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Everything posted by Chucklemonkey

  1. I am pretty much the same as the above. I had found that those masters were mostly neverborn and res but Collette is challenging that.
  2. I'll add to the happy dance. Order shipped. :elefant: I'm pretty pleased there has been so much interest. More opponents going forward.
  3. Now that makes me very jealous.... Did you make the buildings yourself or are they bought from somewhere?
  4. Seamus is another pretty good box for starters. It doesn't drastically require anything else. Sonnia or Tina seem to work ok from the box sets but this would not be a particularly good match up. Possibly the Viktoria's. For starter demo's I wouldn't even necessarily start with a points level. Just have people pick a master and maybe another two mini's at first and build up from there.
  5. I would pretty much fall into this camp. I don't have the patience to sit and read a rulebook cover to cover - the Warmachine book for example - and generally, although I like to ensure I play nicely themed forces, I am not a fluff nut. As a result I really liked the sectional book as it served my short attention span well! A properly functional index would have made all the difference though.
  6. A thread which may prove of some use to you. Hope so anyway. http://www.wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?t=11410&highlight=scale+trains
  7. I had exactly the same thought. Really nice model altogether actually. I will be buying it for exactly the same purpose.
  8. Well I know I am not the OP but your re-assurances about the scale are very welcome. I think I will order one of their range now. It will do until the real nekima.
  9. Don't know whether it would be appropriate, but given the number of threads that come up looking for input on the starter boxes, I just wondered about what people might think about setting up a thread with a breakdown of the starter boxes and any subsequent questions or discussions on them?
  10. I knew they were looking to release v.2 cards. I didn't know they had done it already. Did they sneak this past me like ninja's? Or did I just miss something really obvious?
  11. The ortegas would also be fine from the list. Gives a nice range v combat dynamic if you still use Lilith.
  12. Whilst i'm really looking forward to receiving my order, the fact it's delayed due to the ever growing popularity of the game makes it easy to swallow.
  13. I don't propose to list all of the mini's that could be useful but if looking for alternates one of the first places I lookis spinespur. Has potential Warpigs, Flesh constructs, a Bad juju and a number of other figs people may find useful. The quality varies greatly but one or two gems. They even have a suitably creepy *****... http://www.comfychairgames.com/range.php?range_id=6
  14. The picture is a bit busy but I really like this, I think. :y: I could see her as a voodoo zoraida type character
  15. Possibly something like this could work with a spot of converting skill http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Deva-Female-Angel-Reaper-Miniatures-03114-/260638494415?pt=UK_Toys_Wargames_RL Again probably too small. I will post any other ideas in this post to prevent cluttering the place up. Edit: Not sure as to the scale on this one. The model is expensive which always says slightly bigger to me so might work if you strap some big wings to it. http://shop.kingdom-death.com/product/forsaker-pinup
  16. How large do we expect Nekima to be? What base size is she There are a few places that do really nice 28-32mm female demons with wings but they are not huge. My personal fave for a model like that would be the third one down. http://www.arcaneminiatures.co.uk/freebooter-miniatures.asp?offset=10 I may be using that mini for Nekima despite the height issue and was hoping I could get away with just placing her on a larger base but I get the idea this would not be as impressive as you are looking for.
  17. Given that I don't play tournaments, having crews from all the different factions isn't necessaily a problem. Glad I am not alone. @ Xango: you could always stack those mini's together to create some sort of shelter...
  18. Really like the look of those models. I think you have definately pulled of that more natural look you were going for. Good work.
  19. Serious question. Are people having difficulty in deciding what to collect and what not? It was difficult enough in Book 1 but from the sounds of Book 2 even the 1 faction I wasn't totally sold on, arcanist, have a master and henchman which sound fantastic. In every other miniature game I have played I have generally only been drawn to one or two factions whereas it seems every faction here have at least one - usually 2 or 3 - masters/crews which I seem drawn to. Granted I have not received my book 2 yet and I may be disappointed when I actually get it, but so far it seems unlikely. Is anyone else having this problem? Or does everyone else know the direction their purchases are heading?
  20. This sounds fantastic. Another reason why McMourning is pure win.
  21. I think Lord Chompy and the nightmare's - and Colloddi - have finally completed my conversion from Resser to a fully fledged Neverborn player. Any more on Coppelius? What does he look like?
  22. I'd love Abuela to be a melee beatstick with a rolling pin or something.
  23. Ah okay, cheers guys. That makes sense and now you have mentioned it I do think that was actually mentioned before. With that in mind, bring on the devil dolls! I'm also liking the news that the good doctor is getting more toys.
  24. Whilst that is a big minion count I was expecting more. The reason being that some - I have no idea how many as I wasn't part of the Beta - will be restricted by being special forces no? If so then you have to get the Henchman to get access to the huuugggeee majority of mini's in the book? Unless not all of the special forces are in the book? For example, guild have 8 minions. If 5 are special forces linked to Hoffman, then guild players who don't take an instant liking to Hoffman will really only have 3 minions? Given the number of minions highlighted in the teasers have you *purposefully* neglected to list the spec forces? :squint: Unless, and I hope I am, taking something out of context or misunderstanding. Can anyone tell me how many special forces minions are in for the factions?
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