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Everything posted by Dragoon130

  1. wow i love the shading, awesome job man!
  2. I don't see a pic. is it the dargah wraith? Edit: nvm found the pic awesome steelhead!
  3. Why thank you sir. I really wish the blood on the chest would've worked I was a little depressed when it didn't. Also I have some spare warhammer body parts I may add later.
  4. Finally got around to painting my teddy hope you all like. I tried to make a pool of blood using red paint and clear epoxy i picked up from work. If you look closely i tried to make it dribble down his chest too, it didn't work to well though so i had to take it off. Also the paint was still wet when the picture was taken so he's actually a little more matte then he is in the pics. And yes that is my half painted Seamus down in the corner, Hopefully he will be done tomorrow.
  5. Speaking of that little guy, is there any word on a release date. I would have a reason to own some gremlins then.
  6. Yeah an average for my group is anywhere 30 minutes to an hour and we rarely break that unless I'm corrupting new players.
  7. There's a nice big picture in book 2. I don't have it infront of me but it's next to her rules.
  8. I go to games and stuff atleast once every two weeks haven't been for malifaux yet but I've been for warmachine a few times. Nice little store just wish it wasn't 40 minutes away
  9. Yeah after reading a bit of the book 2 fluffy goodness I kinda gathered that.just everything about her seems a little more sadistic then I ever expected but hey I guess even zombies change. Speaking of her how are people proxying her. I think I will get another deathwalker and just paint it with her book 1 description, long black hair, white bloodstained burial dress.I really hope someone else has a better idea for it though I really don't want to buy another goreshade the bastard.
  10. So my copy of book 2 showed up today and I had a heart attack. I know I'm not the first, nor the last to say great Job guys. Even Molly, the one character from the fluff I was disappointed not to see in book one was there. Although I pictured her a little more like the cryx deathwalker kinda shy looking obedient little follower. Either way I adore the new stuff job well done guys.
  11. I'm also in Maryland harford county to be exact. I would love to meet a few other players in maryland. Either way welcome!
  12. I agree. By this point and time everything that's culturally accepted has been done. As For the movie I heard it was good but not see at a cinema good. I was told just rent it
  13. ouch, that's a painful list. It would destroy my seamus.
  14. History is told by the winner. If the south had won the civil war then the north would be the "bad guys" but the north won so guess who is portrayed at "bad". Its like someone said earlier the neverborn may be described as monsters who want nothing more then to steal your baby and murder your dog but that could be guild propaganda. Its only right to fight back the native americans did it to the point of virtual extinction. It's not really that far fetched.
  15. Honestly, i haven't read the entire post yet so I'm not sure if these points have been made yet, but here goes. The first point I'd like to make is alot of the draw to the game is that there is no "good" faction just like real life. Good itself is a relative term that is subject to opinion. (For give me for the historian babble that follows I'm in school to become a history teacher ) Take any war from time. Both sides no matter how wrong they were to our own ethics honestly believed in their cause and thought it to be the "Good" and "Just" way. Never mind the thousands of innocents that were killed in the process. The next point is the factions involving the church. Honestly the guild already seems kind of churchy to me. Just the whole witch/necromancer/demon hunt really reminds me of the catholic (menoth) faith over the various eras since their creation. Not to mention i wouldn't in the slightest consider a church faction to be the "good" guys. I understand that a religious faith tends to bring to mind shining crusaders of good, but even evil can have paladins, Albeit with slightly different powers but Death Knights from wow, or dark knights from the final fantasy series are fine examples in my opinion. (Once again excuse the history babble) Not to mention history shows that the church has committed quite a few murders in its time simply not to loose power or gain something they want (Joan of arc, as close as well get to a real life pally was burned for being a witch simply because she was a woman who claimed to be able to talk to god or the crusades where they suddenly decided they wanted to own jerusalem. Among many more). Finally, its a skirmish war game no matter who you field they are gonna be killers and mass murderers. Its just the nature of the game. Sorry if I was blunt I just couldn't hold that in. Don't get me wrong i would love to see a new faction in this game and I do find your ideas thoughtful and interesting (the amish preacher would be a riot) i just don't think a "good" faction ever really works.
  16. A friend of mine actually wants to check out games and stuff so maybe ill stop by there. I'd have to get directions to either though. I live in bel air so either is a little bit of a drive for me.
  17. So I have a bit of a problem. A few weeks ago my lgs closed ( (I was about to apply for henchman too) due to lease issues. So I'm trying to find a new one. Is anyone here from the Baltimore md area?
  18. Picking mine up on Friday we'll see how well he does against a Lilith crew on Saturday.
  19. So when does the malifaux box hit the store?
  20. It just added to list for me. I do admit finding the time for warmachine and battletech is a little hard when I have half painted malifaux models all over the place.
  21. Fantastic job on the zombies. I need to get to painting my own.
  22. Then I'll get right on the story as far as his stats go ill give it a shot. I have some ideas I'll post along with the story and then see what everyone thinks.
  23. In that sense I may just write the story and have someone else come up with the stats. I'm not very good at leveling out characters. They always end up too underpowered or overpowered. Well what about fluff wise is a rouge death marshal too over the top or would it be acceptable.
  24. Malifaux rpg! Yum... Anyway my friend is trying to figure out a way for doing the setting with a storyteller mechanic. Kinda like exalted or scion but with cards. Not sure how he's coming along on it right now though.
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