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Everything posted by tadaka

  1. Cant see this working well. First both hits would need a mask. Asking for decent mask cards to hit your own model 2x is not the best thing to plan around. Second Knock back still does damage. Doing this would hit the rider for at least 6 damage if you got a low card both hits. Takeing a few marcus crew models such as a tiger would be a much better option to add speed to rasputina.
  2. I think it could be intresting to try a version where the other guy picks your goals for you and you pick the goals they have to go after. Would probably need a few limits but sounds like it could be intresting when your rival picks for you.
  3. Also nice with ashes and dust.
  4. I tried it and was not all that excited. Only thing I found I liked about it was the 6 inch walk but that takes a semi high mask so cant count on it. Other then that I found he just has better options for 9 points.
  5. Looks like a change went in with the models card. Now when summoned shikome gets single minded.
  6. Ah ok i dont play guild probably why I did not catch on to that. Ya sucks to be them. So they changed the wording just to make the gov suck vs her?
  7. [quote=Wodschow;194333 Oh.. And if you bring the Proxy then one Mental Anguish equals death for your models thanks to the rewording of her V2 card. .
  8. I have to agree with rat and wod she is very very nasty in the right hands and the models you take don't stop her from being that way. She is a top ranked master for a reason. The only way I know of that can kill even close to reliably is lots of pulse attacks.
  9. Not saying they are wrong size wise. I just hate them. As a side note other then about 40 or so wyrd mini i have assembled (And way to many more to count that I have but not built)rest of my exp comes from gw.
  10. Ug I now know why I got most of the constructs for levi before going undead. Tiny arms are horable to mess with. Do not like punk zombies and hookers.
  11. Or he could actualy spend 7 ss on the model in the first place
  12. Rarrrrrrr I are scarry bunny.
  13. I would have to say no. Dog has 3 wounds. Once you do 2 with scalpel slingin and then another 1 with dissection it would be dead there would be no dog to do a follow up strike on. So max of 4 body parts from your dog like this. Its actualy kind of funny you just kill it you get 1 corpse worth 2 body parts. He hacks it apart and gets 2 corpse counters worth Just an fyi you may want to post some thing like this under the rules discussion.
  14. Well the young are going to be ideal if you are wanting lilith as your first master. Nice thing about the game wyrd has set up is models you get from one crew will often work well in another. So if you are also eyeing the dreamer Liltu and Lelu would be a great option because down the road they will work great if you get that starter set.
  15. They share 3 action points but each can only use at most 2. So one can use 2 one can use 1 most turns. Note that chomps extra attack and the 0 actions are not a part of this just the general action points. So if you 0 action give deamer fly then use 2 walk actions. Another 0 action for nightmare friend would put out chomp as a replace Then chomp could make a melee expert attack and 1 general ap action + a 0 action as dreamer had all ready used up the second general action point for chomp. Place/replace and summons are all different. be aware dreamer/chomp use place and replace and you will need to read up on them as they are not the same as a summons. Bear leaves scrap counters even tho he is a nightmare.
  16. That would not be an issue at all. First activation would be the waif she would end up within 10 inches of him so would live. Second waif would be created by corpse counter after Levi advances by the rider. Once you summon it you can place the waif behind the rider so for the most part they cant target it at all. End of turn as long as you kill Levi (not hard at all being as making a second waif and then just walking would kill him. Levi would be placed next to the forward waif both would die and he can place both waifs within 6 inches. Karn I am not sure why you would think levi would be at risk by this. Even if the other guy made some sort of all out dash to kill levi the back waif would still be alive to bring him back. Granted this would suck because he would not be with the rest of the crew. The nice thing about this tactic is other then a waif the whole crew would move forward its not just launching levi to the other side of the table he would jump forward with support. This is more of a turn one action to cross the board and get to objectives on turn 2 or in the other guys crew vs shooting. How good this tactic is would depend on the crew your fighting and the mission. Activating the waif and 2 spa before you even move the rider forward would have have most crews half out of activations before he would even get close to being attacked.
  17. Looking at it i can see a very powerfull forward advance group could work as follows. This could be amazing for some missions and vs some crews. Ash and dust 2 SAP Dead rider Levi Move the Sap up 2x for ashes Ashes pushes foward for a 0 action doing all 3 wounds to a sap makeing a counter for levi. Nice thing is he gets this advanced move forward and still has 3 actions when he gets there. Rider makes himself fast moves up about 4 inches but keeping his back end within 3 inches of Levi. Ride forward draging levi. Levi makes a waif out behind some cover and still has 2 actions to wreck some havoc first turn. As a side note you cant take his free walk as he would die doing this.
  18. Just had an intresting thought. Dead rider hitting levi and pulling him up field to improve his movement now that the v3 card has slowed him down. Doing the 3 damage is hardly an issue for him and infact can help him out if you want levi to die. To use this I think you would need to buy a dogcorpse so you could summon a waif when you get pushed forward but I buy a dogcorpse most every game any way. Also this could be a usefull trick with ashes and dust as well as the peacekeeper and guardian as they could trade one wound for a large jump in movement first turn of the game.
  19. He is modeled after me Fear the hair
  20. Working as intended I guess. Sounds like you could activate chomp or dreamer in the middle of the other models activation. So not sure why this would not work.
  21. Wow intresting now that you say it. You can bring out chomp and put chomp away with the same daydream.
  22. Any one got some insight on how these would play out? Model kills dreamer and hits a trigger that goes off after doing damage. Would the trigger go before or after chomp comes in to play. If desolation engine kills dreamer or a dream and landds the desolate warping trigger? Being as both require the model to be dead who triggers first? If chomp does come in first and kills the model with the trigger would it stop the trigger as the model is dead? Mounted combat Would chomp act in the middle of the current action and then finish the push?
  23. Very intresting that he activates in the middle of another models activation. I was under the idea that he would just activate before any other activations from things such as companion. Activating in the middle of another model activation sounds like It could get complex.
  24. Boy aint that the truth. By far he is the most expensive master. You will end up with 6 other masters just because you bought every thing else that master needed getting parts for levi.
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