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Everything posted by MadArcanist

  1. Thats usually the list I run. For the higher point games I just add 2 Belles for more board control and Charge/Scalpel Slingin' set-ups
  2. I could see it, it at least gives you two turns if you don't wanna cast the spell right away, i always prefer holding on to my summon for a couple turns and dropping it in there face
  3. Being a Henchman is a pretty cool experience but I would try to say to you not to try your hand at it until you get a better hand at the game yourself. Best way to teach is to be good or else your teaching it all wrong XD. I know I wasn't comfortable becoming a Henchman until I felt that I had a firm hold on all the rules. And I still botch them up on occasions (Only human I suppose) Sorry to hear about your store. I knew a couple people that opened one up and got there dreams quashed after actually somewhat staying in business, now another guy is trying to pick up the pieces and open a game store of his own up.
  4. basically run events, demo, promote the game and answer any rules questions that are presented to them. You become a "Face" of Malifaux in your area. Its fun and can be taxing depending on the area you play in
  5. yea forgot about the Magic Resist 2 XD. I play Sonnia and we finally got a Hamlin player and during his first game I ran up with a Stalker and ruined his day (Magic Weapon ftw) and its ok (your not really picking on me when you point out a flaw in my logic), I tend to forget a lot of things because I don't worry about crews I'm not playing, I just have to figure out ways to counter them
  6. the only extra thing you need to buy with the Lilith Box is a blister of Young, because more then likely your gonna wanna grow a couple of Terror Tots during the game if you get the chance. And in all reality except for a couple of cases the Boxes range from anywhere to a 20SS (a surprisingly large number of boxes) to 29 SS (Ramos' box set) scrap. So you gotta watch out which box your getting in case one of you is gonna get short handed and might have to end up buying something in addition to the box. Try to have a Henchman in your area to help ya out with learning, mostly because they will know how much you'll need to fight each other with. In my opinion start at the 20 SS lvl (which interestingly enough Lilith's box starts at 19 with an extra SS at 20) and work your way from there. The bigger you get your games the longer it will take to get a lot of the rules down and You'll find yourself asking a lot more questions and it will turn a game that suppose to last maybe an hour taking triple that time
  7. future reference, cant take assassinate with contain power. says right on the scheme, or at least the rules manual states it also you can cheat down the belles attack to make it miss too.
  8. nope, because if you pass you tie the dual and in doing so lose by 0 (in case of damage flips) and thus the attacker wins
  9. In terms of Learning the game, Justice is an easy one to pick up. For a slightly more challenging crew with a easy to play master, Perdita is your gal. If you want the harder of the 3 book one masters that is very rewarding when played right, Sonnia is your girl (I have so many people that watch me play Sonnia and cry over how it can be to play her)
  10. Lol I watched the video and I found something hilarious. He made the one common mistake when playing Perdita. He said that Quick Draw could be used without actually saying that he used it on his turn. Its something you have to Activate on your turn and not something like Drain Blood or Eat your Fill which gives you a Zero out of Sequence
  11. Also Magic attacks tend to leave Nix worse for wear, so if you wanna hit him with something hit him with "Live for Pain" (i think its called) to do full damage to that puppy
  12. I personally like the idea of having a very large pool to draw from, it gives you more choices, and those choices make for interesting games which is what this is about. WM and Hordes still suffer from it being to expensive to get into, and that is what is gonna be the draw for everyone that wants to get into the game, and with a big pool they can pick and choose who they want to play, regardless of how big it gets, it won't be overwhelming, plus as a guild player I scale very well into very big games (Lots of character models that fit well together) I site a personal example being MtG. if you rotate figures then your gonna find models obsolete and that will tick more people off then you'll be helping. I know its odd to reference a tcg to a minis game but it sounds like a very similar concept. Where it stands now you have two options while playing, staying faction based or pulling off a multi-faction where you only collect a couple masters from each faction and focus on that.
  13. That it has a low wound count and needs to use SS against anything that can hit it even with its to def. Probably someone that can hit it for a bit past its bulletproof 2 for damage as well. Also the fact that it has a cast of 6 means that Sam could tear it up with a rapid fire + flaming bullets (CB 8 with 6/7/8 damage)
  14. 1 more out of faction only costs 1 more
  15. Gameology Supply Co ltd 6725 W Central Ave Suite P Toledo, Ohio 43617 419-725-5552
  16. I wanna see Henchman Samael. He was transformed along with Sonnia as well. Plus she had been started to teach him about SS usage anyways
  17. Sorry forgot disappearing act had a ss cost. Yea then doves can't cast it XD
  18. Doves have Magical Extenstion. Disappearing Act is a (1) spell with the connected Master. Therefore the dove can cast the Disappearing Act spell, and since it is Magical Extension doing it you can use a Soulstone to change the duel total. You can't get the trigger off, because it doesn't have any of the triggers, but you can at least cast the spell and bury them.
  19. The interesting thing about McMourning is that the Dogs play an awesome part to his game. I've been finding myself running all 4 of my dogs and chopping one up for parts. The other cool thing is that he can create more as the game goes on. I typically use McM, Sebastian, 4 dogs, his Totem (still good even without the parts from thin air) and a couple Belles. They make it so that they have to play my game when I start pulling there minis across the board. Necropunks make great grabbers as Iam stated, but those fellas and the Punk Zombies have never been personal favorites of mine mainly because I don't like having to fish for a card to leap, and well killing yourself isn't fun either. Also I'm gonna start experimenting with Nurses for Doggie-shenanigans, plus what mad doctor would be complete without his Lab Attendant and a sexy young thing at his side to care for his every beck and call (if ya get my drift ;) ) McMourning is a straight forward master though so be prepared to get your feet wet with him right off the bat, also don't go blowing to many SS on extra body parts, he gets plenty if he is doing his job right.
  20. Gameology Supply Co ltd 6725 W Central Ave Suite P Toledo, Ohio 43617 419-725-5552 Come on out and game!
  21. Makes me a sad panda that I will be missing Gencon this year if you ever find yourself in the Toledo, OH area, we have a small, yet growing, gaming group that would love more people to throw down with.
  22. Take out the proxy, switch to another death marshal and take 2 SS, honestly the proxy isn't that useful and one bad morale spells the end of a model. And in all reality the proxy is only good against a lot of non-morale Wp duels (like Pandora). The marshels are good cause you can box judge and cutioner and let him lure the 4 of them to his ranks and beat face in, or box justice to keep her safe til she is close enough to cause damage. And plus you already have the advantage against undead so the proxy is just overkill. The free move is nice in terms of the crew your playing
  23. Technically I'm cheating with this option, BUT the idea is that you use the first one while the second is more for the crew. The Sonnia box and the Ortega box is only 69 total. With being able to pick up either a totem for Sonnia (either the Proxy or SoC) or you can pick up either Abuela or an Executioner. This gives you a great spread of models to use at your disposal and gives you the option to play a small brawl (Since you'll end up adding more points with the blister) mainly you use Sonnia with Ortegas or Perdita with some Stalkers and Samael. Not bad for 80 bucks?
  24. Goes to show you how much I use magical extenstion. XD Other then that the only decent totem guild-wise for criid is the Proxy. Mostly cause if your fighting something with WP spells it helps to throw it back in there face, which btw is really fun
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