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Everything posted by tadaka

  1. You could stack it with say nico aura in a brawl for a +4.
  2. Its cool how nurse has become a more intresting option as the game has evolved
  3. Hamlin sells Lady J a burger Hamlin +5 Its a ratburger. Lady j -10 Seamus - 70 Marcus - 90 Sword Vik - 90 Hamelin - 45 C. Hoffman - 70 Lady J - 55
  4. Its been posted but the showgirls dressed for these sewer romp would be a great one
  5. Night terrors would be cool love to have more than 2 sculpts and dreamer can hire
  6. 1 it will not suffer them that turn the first time it ends an activation after that in play it will take the wounds 2 correct 3 yep it can hold the reactivate but once you have used it its gone jist like fast or if its in play at the end of a turn for some reason. 4 correct if you leave it on the table to use the reactivate it will take the 2 wounds. 5 not sure but i think it would only take the wounds once as it specifies this this activation.
  7. Nightmare shikomi that looks nothing like original please. Would give marcus as well as all res crews an option. A nightmare version of jackdaw could be cool as well perhaps give him the tree or something.
  8. Peersonaly i think there is some truth to this. The rulings have gone a bit silent as of late. Last time we had a lot of questions building up with no answers we got the rules manual announcment. Perhaps we will see a new faq come to olight.
  9. Might be ok for Mc M as you can also use her for rocket dogs and perhaps Bette. I would not do it unless you have other models you plan on using to take advantage of it. If your playing Nico it can be fun to combine Nurse and Ashes and Dust for similar effect. Take the pair of them and perhaps some dogs and might have a nice crew going.
  10. I find it odd that you have had little luck with fire gamin. Fact is if she hits them she is going to eat damage as well as burning. This lets you hit her with a no resist spell. Use them as a shield If she even stands close to one blow it up give her burning. Let the pawns go first . Thing most people cant get past with them is the best thing they do is die
  11. I tend to like things that blow up when they die I find hitting my own models with the 2 inch defense check attack to works well. Its not an aura and works vs things that are often immune to aoe. Dreamer and von shill crews. At 4 points its not 2 expensive to kill off to summon other models if needed and its not some thing you can summon in so it makes a good option to hire. Not working for what you need sac it and make what you do need.
  12. Curious how other players feel about the drowned for Kirai. I have enjoyed them so far. For 4 SS it has become some thing of an auto include for my crews recently.
  13. You can see some thing that has exactly 3 inches of cover. It has been ruled before.
  14. I would have much rather had "epic casters" than avatars. Personaly i dont think they were needed. I think a second option for the masters would have been better. Current avatars are all over the place. Some are close to auto include others are very situational. Not that its right or wrong but not what i would have liked to see. Far as avatar vs normal im not sure how its any difference between current mirror matches
  15. What crews are you fighting that out activate Kirai. I don't think I have ever played a crew she did not start with more models then the other guy.
  16. True that toss a pair of terror checks at a rat swarm and watch them run like rats.
  17. Eh should have harmless and a way to recover it. Hits way way to hard for 7 ss model The 0 should also break if attacked. Once your caught the effect should stop.
  18. Ah I got what your saying. Ya very much sounds like your looking for some thing very different then i would be. One nice thing about Kirai is she can be played a number of different ways.
  19. I am not sure i understand what destroys there ability to go where they want? Not saying they cant do good damage I am saying if your taking them with the idea of feeding her summons. From what your saying they do better it looks like you just have different goals for them.
  20. Imho night terrors make a much better swarm option then gaki. They grab objectives better and still make great cheap summon food.
  21. You cant take an action that will kill it. You can take an action that might kill it. So you cant walk it in to insta death lava. Jumping off is cool as long as it "could" survive the fall So it has 4 wounds left and fall has a min damage of 3.
  22. The only option is to buy the second book or pack of Gaki for the rules. Personally i rarely use Gaki at all with her even with her summoning. She can be used with out the model at all to great effect (not to say they are bad). Her box does leave a lot to be desired. Stick with it tho. She is a great master and once you get her a couple blisters of models and a few games under your belt she rocks.
  23. Marcus does not wear a shirt so he can show of his man boobs +5 They are bigger then Kirai's -10 Pandora - 25 Seamus - 85 Kirai - 35 Marcus - 95 Sword Vik - 60 Hamelin - 75 C. Hoffman - 90 Lady J - 90 ___________
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