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About Andynonymous

  • Birthday 06/02/1984

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  1. Cool, thanks for the info! The crew creator was always really useful, so even if it isn't 100% reliable, at least its a start. I checked the box of Malifaux stuff I've got stashed away, and seems like I've chucked out all the terrain I once had. So we might be playing on a battlefield of baked bean tins, and random bits of wood for the time being. Saying that, I haven't even convinced any of my friends that we are going to be playing again yet. So one step at a time!
  2. Thanks for the responses! Looking at the Ressers Arsenal Wave 2, I have a couple of carrion effigies, and the Dead Rider models at least, so I'll probably get both Arsenal packs (plus I can check out some of the new models I don't have already from the wave 2). Annoyingly I have a few outcasts as well, Convict Gunslinger and Jack Daw are the ones I remember, so I guess I'll need them too. Are there any errata's/updated rules I'll need to look at, that someone could link me? When I used to play we had several extra sheets of A4, just for the various extra rule changes. Also are the Terraclips scenery sets still popular? I was so close to getting some of those before we quit the first time round, I might look into them again this time if the revival takes off with my friends as well. The other question I have is, is Ratty's Crew builder website still around/current?
  3. Hi all, I played Malifaux quite regularly a few years back, when it had just come out and was still 1st edition. Used to play with my bro and a couple of friends. We all still have our models and stuff, but literally haven't looked at the game in over 3 or 4 years. If I wanted to start playing with the new edition it seems like I'll have to get the new manual, which is fine, as well as the arsenal packs for our respective armies. Are there any other things to consider when (re)starting up? Seems like Avatars are out at the moment (we stopped playing right around the time the first wave of Avatars were released I think). I also noticed there seems to be 'wargear' style upgrade cards available for Masters and some other models, which sound cool, and help further customise your roster. Generally, has the game improved, has anyone else been playing since 1st ed, is the game more/less balanced than those days? Any big gameplay changes? Being a Resurrectionist, I have looked over the faction forum briefly just now and it seems like there is quite a lot of new stuff. I currently have pretty much all the models from the Seamus, Mcmourning and Nicodem 1st Edition crews from back in the day, presumably these models are still all in the game? Are any of the newer guys 'must haves' when trying to build a competitive crew? I'm looking forward to putting together some lists again, with the new rules and what not, and hopefully, my friends with their Beasts, Guild, Viks and Freikorps will once again fear the undead! Cheers!
  4. I played a game last night, and used the dead rider + grave spirit combo, and had Nicodem as my master. I got 'a line in the sand' as my stategy, and struggled a bit because Nicodem took so long to get to somewhere he could properly defend the dynamite tokens. I was thinking about it afterwards, and a potentially good first turn might have been to link the grave spirit to Nicodem, then use the Dead Riders mounted combat on him to drag him up the table. You could get Nico up to about 13-14" and into a good position on the first turn, only do him 1wd and be ready to transfer the grave spirit onto the Rider next turn. It could be a decent way of overcoming the old mans lack of speed...
  5. I've just bought the dead rider and grave spirit so I can combo them to give the rider that lovely armor bonus. I was wondering if 'defensive stance' is legal to use with the grave spirit? Most of the time he'll be passing on his APs anyway and he can get dragged about by the linked rider, so doesn't worry about the movement hit, so seems like defensive stance every turn is a no brainer? Unless I've missed something of course. Any views?
  6. Ah, that'll teach me for skim reading. Although we played all these games pre-rules manual. I would've been much better off spreading my bets in relation to schemes anyway. Marcus was able to rush around using Wild Heart - Hare, and keep just outside my threat range for as long as he needed. As for cheating down the belles combat total, I actually think getting the Cb total equal was the best I could manage with the cards I had at the time. I was on a :-fate:-fate flip, so was prepared to lose a couple of wounds, but then the red joker popped out and I ended up (mistakenly) using that and getting another severe on top (no cards left by that point). As I remember I had pretty awful control hands for most of the game, and I don't think I managed to summon anything. I know now that that is bad when playing with Nicodem...
  7. Nicodem vs Marcus 35ss Nicodem - 8ss cache Mortimer Punk Zombie Belle 3 x Necropunks with Contain Power for my strategy, and Bodyguard and Assasinate for my schemes Marcus - 6ss cache Jackalope Shikome Razorspine Rattler Moleman 2 x Coryphee Supply Wagon as strategy, and Sabotage and Bodyguard as schemes. Turn 1 The terrain is laid out so that there's a long straight road right down the middle of the table, deployment zone to deployment zone, with varoius cover down both sides of the road. I move my necropunks out towards the left side of the road, into some ruins. And move the rest of the gang slowly towards the centre of the board, but keeping to the right hand side. The Coryphee combine to form the duet, and run down the middle of the board towards my deployment zone. The Shikome flys towards Nicodem, its chosen prey, and stops beind cover. The rest of the beasts move up just in front of the supply wagon. The Coryphee charge and kill a Necropunk that was standing too close to the side of the road, and then move into my deployment zone behind cover. Nicodem activates and wastes a lot of high cards and a couple of soultones, trying and failing to paralyze the duet. The rest of the Ressers move up on the right, slowly towards the supply wagon. Mortimer uses Fresh Meat on the front belle to give everyone an extra boost forwards. And the remaining 2 necropunks jump in around the Coryphee, to try and slow them down next turn. During turn three the Duet kill another Necropunk but get Paralyzed in return (eventually, and after lots more wasted cards and soulstones) by Nicodem, Marcus runs in, tries to cast feral and get the Punk Zombie under his control, but fails, and so takes cover behind the paralysed Coryphee. Then it starts to go a bit wrong for Nico.. The Shikome jumps in next to Nico and forces him to sacrifice a nearby mindless zombie, and use more ss and cards to avoid taking a beating from it. So in respone I think great, I'll just lure Nicodem out of harms way using my belle. I lure him successfully and then make the obligatory attack because I ended the lure in melee range. Unfortunately I then flip the red joker on a X3 -ve damage flip and do 8 wounds to my own master! (It turns out you can chose whether or not to take the red joker if it comes up, its only the black one that you get no option with. So that should’ve actually been 2 wds rather than 8. I'll know it for next time ) The punk zombie runs in to the gap that Nico was just lured from, and starts stabbing the Shikome. Turn 4, I win iniative, activate Nico and paralyze the Coryphee again before it gets the use soulstone ability active. I then cast a couple of decays at the one remaining Necropunk standing next to the duet, which splash onto both the Coryphee and Marcus, doing a couple of wounds each. Marcus then activates, and companions the Jackalope and the Rattler, all three jump Nico. Nico only having 4 wounds after the incident with the belle, and with no soulstones after trying to deal with the Duet, succumbs to the ravernous beast pack. Mortimer kills the still paralyzed Coryphee, the punk zombie finishes off the Shikome, and the Belle manages to take out the Rattler. Turn 5, the Jackalope and Marcus charge the punk zombie, killing it, and wound the belle some more. Turn 6, We call it game, as Marcus has clearly won at this point. I didn't have anyone close enough to the supply wagon to damage it (he had a dug in moleman sat on it all game anyway). The Arcanists had managed to Sabotage the required piece of terrain, and kept Marcus alive for bodyguard, so got the full 8 vps. I didn't kill Marcus so missed out on 6 of my possible VPs and Nico died, so I didn't get my own Bodyguard scheme. 8 - 0. I did make some silly mistakes. The belle luring and flipping the red joker (and using it ) being the obvious one. Also I wasted too many AP, cards and SS in the first three or four turns trying desperately to deal with the Coryphee. In the meantime the other beasts had closed in on my gang. Using blasts against the Evasive Coryphee was another blunder I think. Should've targeted them directly with decay. Still it was only my second time playing as Nico, and the first time my opponent and I had both played with/against the Coryphee. Good game, and some lessons learnt...
  8. Glad you liked it, heres another Marcus vs Seamus report. So it was 35ss, with Shared Claim Jump as the strategy (gather around a central point, with more units than your opponent). I went with - Seamus, Copycat Killer, Hanged, Sybelle, Belles X2 and a Punk Zombie with an 8ss cache. and my mate had - Marcus, Jackelope, Coryphee Duet, Shikome, Cerberus, Moleman and had a 5ss cache. For schemes, I did bodyguard on Seamus (always a good choice for Seamus), and Grudge on the Tiger. Marcus went with 'Sabotage' on a bit of scenery and Grudge on Sybelle. We had 12’ corner deployments, so first turn I moved a Belle between 2 bits of scenery, right up next to the claim jump marker. My mate then charged this front Belle with the coryphée, wounded the Belle twice, but then failed to disengage and was stuck next to my wounded Belle. Marcus then ran up next to the same Belle, using his Wild Heart Hare running mode. The Belle survived this too, and then I was able to use my second Belle to lure Marcus a full 8 inches (thanks to rabbit mode) towards the rest of my army. She whacked him, and did a solid 4 wounds. The tiger then leapt into the front belle where Marcus had just got lured from and picked off the last wounds from the belle with his 4 claw attacks. I then used Sybelle to charge Marcus and hurt him some more, bringing him down to 5 wds. Finally Seamus charged Marcus, kills him, uses the corpse counter from the dead front belles to pop up another belle in the same place, essentially blocking the Coryphee and Tiger from easily getting to the rest of my gang next turn. So at the end of turn 1 I’d actually killed Marcus, wounded the tiger and coryphee a couple of wds each, and lost but then replaced one of my belles. I also had 7ss left, and my opponent only had 1ss left. Turn 2, I win initiative, my mate burns his last ss to try a reflip and gets a one. Mwahaha! I go first, use Seamus to cast face of death + mask of fear, to get a 4inch range terrifying 14 effect and a 12inch -2 wp for living models. Marcus activates the tiger which flees from Seamus immediately. The Shikome flys over next to its prey, Sybelle and reduces her down to 1 wd. Then Sybelle, the belle next to her and the nearby punk zombie all activate over the course of the turn and swing or charge at the Shikome, killing it eventually (spirits are a bitch to kill). The Coryphee successfully disengages from the new front belle and runs round the flank towards the wounded Sybelle. The rest of my gang walk up to the claim marker. At the end of turn 2 Marcus remaining gang had the flee’d tiger, the Coryphee duet, and a moleman. I had what I started with, but Sybelle is on 2 wds, and one of the belles had been killed/resurrected. My mate won initiative on turn 3, and used the Coryphee to run in, finish off Sybelle, then run away again. The tiger rallied and went and hid behind a house. And the moleman got near the middle of the table and dug in. I raised another belle with Seamus, and got the rest of my crew into position near the claim jump. Turn 4 I get initiative, move the copycat killer up first, to try and block the coryphée from picking on any of my decent models. My opponent uses the Coryphee to hit and run the copycat killer, killing it, and then hid with the tiger behind a house. The Coryphee then gets chased and lured out of its hiding place with a belle, wounded a bit, then gets hit with the Hanged spell that halves its wounds and stops it healing for the rest of the game (it has 2 0 actions it can use to cast healing flips, which it had done several times so far). Then Seamus charges into it killing it off (finally! it must’ve healed about 6 wds by this point) I then run my Punk next to the moleyman. The beasts have only the tiger and the mole left, so decides to jump the tiger into Seamus in a last ditch attempt to deny me some VPs from Bodyguard. I use soulstones to stop him from even hitting Seamus with all 4 of his attacks and he concedes the game! The late Marcus had 4vps at the end, from grudging Sybelle, and sabotaging a bit of terrain. I had 4 from the claim jump, I had 2 from Seamus’ bodyguard scheme, and would’ve eventually caught the tiger to get my grudge against it. So it would’ve finished 8 – 4 we reckoned. The game was pretty much over on turn 1 for Marcus though, after I managed to isolate Marcus and totally surround him. From there it was just a case of weathering his hit and run tactics, and luring models into the line of fire. I didn’t even get to use Seamus or the Copycats gun! Belles as a front line against Marcus' beasts are awesome. Tough to kill in the first place, get a free slow to die hit when they do die, and are totally replaceable, because you can just summon more! Hit and run against that! Good game, if a little one sided. More to come!
  9. Hi all, first post here! I play Malifaux quite regularly against a couple of different friends, and after most of our games one of us usually writes a little post game analysis email to the other. Rather than them gathering dust in my inbox, I thought I'd tidy a few up and post them here. I know I enjoy reading other peoples battle reports, so thought I'd share mine. Anyway, enjoy! Game 1 - 25ss Marcus vs Seamus Seamus Gang consisted of - Seamus with 3ss Sybelle 2 X Belles Copycat Killer (I love that little guy) Hanged (first time using one of these in this game) Marcus took: Marcus with 6ss Cerberus Tiger Rattler Myranda Jackalope I had the strategy 'Destroy the Evidence', so I had to destroy 3 tokens in and around his deployment, and he had treasure hunt, gotta grab a treasure token from the middle and take it back to his deployment. As schemes I took ‘My Little Friend’ (kill a 7ss+ unit with the Copycat Killer) and ‘Bodyguard’ on Seamus. I won first initiative and ran a belle forward onto his treasure. We all shuffled forward, then he ran Marcus forward and sat on the treasure too. (it’s a (2) action to pick treasure up). I move all of my dudes except one belle towards the middle. The last belle starts to flank round a house to the left of the treasure. Second turn Marcus turns Sybelle feral, and takes control of her. She then turns around and flurries Seamus for 8 wounds(!). The belle guarding the treasure is badly wounded by the rattle snake. I use my Hanged to half the snakes wounds and then the flanking belle lures the snake away from the injured central belle, and Seamus casts his life leeching spell at Marcus, hits and gets severe on the damage, so does 5 damage to Marcus and heals himself 5 wounds. Phew! Third turn the flanking belle gets charged by the tiger, but holds out (now surrounded by the snake and tiger). Sybelle charges the snake to try and help the flanking belle that’s in trouble. Snake is reduced to 1 wound. Central treasure guarding belle is killed by Marcus and then Marcus legs it back to safety. Seamus summons up a new belle in the centre, and runs after Marcus towards the objectives. The newly summoned belle lures in Myranda, who is then jumped on by the hanged as well and killed. Jackalope activates, fails its terror test and legs it away from the hanged. 4th turn The snake and tiger manage to kill the original flanking belle, but the belle takes out the snake with its last slow to die action. This leaves the tiger vs sybelle in combat on the left. The tiger kills sybelle, and jumps in on the belle and hanged in the center. The Copycat killer who has been hanging out in the middle behind cover sees his opportunity, moves and takes a shot at the tiger and kills it (I got the ‘My Little Friend’ scheme for this!) Then Seamus runs right up next to Marcus and blasts 6 wounds off him with his cannon, killing the already wounded Marcus instantly. With Marcus gone, the Jackalope dies too, leaving the field empty of all the beasts and the undead depleted but victorious. Was a good game, lots of terror tests for Marcus to waste his high cards on. The hanged did well with a spell that halves the targets wounds and prevents healing for the rest of the game. Got the snake and tiger with that. Marcus got a bit carried away in the moment at the start, which left him at the frontline and vulnerable, which meant he had to retreat in the following turns. Marcus used up lots of SS staying alive. Then I waltzed in next to him with Seamus on the 4th turn and shot him when he had no SS and only 2 crappy cards left in his hand. One dead beastmaster+beasts! I'll post up the next report in a while. Stay tuned!
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