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Everything posted by Somnicide

  1. Thanks, and I wouldn't mind a rezzers nightmare or two as they are my other faction
  2. Like the title says, are there any out of faction nightmares?
  3. I recently discovered the joy of accomplice pushing Lelu after he has set up his 0 action lie in wait. He effectively gets a 7"push and is in pounce mode - it is good for setting him up in an inconvenient place out of LOS but in good pounce location. Also, you get to "bend" that 7" push mid way (since it is actually 2) which lets you get into really interesting places. It took me a while to get the hang of the little guys, but I am really starting to love them.
  4. Thanks! Yeah it is one of these - http://www.tablewar.com/4x4-grassy-plains-megamat-gaming-mat/ - my friend Ryan got that one and I got the snowy one. They are super sweet.
  5. Great thanks guys. Interesting about that climbable/impassible idea.
  6. Somnicide

    Our Tables

    Some pictures of the tables we play on and some pics from games.
  7. Somnicide

    IMG 0415

    From the album: Our Tables

  8. Somnicide

    IMG 0416

    From the album: Our Tables

  9. Somnicide

    IMG 0417

    From the album: Our Tables

  10. Somnicide

    IMG 0418

    From the album: Our Tables

  11. Somnicide

    IMG 0419

    From the album: Our Tables

  12. Somnicide

    IMG 0555

    From the album: Our Tables

  13. Somnicide

    IMG 0554

    From the album: Our Tables

  14. Somnicide

    IMG 0553

    From the album: Our Tables

  15. Somnicide

    IMG 0556

    From the album: Our Tables

  16. Hi there and thanks for (hopefully) helping me out on this. My group is fairly new to Malifaux, though not to tabletop gaming at all. One of the interesting thing about this game is that it is so much more terrain intensive as befits a great skirmish game. I was hoping I could draw upon the collective experience here to help define the attributes of some common pieces of terrain that many of us refugees from other systems might already own. I hope to use this as a resource for newer players as well as to kind of codify within my own group what terrain does what to help minimize the confusion. Obviously we will still identify stuff specifically at the start of the game, but having some basic knowledge and consistency when we play others would be really helpful. Here is an overhead pic of a recent game to give you an idea as to some of the terrain types that many of us have available – also, we will be adding to this in the future as several of us are working on themed terrain to go with our crews and endeavoring to add terrain that is both thematic as well as filling out the recommendations from the very excellent Terrain and You! Thread pinned in the new players lounge. Okay all of that out of the way – as I understand it, these are all of the terrain traits available: Height (ht), Blocking, Climbable, Dense, Enclosed, Hard Cover, Hazardous, Impassable, Severe, Soft Cover, Vantage Point In particular I am curious how something like a ht 2 stone fence would affect movement – without climbable does that mean it would be impassable? Or could a model move over it without any loss of movement, or would the model have to spend effective 2” of movement to account for the vertical climb and then “fall” for 0 damage on the other side in addition to the quarter inch or whatever its width is? Another question along those lines would be something that is Severe but thin (like barbed wire fence, or a thin stream that was .25” across – would that require effectively .5” movement as that is how much it is to cross it, or would it effectively be 2” on a 30mm based model since the entire model has to get through it and the base is effectively 1” wide. That doesn’t seem right, but I am pretty brain dead at work so that example might just be stupid. Also, I am probably overthinking elevation and climbable. On to the test here and see if I understand terrain at all in this game… Building (sealed) - Impassable, ht 3+, Vantage Point, possibly Climbable, Enclosed, may not push through it Building (doors/windows) - As above with the exception that doors and windows are not impassable, may not push through it Stone fence – Ht 1-2 depending on physical height, Blocking, Hard Cover, Possibly Climbable (see above), may not push through it Wooden fence (open slatted) - Ht 1-2 depending on physical height, Hard Cover, Possibly Climbable (see above), may not push through it Wooden fence (solid) - Ht 1-2 depending on physical height, Blocking, Hard Cover, Possibly Climbable (see above), may not push through it Barbed wire fence – Ht 1 –2 depending on physical height, Hazardous, Severe, may not push through it Hill – Ht 2-3, Climbable, Hard Cover behind it, Vantage Point, may push up and through it Gallows – Variable Ht, Hard Cover, Climbable, may not push through it Muddy terrain base – Ht 0, Severe, may push through it Wrecked building – Multiple types, mostly likely Hard Cover, Severe, possibly Climbable, possibly Hazardous, push depends on piece 1”x1” Crate/Coffin/Stack of Flour Bags – Ht 1, Hard Cover, Climbable, may not push through it Cactus patch – Severe, Soft Cover, Hazardous, may push through it Well – Ht 1 (most likely), Hard Cover, Impassable, may not push through it Statue – Ht 2-3 depending on model, Hard Cover, Impassable, may not push through it Stream – Ht 0, Severe, may push through it River – Ht 0, Severe, possibly Hazardous, may push through it Pond – Ht 0, Severe, possibly Hazardous, may push through it Fountain – Ht 1-2 depending on model, Hard Cover, may not push through it Shrubbery – Ht 1-2 depending on model, Soft Cover, may push through it Gravestone – Ht 1, Hard Cover, may not push through it, maybe Severe
  17. Okay quick Tangle Shadows question about Lilith as it seems a bit wonky with all the "this model”s and target models. The card reads: “…Rg12: Select a friendly model within 6” of this model and place it into base contact with the target model. If the friendly model can be placed, then place the target model in base contact with this model.” So, that to me looks like (let’s just assume all models are in range and any base to base I choose). L=Lilith, F=Friendly, T=Target (which can apparently be friendly or enemy). Starting game state: …..T… ……… …F… …….. …….L First step after successful duel: …..F…. …..T… ……… ……… ……… ……..L Second step after successful duel: …..F…. ……… ……… ……… ……… ……..TL Which would then trigger thirsty mandrake if I had that upgrade. And now, let’s say I wanted to use that on Lilith herself, as she is a friendly model within 6” Starting game state: …..T… ……… ….… …….. …….L First step after successful duel: …..…. …..LT… ……… ……… ……… ……… Second step after successful duel: …..…. …..L… ……T… ……… ……… ……… Which would then trigger thirsty mandrake if I had that upgrade. Is this correct?
  18. Hey all, I have looked a bit through the dreamer stuff here and though I am fairly new I play rezzers pretty exclusively. I am trying to get a friend to play and got him the Latigo starter box. I was thinking it would be fun to play a balanced starter vs him and own the models for the dreamer. First off would that be an interesting match, and second, what would the starter look like? Same as previous with addition of daydreams? Anything that will help pull him into this game would be awesome. Thanks!
  19. Hi there, this isn't to do with malifaux at all, but I was hoping Wyrd would update their servers to protect from the heart bleed vulnerability. https://lastpass.com/heartbleed/ Thanks!
  20. All I have been playing against lately is Von Schill and his freikorps and I am lucky to get one success a turn.
  21. And my submission for Worst #ToMB post ever has been added http://malifauxrnication.wordpress.com/2014/03/27/distractions-daydreams-dead-doxies-and-disgust-a-short-yet-rambling-tomb-post/ Somehow I manage to be both short and rambly at the same time. I'm sorry.
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