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Everything posted by islyfe

  1. I love those models, nice paintjob!
  2. Sick! I want to see him painted now.
  3. Awesome news all over the place. Wyrd rocks! lol
  4. I prefer working with plastic, Its makes building and converting easier for me.
  5. I plan on subbing my golem with a steamborg. Yeah when shit hits the fan I'd rather have mr.scissorhands, people will think twice before charging blindly towards tina. It seems like a no brainer to me, you can always have your totem cast Dec Touch on the borg while he keeps steam cloud going daring enemies to go anywhere near his master. Yeah you lose a range attack and BoW but for one more ss you the steamborg brings: +2/+2 wk/cg +1 wp + 2 ca (+tome) + 2 def +1 wound paired melee ( how come the golem isn't paired beats me) +1 cb +1/+2/0 dg Terrifying=12 + 1 melee expert steam cloud > statue way better triggers The only downside is putting that big mofo together lol.
  6. Ok so how exactly does pandoras crew work? I have only played with rasputina's crew which is pretty simple....nuke the other guy with december's curse and have icey linebackers intercept all threats all the while buffing and boucing December's curse.
  7. Malifaux is filling in gap in till my next 40k touney and 40 league start. If I can get my friends involved I might play more Malifaux, we'll see.
  8. Hello everyone, I just picked up the pandora box and I;m new to malifaux. How exactly do you use panda and crew? I'm under they impression she doesn't play anything like the other crews. Any advice will be greatly appreciated. Thanks This is my crew: Pandora Sorrow 3 Sorrow 3 Sorrow 3 Baby Kade 6 Candy 8 Convict Gunslinger 6 Crew Cost: 29/30 Soulstones: 6
  9. I feel like painting scores should always be a separate category in tournaments. There plenty of players who never laid a brush on their models and shouldn't receive credit for someone else hard work and skill in painting the player's army. The organizer should have made sure there are so many bonus points throughout the tourney so the chances of a tie are highly unlikely.
  10. From what I have red teddy works well with all 3 of the masters.
  11. Oops I thought this was a living document. I was hoping raspy's tactics weren't complete, lol. I had a feeling that 8ss was optimal to spam December's curse. Do you find yourself casting december's touch almost ever turn? I would imagine myself casting DT on my golem to keep up my linebacker/mirror healthy for the majority of a game.
  12. So how much SS do guys keep in cache with you arcanists?
  13. your gamin and golem look real good. :rasputina
  14. I want to see what nasty lists that people have come up with for 30ss/35/40ss? Well balanced all comers lists are what I'm looking to see. Themes are irrelevant for this discussion.
  15. I'm sure some if not all factions and masters are effected by game size for better or for worse. What do you guys think is the most balanced size game size? What size requires the most skill in list building and strategy in game? If there were an official league run by Wyrd what size would the games be? Is really 30 ss the sweet spot?
  16. Cool thanks a lot for help. I will be having my first demo game on thursday, I'll let you guys know how it goes.
  17. Hello everyone, So have been playing Warhammer 40k for a while and I wanted to try something different. So I stumbled upon malifaux which appears to be one of the most unique TT games I've ever seen with a nice selection of beautiful models. Which brings me here, I red NerdElemental's primers which were a good read. Now I'm interested in picking up the "The Cult of December" boxed set and my question is what other minis would compliment this set? I want a big enough force so I can play standard size games while being competitive. Can someone also give me a run down of how rasputina plays? Any advice will be greatly appreciated. How well are the characters and factions balanced in malifaux? Thanks, islyfe
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