are going to be using your 6 card hand now instead of 2-4 card hand. It will definitely be a personal call.
  25. Got a chance to take a look at the new Book yesterday. New Piece for December is nice and if you go against a living crew will be hard to kill just because of how well it can heal when it needs to but it is meh and will not see most list but will be a fun piece to play with. New Showgirl will be fine she is a support piece but nothing overly great but for 5ss just to get another showgirl on the table is fine. I will need to learn how to play with her and she will add to the defensiveness of the crew. Fire Gamin is awesome like amazing and if you plan to play Kaeris or if you play Creed and will avater they are must have. If hit with melee you take damage and counter. When they die you take damage and counter if you hit with melee or range attacks you do damage and add counters. 4ss so nice. Big bear for Marcus will be tons of fun great damage great survivability and will just be fun to add to the list for 7ss really give another great option for Myranda or to take by itself. Generic Miner could be fun I just don't see him taken in any list other then a point filler for Kaeris could be fun just don't see him with any of the masters. Our Doll is going to be great for Marcus and I really think becomes his new totem. Additional card in control hand as passive ability and giving Marcus another casting action is great would also work well with Ramos. Since is stays when you Avatar it is also great with them. I don't see Colette taking it because the doves are just too good and I will probably keep the essence on Raspy.
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