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The Green Git

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Everything posted by The Green Git

  1. And with that we will now resume the thread already in progress. To get back to the OP's questions the book is older so you could have some V2 cards that are different than the book. The changes to the cards came after the first book was published.
  2. Can you give me an example of such a card?
  3. So are you saying cards have changed that are not covered in the Errata?
  4. Good choice, LordFett. Looking forward to seeing some pics posted of painted models!
  5. You can look on the cards and see if it has a "V2" on the face somewhere... it will be small. Also, you can read the Errata and see which models have been modified. If so, then it *should* have a V2 card. Not saying it does yet but it should soon if it doesn't already.
  6. More like O Gauge... around 1/48. H0 Gauge works out to around 1/87... way too small. In H0, 3.5 mm (0.14 in) represents 1 real foot (304.8 mm). That would make your 32mm figures about 10 scale feet high!
  7. Meh. I just wanted to offer another opinion... that Wyrd seems to be doing the best they can and that my experience has been pretty good. I'm done here.
  8. No, but it does make them better, and a far sight better at that. Couple better support with better rules and (arguably) better models, and you have a clear contrast. One could contend that if all you ever knew was an above average level of support, when that level was perceived to slip a little you might become disenchanted when you are still getting damn good service compared to the rest of the marketplace. Not sure exactly *what* you are trying to say here... With the ancient, bloated Workshop that produces Games on one end of the spectrum for support (The sucky end) and any other company you name at the other, Wyrd still comes out closer to the "good" end than the "sucky" end. Unless your expectations are unrealistic. If you are looking for perfection you're never going to find it, at least not in this life.
  9. I'm with the Madman on fixing lists. A great part of the allure of Malifaux is being able to pick your list after finding out what the mission is! Even at tournaments with fixed objectives you should still allow players to pick their lists based on the Faction they face.
  10. I'm playing with the current Errata and FAQ and it's not so much of an issue. No game situations have arisen that we couldn't figure out by reading what's available. When the odd issue we can't figure out does pop up in game we typically flip for the outcome and then research later. Coming from a world where I deal with commercial software all the time my support expectations are a bit different. When you buy a piece of software you are also expected to purchase maintenance and support that renews annually. You pay for bug fixes and enhancements. You buy software as is and while the publisher fixes stuff to retain customers they are not obligated to do so. Your purchase of maintenance and support brings the bug fixes and enhancements to the table in a legal agreement. Now I'm not saying that Wyrd should charge for Errata and FAQs, but what I am pointing out is that they are doing this for free. And might I also point out that they are doing a hell of a good job and by comparison are worlds better than another popular big name UK based miniatures company who I shall not name.
  11. As a new Leveticus player I too required a little thought to get my brain wrapped around that one. I like Karn's "Circle of Life" label... consider it stolen.
  12. Very nice... great inspiration to do something with my basement. Is that a Scooby-Doo Mystery Machine in the bookshelf?
  13. Sorry to hear about your poor experience Ringo. Personally I've had nothing but good experiences with Wyrd... can't believe this is anything but a fluke. The rulebooks are extremely high quality and hold up much better than say a GW Codex. Mine get abused on a daily basis with three (!) Malifaux players in the house manhandling them. The paper is high gloss and thick, and most pages have full color illustrations on them too. Malifaux is a great game with a lot of character and gameplay depth. Don't let one bad experience put you off.
  14. That's awesome. It's like a cross between an evil Teddy Ruxpin and Wolverine.
  15. Yeah I'd second that Lady Justice recommendation. Very straightforward and not too many things to remember.
  16. Maybe he "flies" like the Hulk does. Just really, really powerful jumps. He's buff enough for it.
  17. LoL. I'll be Al Gore thinks he's Captain Planet, too.
  18. Welcome aboard! Look forward to pics of your game board.
  19. I think for the most part he looks great. The face is the only real off spot. It just needs to be lighter, like the rest of his flesh. You might be able to get away with an overpaint just using the ruddy tone for the deepest shadows.
  20. Welcome! I am also a Rich B. albeit on another Continent.
  21. Welcome! What part of the world are you in? I'm a Necromunda player too and that was part of what drew me to Malifaux. The cool backstory and excellent fig sculpts keep me coming back as do the great game mechanics. Looking forward to seeing your crew.
  22. Pandora can be challenging but isn't all that bad. I've suffered worse abuse at the hands of Ramos and Rasputina. If you like the Pandora model, go for it!
  23. Welcome aboard ItchyDani3l! I look forward to playing you some time.
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