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Everything posted by Chucklemonkey

  1. If you or any others are still looking for alternate Flesh construcs - or a few other Malifaux mini's such as warpig or bad juju - check out the spinespur range. Here are the potential flesh constructs. You would just have to place them on the correct base size. http://www.comfychairgames.com/pack.php?pack=62
  2. You could always use Jack Daw and buy a single stat card. No-one knows what he looks like under that sack. :hangman:
  3. My current fave band for listening in game is Mono. Won't post a youtube clip as most of them are filmed at their shows and they are also not as quick and visceral - when I want that it can always be Mad Capsule Markets. ;-) If you have 5 minutes head over to youtube, you won't be disappointed - i hope. NB, the Japanese post rock band, there are a couple of other bands with the same name but an altogether different type of music.
  4. And soon he will be mine. Now to find some ability to paint or someone else willing to do so...
  5. No idea what the game will involve. Do i think it will be very original and fun? Yes, yes I do.
  6. Welcome aboard. Hope your next few games are more fun and seal the deal.
  7. How to fit as many awesome things into a trailer as possible..... [ame] [/ame] .....and yet surely no film could have all of that in it? Is sucker punch some comic that I have missed?
  8. Understand exactly what you are trying to get at. I have only recently started playing PP games - Warmachine in my case - and it was playing Malifaux that led to it, as the people in my area who took to Malifaux were all WM/H players so in weeks when Malifaux wasn't played it seemed only fair. As I say I can't speak for Hordes but WM is a fun game, I have only been playing using the starter sets - had been all set to place a big order when Wyrd showed the Gencon releases - and even that has a good learning curve.
  9. Hello and welcome along. What models did you go for? I generally find no bullying is required. Just have the models in plain sight and they tend to do the work for you.
  10. Multiple bears will be very popular I think. I can now try out the colour scheme I chickened out of the first time - it has to be pink now, I'm looking at you Rathnard... Will wait and see what other Nightmares are around before plumping for more than that though. It's not like wyrd aren't going to see enough of my money. I may as well ask my employer to just start paying it straight to Nathan.
  11. Not sure about linking to other forums (though i'm sure it would be ok) but Denny from the Worldworks site has posted that Terraclips will be available from the Wyrd webstore from the 5th of August. Given the partnership involved here, I imagine that is as good as confirmation from Eric or Nathan - although I do not presume to speak for them - and therefore they will be available on the webstore like everything else. The impression I got from the new release thread is that everything will be available from the webstore from the 5th.
  12. Hi there and welcome to the forums. I have never played Okko but have fancied it for a while, I may PM you for more details.
  13. Maybe a monolith...? As for slaughter, it is what I almost always played initially - I just kept drawing it. It is not something that has drawn particular Ire from me. My Malifaux losses are far higher than my wins but unlike other games - one of which has been previously mentioned in this thread, at some length -I seem to even enjoy it when I get an absolute spanking. I know that attitute won't be the same for everyone as different people like to get different things from their games. Is slaughter tough? Yes, Therein lies the challenge.
  14. Hello, glad to see another person falling to the wyrd addiction
  15. Hello there and welcome to forums. Where in the UK are you from? Hope you have a happy and prolonged stay.
  16. Very nice boards. Really like the lion's head on the sewer board.
  17. As a previous non arcanist player I am strangely most excited by Collette. I think it's the Blade armed mannequins. If there is one thing in the world that gets me excited....
  18. Gah, why I never filled out that Beta application I will never know. The hardest master I have tried, so far, is Pandora. One game and she has kind of sat on the shelf since then. From the sound of the other thread I shall at least get some use out of Teddy soon though.
  19. I take it you are talking about in a 3 player game as she is unique? I would suggest it would be a card off as she replaces the deceased model.
  20. My slightly related concern is will he be too heavy for the Terraclips terrain? I do hope not.
  21. Very interested to see Hamelin as a master. My guess would be that this would also be good news for marcus as surely he will have some beasts to control.
  22. Welcome to the forums! There are plenty of people who will answer any questions you may have but I will start. 1. The fate cards have to be purchased seperately from the crew box sets. 2. No idea if either of the two listed are near you but there are a couple of Swedish players on the find a game thread which can be found here. http://wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?t=6986&page=25 I have found it is easy enough to convert people once they see the mini's close up though. I know you said you are from the South but have you ever been to that crazy book/miniature shop in Gamla Stan in Stockholm? I can't remember what it's called but I would give anything to have that shop anywhere in the UK....
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