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Everything posted by Geckilian

  1. Well I did manage to get some stuff painted, but certainly not 31... Finished up another 4 Seishin and the second Witchling Stalker puppet, here - That puts me on only 14 painted this month unfortunately, all here - On the plus side, I have half of November off work as holiday, so hopefully I can catch up. Thus far then in this Tale, I've painted 65 in the first 3 months, and have 86 left to go, not counting my most recent purchases and anything else coming out. It's starting to look somewhat dicey...
  2. If you're adventurous, you could add a mask, coat and add the cloth/mask on the horse to this guy from Black Scorpion -
  3. Well I've been painting a bit. managed another 5, 4 converted Gaki and a second Soulstone Miner. The Miner still needs more weathering on the base and body, but it's usable at least. And a comparison shot between the 2 Miners.
  4. I'll just echo pretty much everything here from both of you - the tiume I used her she was immensely slow, never got close to even my own scrap tokens caused by dead marionettes, and dropped like a sack of bricks the moment something attacked her. Again I love her fluff and I'm reasonably pleased with my conversion of her, but I really can't see me taking her...
  5. Just added a list of wants, and these for sale - 2 x Mature Nephilim, v2 - £8.50 per. 2 x December Acolyte, v2 - £4 per. Snowstorm - £18. Sabertooth Cerberus, v2 - £5.
  6. Just curious actually - when I run Dreamer, I very rarely actually bury my nightmares. I usually have them out and about from the start to get activations in and only occasionally defensive stance and bury when they're truly nowhere near the action (which is rare). Minions like the Madness are more than fast enough for objectives and what not even without being unburied nearer to them. Anyone else found this?
  7. Le gasp, a double post as an update? This thread needs more wips from people! Here's another of mine finished, my 'Primordial Magic'. Less shiny in person at least. Here's a scale shot with something we all recognise as a mighty large terror of Malifaux -
  8. Not quite I'm afraid. You 'Remove from the game all totems attached to Marcus.' emphasis mine. As it's game and not play, the totem disappears. In a similar vein, it stops Dreamer just burying all 3 first.
  9. Added Voodoo Doll and Primordial Magic. Should also have another couple of things going up soon (Mature Nephilim and Snow Storm, 2 December Acolytes).
  10. Right, figured I'd clear another one bofore heading off for the night, so picked a small one. Hence, the Voodoo Doll is now finished. Nice and simple.
  11. 13 and a half years here for me, and I can certainly understand about the blisters. I'm merely counting Malifaux! Cheers on the flesh. It's just GW tallarn flesh foundation, a brown glaze and tallarn with white progressively added. The white shading on the inside of your December Acolyte's coat is very nice indeed, remarkably smooth.
  12. Second model. I really should start building up more momentum and paint several in a day if I'm to hit the 31 model quota for this month... This time, Nino. I also acquired a Lilith crew, elements of a Rasputina crew and a bunch of gap filling models, so my count of models to paint has increased somewhat... No rest eh?
  13. It's truly a beautiful piece, but I'm not sure I could justify the cost of around 4 crew starter boxes for it...
  14. A point mentioned a few times now. Lelu never needs to be exposed after all.
  15. The Ramos set was indeed crazy good value. Spiders, spiders everywhere.
  16. No problem, and ta very much. So much loot! My Malifaux tale of painters goal just went right up again...
  17. I'd also, also like - Sabertooth Cerberus £4 Hoarcat Pride £2 Essence of Power £2 Grave Spirit £2 Waldgeist Blister £4
  18. I'd be interested in - 4) Lilith Crew (Not in box) (Lilith, 3 x Terror Tots, Mature Nephilim) Young Nephilim x2 (not in blister) Mature Nephilim (not in Blister) Lelu Blister Lilitu Blister If you were willing to split that way. How much would it be? I'd also quite like (if they have v2 cards where applicable)- 3) Rasputina Crew (not in box as far as I remember) (Rasputina, 3 x Ice Gamins, Ice Golem) 2 x Blisters of Silent One 2 x Blisters of December Acolyte Wendigo Blister Snowstorm Box
  19. I've only used the pair once and it was with the Dreamer. Many games are highly situational, and that game the only nightmare that was unburied anywhere near the enemy was Chompy himself - Lelitu lured already activated models close to Lelu, who simply ate them. I used Chompy to take out anything that got too close to them by bouncing back and forth with a couple of daydreams, and as such the pair easily kept alive even with Seamus shooting them and ripping wounds off of them. As such even though Lelu certainly can be taken down quickly, that only happens if he's exposed. With Lelitu, he doesn't really have to be. If nothing else, take Holdout and patrol the middle of the board with them, terrain allowing. I can certainly see how Dreamer placing Lelu right next to a vulnerable target is scary, and it's certainly a nice way to trade points using Lelu to take out their biggest hitter who may just be more than 7ss in cost. I feel the reason they're seen as very powerful is simply how they combine. True, 14ss is expensive. True, Lelu and even Lelitu go down like a sack of bricks if people focus on them. However it's the ability to either pull isolated targets away in relative safety before mauling them, or mauling a target then being pulled to safety himself, that makes Lelu and his partner remarkably cost effective. Facing two pairs and not using, say... Dreamer, is somewhat horrifying.
  20. Cheers DAGabriel. I don't have a light setup at all, so everything uses flash. The pics could certainly be a lot better, but at least they suffice. Since the first week is over for showing completed September work, here's the next one for this month - Von Scill. Finally finished him.
  21. Either a variety of music or the Penny Arcade dnd podcasts. If I feel like having movement, I rewatch The Gamers: Dorkness Rising over and over and over...
  22. Well over here I'm certainly hoping the test deck turns up sooner than later. As you already know I'm very, very keen to see how it's turned out. Again a huge grats on getting this far.
  23. Cheers Soundwave. It's The Dead Lady from Freebooter, with ghoul arms added. The face was smoothed, the eyes and nose were filled in and new eyes were added. More hair was sculpted on. Not too much work overall.
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