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Everything posted by Chucklemonkey

  1. Me too, in fact I had forgotten how much. Looking forward to payday now, I think Amazon will be getting a visit. I think I have somewhat lost the point of this thread. And that T-Ara song fair brought a smile to my face.
  2. Ok, that looks proper good. I'm moving ever closer to actually buying a computer.
  3. I'm more a girl's generation man myself. :inlove: [ame] [/ame] Edit: I had to put another one on. [ame] [/ame]
  4. Warmachine last Sunday. Will also be playing it this Sunday. Will need to actually start buying some proper models for it. Using a Teddy as an avatar of menoth is probably not going to last.
  5. They are in with the smilies so, just go to edit signature, hit the smilie button, scroll a fair way down and all your favourite's should appear.
  6. Like from friends [ame] [/ame] Not a fan but it's how I remembered
  7. Now we are talking. Once upon a time in China was absolutely superb. Also love the work of Jackie Chan, more so Police Story, Project A, wheels on meals etc I have said it before but wheels on meals is a classic of product placement, here is one of the more subtle points. Unfortunately I can only find it in Spanish but she is essentially saying that without such a great car she would have died. [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZW2IW7lBn4[/ame] Edi: Also, The Eye is fantastic. I found the second one disappointing though.
  8. I can't say that was what I had in mind.... You have disturbed my delicate mental state now bear.
  9. There has been a fair amount of Korean chat. I must admit that my love of Hong Kong cinema has dwindled with my last real interest being the Infernal Affairs films. I heard good things about Election but just never got round to it. Haven't really seen any bollywood, but there are a few decent thai films about these days too. Edit: JCVD has done some dross. Still have a soft spot for one or two of his older ones though.
  10. I don't think it is easy to find just a list of stores that stock Malifaux, there is this link on the Malifaux wiki http://pullmyfinger.wikispaces.com/Where+to+Buy+Malifaux but that site is still fairly new, so if you find one close to you please add it on.
  11. Lilith tends to love her Nephilim. The direct synergies with other masters are currently limited to the Dreamer being able to hire and fully utilise, Lelu and Lilitu as they are both nightmares. The Nephilim can be hired by your other Neverborn masters it's just that mostly they won't maximise their potential. Pandora is perfect for Kade and Candy but neither of them tend to find there way into my usual Lilith lists. I'm sure some others with more seful feedback will be along shortly.
  12. Ahh, you can't beat a bit of the Killer or Hard Boiled (and I always had a soft spot for Bullet in the head) to remind you John Woo could actually direct at one point.
  13. Not too bad ta know i'm home. Time to start looking at these cartoons I think.
  14. It was the ending that had always been in mind, I just wasn't sure I had left enough little clues and that along the way. Pleased to hear you thougth it was balanced ok. Not sure whether our guild leiutenant will be back or not, might possibly try and make a seperate story for Graeme. Anyway, I enjoyed writing it, but - and i'm sure you will know better than most - it fairly takes over when you start getting into the writing.
  15. Hello all. *Waves around room* A half day of work done. Now to shake off the last vestiges of man flu so I can hit the pub later.
  16. Hey fell, just to let you know the last 2 parts are now up. Hope you enjoy and thanks for taking the time to Have read it so far.

  17. Maybe they just found foreign labour far too cheap. To justify the next round of price increases all new models will be hand sculpted by the Queen.
  18. Well Seamus works nicely straight from the box and I don't see any problems with them facing each other. It also gives you more faction models if you do end up widening your gaming circle too.
  19. I had been aware of the game and am a sucker for this kind of theme. Now I have looked at the miniatures I really wish I hadn't. Another game I will have to try and resist getting into.
  20. Hmmmn, if it is literally box sets and nothing else, I would probably rule out Kirai as she definitely would need some extra seishin. Collette could work out of the box in my opinion. As for the other two i'm not sure. Tricky choices for box set games.
  21. Firstly can I just say I love the idea of all the Neverborn children ganging up together. I don't have my book 1 handy so can't be too productive on tips. As far as I recall though, Kade has some synergy with Teddy, who is a Nightmare, so that is something to look at. I can't remember if Teddy gets called to Kade or the other way around. I hope it's Kade to Teddy as that would be more advantageous for you, but I don't think it is. As for Candy, no direct synergy but a nice support model all the same. This is showing me just how long it has been since I used either of them, will have to rectify that.
  22. Your Avatar makes me hungry

  23. Also, she does have more options than Collodi and he is getting a shiny box set release as we speak. Granted, he needs the 4 marionettes to really make him tick but I don't think there is such a dearth of options for Kaeris that it would prevent a pre-book 3 release.
  24. I was thinking about that film just the other day and would have to agree with you. The God of Gambler films are a bit like that. Especially the third one.
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