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Everything posted by tadaka

  1. Not Januish Eventualish To longish Foreverish When wyrd says soish When they donish
  2. This is such a hard question with levi. With the ability to so many of the games great models and so many working well with him its hard to go wrong. The thing I have the hardest time with is I like to have all the options so end up getting mutiple packs of many of the models for options. Sure today I am going to play 10 spiders tomarow 7 crooked men.
  3. Notice my deck has 5 red jokers in it. This is one wyrd factory defect
  4. A dog can be nice to kill off and often worth takeing for that reason. It can be effective to kill a model of your own if you have a trick in mind. If you are killing your own model just to try and get a few more ss you are probably waisting your action points and cards. Do it to reach a goal greater then just getting 3ss advantage. Few solid reasons to take a dog just to kill it. Set list tournaments. If you are in a set list tournamant and you take a early dog this will give you options once the game starts to bring out some thing that may work very well vs the other crew. This can let you bring out a zombie hooker vs low WP crews. Crooked men vs close combat heavy crews. Necropunks are a great option vs slower crews to jump around and pick off objectives. You know the other side well and can plan on them hitting nico with a first turn alpha strike. In this case makeing a zombie or 2 to protect you can be a good idea. Burning activations. Some times you need to wear the other side out before you charge in. Killing a cheap dog and makeing another model to also burn an activation on can be a good option if your current plan needs to wait a few activations for the other player runs out. This is often the case when the other side is playing just a couple of expensive models.
  5. Holding... Turning blue........ ........................ (Hey they were right about the other release stuff)
  6. I think this is new as I did not see it before. www.frpgames.com They list the new rules manual listed as jan. If this is the case we are looking at very early 2011.
  7. I can agree with that but guild guard all ready filled that role from day 1. Personaly I think the guard are boring as well but still seams like that roll was alll ready filled.
  8. Whats wrong with corked bats and roids? Then again I could care less about baseball but I never understood why any one gave a darn who injected what.
  9. This is one crew I just cant understand what some one would see in them. To me they are just a bunch of army guys I just don't get it. Wyrd puts out so many cool models with crazy ideas to love what is it you guys like about some generic elite force army men. I don't mean to upset any one I ask in honest interest. It's not every game you can play giant killer teddy bears and zombie hookers but special forces army guys are a everywhere in gaming. I will give it that Von himself does remind me of the Hulkster and that is cool.
  10. My normal crew for this is Alice dead rider molly a undead dog. Given Alice giving levi 2 extra cards I find even with needing a mask it is actually pretty easy to get off. With luck I can have the dead rider hitting the guild guys first turn as well as drag one back to my side. As a corpse. On one hand its cheesy as heck but I figure any one running Perdita had it coming
  11. I find her to be a lot of fun with levi. At least for the first turn when he walks 18 inches across the table shoot some one for half wounds +1 and then do his 12inch aoe effect. It is great for putting range attack players on tilt knowing I can hit them from much farther away then they can. This is probably my favorite tactic vs guild crews. After that you have a scarry terror effect and she is usefull for all the corpse counters. Other than makeing a waif I don't often spend levi actions summoning.
  12. I normally put out multiple and you can all ways just shoot him. Its not like its hard to kill him as is but some times it can be usefull
  13. Um have him hit the shafted markers. Free damage. Can do the same thing with alice
  14. They are great VS in your face crews. Lord chomp, Lady J, lilth. This does not realy change for a levi based crew. The only thing I find about them that changes in a levi crew is they make it stupid easy to make sure he dies each turn.
  15. I find just using a manual drill (again I hate to say gw but they do make a great one for just this sort of thing) then use a cut up paperclip in the hole with a little superglue. Works great for me. I will only break out green stuff if I need to fill in a hole or when I use pins in to the bottom of a base I will put greenstuff on the end to keep it in place.
  16. Eh I pin in the inserts as well pritty much pin everything you can. Its not hard to split superglue realy. Those glues on metal models just are not all they are cracked up to be. Sorry but if you find the glue does not hold try some thing else
  17. Any one else have an issue where one way prints out 6 inch and the other is just over 6 inch for the tiles. Printed a ton of them and they are useless as they dont fit right.
  18. That is actualy the one product I have ever picked up from GW that was worth the cost.
  19. I want to come can you move it to colorado springs please
  20. Why would you lose all your cards. You dont discard your hand if he dies. On turns he does die you draw a hand it is just pulled from the remainder of the deck at end of turn instead of the start of the next turn. If he is dead and gone you would start drawing cards as normal on the next turn as he is no longer in play to prevent you from drawing cards.
  21. Sigh I wish my world works stuff turned out that way. I wasted a lot o ink trying that stuff.
  22. Dont feal bad ramos is by far one of the most difficult masters to work well with. Ramos like everything in the game is mission based. For a mission where the goal is to not lose many models he works great. If your goal is more along the lines of line in the sand you will find him to be harder to use. I find the arcanist as a whole to be very mission based. Each of the masters has missions they are amazing at and some they have a hard time with.
  23. Ok this is officaly the new check to see if some thing is OP. If a mindless zombie can one shot it with a red joker its not OP. That was awsome jonas got a good chuckle out of the idea of this happening in game.
  24. Eh sounds great but atm I am lucky to get in a game once a week let alone run any thing. If I had more time I probably would have put in for henchmen a while ago. Tho my guess is they would have told me no Just disapointed as I know they have mutiple stores in denver that run malifaux and thats a little bit out of my way to set up living in fountain.
  25. I pointed that out as the other options I listed do add mobility to the crew thats all.
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