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Everything posted by daemonkin

  1. Anyone else notice that the Misaki box set is not on the webstore? Recutting sprues? D.
  2. Shenlong will be hitting the table after my next tournament this weekend. Playing 10T in the Vassal league. Looking forward to running him out. D.
  3. It's the amount of lures you can do in a single turn that can sometimes make for a NPE. I don't play Ressers much (with or against) at the moment tho but a few belles luring models out of their areas or into ranges for things like Molly's spells to work can be nasty. Am I saying it's overpowered? Not necessarily but at least with austringers they are rare 2 to mitigate their effectiveness and all combos that were tried during playtesting with Lucius and chaps excludes austringers. D.
  4. The other models with Lure have a lower CA than the belles. Be happy to have it reduced to CA5/6. D.
  5. @Sybaris thanks for this was kind of hoping for a young to mature if I can kill a leader, henchman (or enforcer?) with Nekima. Luring with Lilitu is also a nice touch but eats up SS - her, shaman and young is 20. 13 is left for objective grabbing tots or silurid if I want 5 cache and True Mother upgrade. Idea was to keep young nephilim in the 6" bubble for Growth. Will try it out and see how it goes. D.
  6. I will be using 10T as my faction in the new Vassal leagues so hope to gain more experience with certain masters like Shenlong and Lynch even though I have used Lynch as Neverborn. D.
  7. Regarding conditions on traps the traps are immune to conditions. D.
  8. Did anything ever get resolved on the traps receiving/removing conditions? I'm planning on using these at the weekend in a tournament. D.
  9. Bad pun Zfiend but O see what you did there! D.
  10. Shenlong and Mei feng will both love it. Question is whether it's better than Kang for my Mei Feng builds. D.
  11. That relies on Juju being dead does it not? Not being a fan of the old model I have not used Juju yet. I am waiting for the Zoraida plastic set (with another 3 silurids!). D.
  12. If you summon a forest and are in base contact your range goes to 4" which is a big zone of control and can give the waldgeist a bit more punch. Armour +2 is also very good. D.
  13. Thanks guys. Yes the shaman is going to be used and possibly a tot to run in and be spammed with black blood pustule. Maybe even kill the tot with Nekima to splash black blood and then grow a tot from the mess that is made. D.
  14. Is that correct re Hazardous Terrain. What's the trigger for applying hazardous terrain effects? D.
  15. Hi folks, Got a tournament coming up and I'm going Neverborn for a change as it's my #ToMB (Tale of Malifaux Bloggers) project. The tournament will be 3 rounds 40SS and 2 rounds 50SS. As a surprise I was considering running Nekima as a master for at least 1 of the smaller games and try out her grow abilities. Anyone got any experiences using her solo? It seems her True Mother upgrade gives a pretty big aura to allow Growth, particularly with the Rapid Growth either on her or on another enforcer. I know she may be limited in her abilities leading a crew but I think she could potentially throw a spanner in the works. Thoughts? D.
  16. I have a tournament coming up in 2 weeks time, 3 rounds at 40SS and 2 at 50SS. I might try out a Nekhima grow list in 1 of the 40SS games. Take shaman, tots and young and whatever else is required for the scenarios and see what happens. I wrote a short blog article about my thoughts on henchman-led crews here. Any thoughts or comments please leave some feedback. D.
  17. Picked up the box last week mostly for using Illuminated with Lucius but will also try out Lynch. I also picked up Graves, Tannen and some beckoners for dual use with Lucius and Lilith as well as Lynch. D.
  18. Hi folks, This weekend I will be running demo games for anyone interested in starting up or getting back into Malifaux M2E. I know there's some interested parties. Location: Queen's University, Space restaurant, 1st floor Date: 8/3/14 Time: 12pm - 4pm Contact: Killian McKeever (Dragonslayers Committee) Regards, D.
  19. Less is definitely more. The same thin with ironsides artwork. Definitely more basic looking masters. D.
  20. I tend to use Silurids, Waldgeists and tots together depending on what strategy/schemes I need to achieve. If Breakthrough/Plant Evidence/Line in Sand comes up I'm taking Tots and Cherub to get the (0) interactions to place more schemes. Silurids are there to help grab objectives, leap out of the way or leap onto objective, next turn interact, leap, interact. Waldgeists are there for cover generation and the huge melee range they can offer. Have yet to use Juju as I don't like the current model but will pick up the new plastic Zoraida set. D.
  21. @tharrup that seems logical. If the model does not require a test it cannot be targeted for it. D.
  22. @ZFiend thanks for the input. Is there a rules page I can reference? D.
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