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Everything posted by tadaka

  1. I think given Wyrd if they ever did the freak show thing all the models would be normal. So they would have the Bearded Man, The Unconjoined Twins, The amazing 5 foot 8 inch man. They could then give them all abilities based on the freaks they should be. So the bearded man can make any female model take a moral check as they freak out from growing facial hair. The Unconjoined twins would put link on 2 models and give both models slow.
  2. Canine remains. I just say this because every game with levi I toss him off a building to get a corpse counter He is more use dead then undead for me
  3. Arc I love the idea of the Indian shaman. Some thing that goes well with joss would be awesome. Perhaps some form of techno Indian tribe. Firebird as a totem As a side fun thing give the model 4 different cards. Earth, fire, wind, water You pick one to start and as the game goes you can take an all action to change him over to another form mid game. NB A school teacher and more models like Kade and Candy. Ruler as a weapon and some ability given to NB children so they make crafts out of people. Res Phillip headless and all. Could have some bonus so when fielded with molly he gets his head back.
  4. For me its every thing but guild I hate guild but am being forced because Hoffman is pure win. 0 guild 2 never 3 Arc 2 outcasts 2 res
  5. That sucks kidnap is way 2 easy vs some crews.
  6. Just wait the new nightmare model will be a goblin version of colette. Goblin burlesque dancers for the win.
  7. Eh top it off hoffman get 6 plus ram for all his shots better then the normal 5 + ram. (If your in range for the shots your probably just better off having hoffman for him to just shoot) In addition he gets crit so if you can't get 2 rams for the extra flip you still do 1 more damage each shot. For added fun take Nino and peacekeaper. Start blasting the hell out of everything and then when other side gets close you have a 6 attack peacekeeper to take over.
  8. Number of people mentioned they had the book any one got the new models for this month? If so notice any changes?
  9. Hey if he wants nothing to do with ryle why is he going to end up in all the Hoffman crews Also can some one crush Nino so he has to come back as a cyborg and Hoffman can make him shoot his uber gun more?
  10. Nice idea on that wod. Not sure how often i would use that trick but for some thing like treasure hunt it could certainly be worth killing one for a first turn grab.
  11. Levi seams to be from the Leveticus in the bible. I think rasputina was intended to be a twist on rasputin. Lady justice is well the blind justice statue brought to life.
  12. Hum I have to ponder why any one would see an undead hooker who yacks up blood all the time as a valentine. Then again it just gets back to people like what they like and there opinion is just as valid as mine.
  13. I can only speak for my local area but I have never sceen any one play Infinity but its on the shelf. Warmahords is more popular but they have a few years on malifaux at this point.
  14. That is exactly what i ran in to when I started the game I looked at lady j and thought dude she looks cool as hell. Local store was out when I went in to pick up my set tho.
  15. I was saying the art direction as a whole.
  16. I am with ratty on this one. Malifaux is very popular for a game of its age. It has grown far faster then any other game I have ever played or its type. I would say means its my opinion. How are you going to tell me my own opinion of some thing is wrong and provide 0 facts to back it up. I have never shown it to any one who looked and went ew I dont like that. I know a lot who have raved about how cool the models look. I am sure some one has disliked them but in my exp its all been good.
  17. No I am just attracted to a more gentle woman. I have no problem with women being what ever they want to be. Does not mean I cant have an opinion on what makes a lady intresting to me.
  18. None they are all dead half cyborg or they could kick my butt.
  19. I would say the art direction wyrd has draws in far more players then it turns away. All most every player I know was brought in by the cool looking models. I have had 3 players I brought in to the game went from mild intrest when I told them to buying boxes when they saw the models.
  20. Most of the time belles charge double for that.
  21. I dont see how that is any different then any box. Z herself brings lots of options to the table. The crew has a very durable model in juju as well as fast hit and run models in the Slurd. The totem makes the crew a threat at range due to poison and causeing the other crew to attack itself. Imho a crew that brings range threat, speed, debuffs, deck manipulation, and even some ability to recover lost models in juju is a hell of a lot of options to bring to the table from a starter set.
  22. I will give you that the levi realy needs more models to work. Z is a great starting point with tons of ways to play just got to get her totem and your good to go.
  23. I think its an american thing we can be strange like that. Noooooooooooooooooooo its a boob. For the sake of equality I think wyrd should make another belle model and call it a cross dresser or make it a chipindale.
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