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Everything posted by daemonkin

  1. Will this have an effect on the time that Johanna models will be available?
  2. Hi folks, Running another demo at a not-so-local gaming club. Been down a few times and always well received. If you are in the area or fancy coming down to see what Malifaux is all about please come along. Location: EMP Games Club, Portadown, Northern Ireland Date: 10 May 2014 11-3pm Contact: Jennifer Burton Hope to see you guys there. D.
  3. I found myself puttinf the monks into my crew at the weekend - both High and Low and then removing them for my tanky models - samurai and Lone Swordsman - as it was Reckoning and I just couldn't justify them over more survivable models. Still want to try them out. D.
  4. Hi folks, running demo and game day at Dragon Slayers 24 this weekend. Come on down and learn a new game! Location: Queens University, Belfast Time: 1pm - 5pm Date: 26 April 2014 Contact: Paul Taylor (Tabletop Rep for Committee) Hope to see you there!
  5. I unboxed my monks last night and they went together so easily it was a joy. Tonight will be cleaning up some mould lines and priming ready for painting this weekend. D.
  6. Hey Mako, so i caved in and download Excel on Microsoft365 package: Total: 183 models, 984 soulstones across 13 masters in 6 factions. 46% painted Pretty happy with that. Need to get my fully painted count up to 50%. Should have Peacekeeper completed in next few days to help. D.
  7. Hi folks, Yet again we are running Nordicon, a multi-system convention in Belfast, Northern Ireland, run by the collective team of Lisburn Gaming Club and Queen's Dragonslayers. The event is bigger this year and includes a vendor hall and Artists Alley. Some of the events on offer are Warhammer, Warhammer 40K, Warma/Hordes, Infinity, Flames of War and Malifaux as well as demonstration games. For Malifaux we will be running a 4-round singles event on 1 day and a 3-round story encounter the next day with open gaming on the friday evening before. The singles event will be ranked in UK Rankings. [uPDATED DETAILS] Sponsors: Urban Laser Craft will be adding custom tokens to the goodie bags and providing some prize support Element Games will be offering prize support Thank you so much to our sponsors for their support. THE ANCHOVY MATCH The anchovy match will take place on Saturday evening before we head for dinner and the pub. Contestants will be required to each as many anchovy paste toast triangles in 1 minute. The winner(loser) will be handsomely rewarded with some Extra Strong Mints (other mints are available). Dates: 18th - 20th July 2014, tournaments on 19th and 20th July Location: Queen's University Union, University Road, Belfast Cost: TBA Format: Gaining Grounds will be used as much as possible to determine strategies and deployments. Painting: At least undercoated although prizes may be available for best-painted Prizes: I will operate a raffle-style format for prizes and players can earn raffle tickets through winning events and entering painted crews. Singles champion will earn the Nordicon Malifaux Shield for 1 year and have their name engraved on it and a trophy to keep forever. I will keep this post updated as and when things are set in stone. Look forward to hearing from you soon. D.
  8. Colour me the universal colour of interested! Bob McCallum D.
  9. daemonkin

    Players Decks

    Hi guys, Great job with the new module. Loving it! Slight issue came up on Saturday. My opponent had Vanessa and her ability is to take the 3 top cards from her deck and look at them and replace in any order. My opponent didn't realise he had in fact selected my deck and took the 3 cards off that. He was able to see my cards but I wasn't. I could do the same to his deck also after I informed him of his mistake. Can anyone try and replicate this? D.
  10. Can't use as no Numbers support. Silly Numbers. D.
  11. This is interesting. I'm moving over to 10T or a while during Vassal league. First game is Recon vs Viks. I'm torn between Mei Feng who I have used in the past and possibly McCabe (with his wastrels and significant dogs with Luna) or an altogether new master in Shen Long. Any thoughts? Jon if you are reading this please stop now D.
  12. Hi Folks, Running another demo at a not-so-local gaming club. Been down a few times and always well received. If you are in the area or fancy coming down to see what Malifaux is all about please come along. Location: EMP Games Club, Portadown, Northern Ireland Date: 12 April 2014 11-3pm Contact: Jennifer Burton Hope to see you guys there. D.
  13. Ama No Zako allows the samurai to fire. His trigger is to fire again which cannot be used but his built in ability on the weapon will deal damage if he misses. As far as I can see. D.
  14. @Falconrider is that true? Ama No Zako cannot allow the samurai to hurt themselves? D.
  15. Yeah that's the consensus with us. If the defender hasn't flipped we take the flip as the horror duel and proceed. If the defender has already flipped we take a horror duel as the very next flip (which would have been the damage if successful) and proceed as normal. It's a fun game and no need to be less than cordial about missed flips. D.
  16. That's the way we played it. Nekhima kills golem. Young matures but mature is summoned behind the young and therefore out of blast range of the golem who then explodes. D.
  17. Nice bases. I use Micro Art Studio ancient temple ones for my Nephilim: http://www.shop.microartstudio.com/temple-bases-round-25mm-p-134.html D.
  18. The only way to stop Somer squeeling off is to place something (terrain or other models) directly behind him as he must move directly away from the model which attacked. So if you look at the situation and decide which sister should attack first then his trigger could work for you. Again, it is dependent on the game set up and other models - he may bounce out of range of your sisters but into LOS of a ronin ready to gut him like a pig! D.
  19. They are great as area denial especially in Squatters Rights or Turf War. Get a pathfinder to deploy from the shadows and spend the game making or moving traps and gunning models down with this blast damage blunderbuss. Great 6SS minion. D.
  20. A similar question came up during a tourney at the weekend. Nekima killed an ice Golem so I grew a young nearby to a mature. My question was does the ice bast hit the young before he matures or after? If it's before potentially the young could die (he was on full wounds as it turned out) and would not mature. If it happens after I can summon into base contact outside the blast area and avoid damage on my mature. D.
  21. Definitely all models with Black Blood will be very good options for Lilith. I use Silurids and Waldgeists also but I have had them since 1.5 days and don't like the new artwork for waldgeists. The new silurids pics in Zoraida's box look lovely tho. D.
  22. Just noticed on our local web store the release date for dawn serpent is this month. Has there been any renders released for this model yet? D.
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