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Jonas Albrecht

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Everything posted by Jonas Albrecht

  1. Guessing, I'd say McCabe's ability is going to be standardized.
  2. Malifaux 2nd edition is coming! If you want to be one of the first to play it and provide input, we'll be having a public Beta for your shuffling pleasure. (More details on the Beta below.) Yey! Streamlined, Updated Ruleset. Clarified rules interactions and Model Actions. Excellent! Upgrade Your Models / Customize Your Crew. That's right, keep your favorite model fresh and competitive for years to come. Interesting! New Masters. From the current Henchmen getting promoted, to fresh faces like Tara, the Herald of Obliteration! Love it. Gremlins a Faction? You bet! So good. Easier to Read Card Format. Every model updated to a new, easier to read format. No more searching through the books. The cards are standard sized as well, making them easy to sleeve for dry erasing. This is actually pretty telling, I think. I'm willing to bet we're looking at a bit of standardization of abilities, or abilities listed on cards in symbol format. Story Moves Forward. Find out what happens to your favorite characters, see the new alliances formed, Eh, none of this sounds terrib... and discover new Tyrants! ****. I am really looking forward to this.
  3. The game has such a solid, well crafted set of rules. I really hope it gets as popular around here.
  4. Okay, so if you're a fan of CCGs, or have been looking to try out an LCG from Fantasy Flight Games for awhile now, I cannot recommend Netrunner enough. For those of you familiar with the game's 1996 incarnation, let me assure you that the changes made benefit the game greatly, particularly the Identity cards. I have not been able to get into a card game like this for more than a decade, and I am loving the hell out of it. Go, check it out.
  5. I don't think it's a matter of Guild being bad, I think it's a matter of Neverborn just being a more competitive faction.
  6. For example: A Brutal Effigy uses its spell to give a Wastrel a healing flip. Would this cause the Wastrel to lose Harmless?
  7. Perds all the way. I can field her with an army of cheap Guild models and steamroll an opponent, or focus all my points on making her into Perdita Godhand. After that, it's C. Hoffman. I've played him long enough that I have to mentally "Un-Hoff-Motize" when I pick up a different master. McCabe is the Wild Card in all of this. I need to figure out the ins and outs of Family 2.0 before I really place him. Sonnia is just someone I feel really limited by, but she's not awful. Lady J is a finally sharpened blade in a game that takes a lot more to win.
  8. There's a bit of nice synergy between the Pale Rider and Hoff, where the Rider's gun heals both of them.
  9. These days, I tend to look at the soulstone cache of a master as the x in the equation (x - 8) + game size to tell me how many stones I actually have to build a crew with. Perdita takes it to a whole new level though. Given her monstrous statline, I find that more often I than not I want to put her in a crew to bolster her own abilities, since there is not a model in this game she cannot ultramurder.
  10. Ultimately, the idea of the Protect chain to to keep your ride up and running. A lot of the time, you're not going to end up with the Guardian as your final step in the chain, because he's slowpants. Yes, he gets a 6" push... at the end of the turn. Since there's so much pulling along, the setup works best between Hoffman, his ride, and a mobile toolkit. There are able to stay within that critical 3" without having to play positioning chess. Where I differ is where I put Mobile Toolkit. If he's not in the middle of a Peacekeeper-Hoffman robotchain, he's criminally easy to bump off.
  11. I think the wording just says +1 to Ca for each friendly construct within 4". So it's always 5+x. Violation of Magic would get the bonus damage.
  12. If only we could get them cheaper. Also, Open Circuit is about the only assault mechanism you can spend soulstones on, so I tend to save it for killing the masters that I can with it.
  13. Perdita: Obey your own crew, use Quickdraw C. Hoffman: Remember, Machine Puppet can't Use Soulstones
  14. Armor +3 Open Circuit at 5 damage instead of 4 Ca at 8 instead of the 7 it usually is from Empowered A painless Tap Power target The look on your opponent's face when you Machine Puppet a Mannequin and kill one of their toys is priceless. Also, Wp 8 isn't bad at all. Basically, take the Mannequin when your strategy is "Open Circuit my opponent's team to death." It's not going to work against everyone, but it's a great, GREAT way to take on some hard to his masters. Especially Neverborn.
  15. A totem is a very good idea for Hoffman, and I am always hesitant to run him without one. The Mobile Toolkit wins hands down, given that it can autofollow C. Hoffman (which is incredibly important in the grand scheme of playing Choffman), give out a heals, and blow up **** when you need to sac a guy. The most the Mechanical Attendant can boast is an extension of Maintain Machines and a ****ty scrap gimmick.
  16. Discard a card to change the next non-Black Joker card flipped to a mask?
  17. This is truly an annoying feature of many games, and I would love for someone to crack the code, so to speak.
  18. So pulses and aura damage wont effect them. Good enough for me.
  19. We couldn't find the rules that dealt with damage v. breakable ****, so we rolled with it.
  20. Francisco is my favorite Malifaux character. I was so hoping he'd get to be a Henchman.
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