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The Snowman

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About The Snowman

  • Birthday 02/24/1977

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    Dubbo, Australia

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  1. The Snowman

    The Snowman's Malifaux

    Some pictures of my painted stuff as well as some that I have painted for others.
  2. I made my own sculpting tools out of old sprue with round ended pins and points sticking out of them that get me by. Also paperclips are good for pinning and come in varying sizes... and cheap.
  3. I really like this idea.. I probably don't know the rules well enough to be able to help but... I have noticed that several threads on various sites that refer to army list creators that have the words "army" and "builder" together in the title have had to be removed because of copyright issues with that company that makes armybuilder. I want to make this a positive and get you to come up with a better name for your project... builder is so tired and does not fit the theme of Malifaux anyway.. Maybe "Crew Creator" or "Hired Gun Saloon" or something that has a link to the western, steampunk or victorian eras.
  4. The Objective... could have been something other than a waste of 2 hours. They must have run out of money... and then the writers went on strike...
  5. Rising Powers p.45. In bold under the table on the right. Really good write up too. Not sure what the OP thinks but I'd like to thank those players for chipping in with some rule reminders, I have not had a chance to play too many games (am enjoying the painting) and can learn a lot about things that I hadn't put much thought into.
  6. Hey, I'm from Dubbo and we have 6 players who have taken up the game in the last few months. I expect that we will have more once we have painted crews on the table. A few of us will be at CANCON next year.
  7. Happy Birthday Ben!.... Still gotta get me some Malifaux... Looking at Guild to start with. Good Idea? Gotta get me more than 2 opponents down here first though!

  8. Maybe a benefit for being near a lantern could be some sort of bonus for Morale duels or Wp duels. Kind of like 'having the light on so your not as scared sort of thing'. (Have not actually played a game yet... just soaking up the rule book).
  9. Matt here from Australia! I did notice that there were already a few people here from this part of the world. Just picked up the rulebook and some cards and will have a thorough read before buying a couple of starters. Though (I must say I like the look of the Arcanists and Neverborn.
  10. I have been using 'The Snowman' on most boards that visit... My last name is Frost... I often get called Frosty...
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