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Everything posted by Chucklemonkey

  1. Hi Clivio Welcome aboard. Have to agree with you on the Neverborn, although I also love the ressurectionists. Lilith is my favourite master in the game for now, but all of the Neverborn masters are unique and nasty.
  2. Glad you enjoyed it. Gremlins can be tough but they are nasty little blighters when things go their way.
  3. 1. It doesn't sound lame at all, we all start somewhere. The fact it is normally between 5 and 8 miniatures for a normal 35pt crew means it should not take too long too get everything painted up. Items you will need include White or Black Primer to undercoat your models. Appropriate Paintbrushes, I hear P3 brushes are excellent but I am still using my old GW ones, and paints of the colours of your choice. GW, P3 and Vallejo all do a range of paints for miniatures and i'm sure others could recommend a few more. 2. Yes it can, I still do. It is recommended - and I concur - that the game is best with quite a bit of scenery but just throw items that block line of sight on the table and you will still get a feel for the game. 3. The core gameplay is very inituitive, the more complex mechanics are mostly in relation to the individual talents and abilities of the miniatures. There are tons of spell, triggers, actions and abilities out there. Depending on the crew you like you may find yourself reserructing hordes of undead, buffing mechanical spiders for attacks, draining blood to use on a spell to grow one of your troops into a nastier one. A lot of the abilites can stack and it is the interaction of all these that provide the strategy you seek. There is plenty of it. Also, the cheating fate aspect and resource management adds a level of strategy not often found elsewhere. 4. Yes a tape measure will do it. Generally they can move in any direction. There is a section in the rulebook on movement which should clarify things for you but if not come back here and there are plenty of people about to ask on any specifics you get stuck with. Welcome to Malifaux and the world of miniature gaming, enjoy your stay.
  4. Have to agree. Lelu & Lilitu were high on my shopping list until I saw the models, then my wallet went back in my pocket. There will be plenty of proxy models from others that could be used for Lilitu. Haven't started looking for an alternate Lelu but I think it has to be done. I don't think the small LCB is too terrible, at least not when you see it amongst this month's releases. Sorry for being so down on them but this month is very poor.
  5. Starting with the Special Characters Vects wife is called Lady Malys Lelith does not have a 2++ dodge save. She has a 3++ save in combat, 4++ outwith combat. Other SC's are Decapitator Baron Satohnix Duke Sliscus The 'Bonesword' is called a huskblade, the archon can also take a retinue of rather unique troops. The troop grotesques are called wracks. There will be two skimmer/flyers - not just the razorwing. I like the sound of the two talos variants. The Haemonculous side of things are where my current wych cult will be heading. A lot of pics are now available for the models. My fave is Urien: http://www.warseer.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=98175&d=1286351805
  6. Just finished reading 'The Left Hand of God' by Paul Hoffman. I enjoyed and would recommend it.
  7. I have been playing them as they do leave corpse counters on the basis that the fall back position is that models are living. Not sure it feels right on the sorrows right enough, which again are not classed as spirits but merely woes. I am pretty confident undead leave corpse counters though....?
  8. While there is always a loser on release schedules I must admit I am surprised - given the prevalence of his fluff in Book 2 - that he is not due out sooner. It's fine for me as there is still far too much stuff on the schedule I consider a must buy, but still..
  9. I'm pretty sure there was a dwarf ratcatcher in the news and reviews section a while back. Had a quick look for you and couldn't find it. It is in there somewhere though...
  10. New release from cipher studios https://cipher-studios.com/store/index.php?main_page=popup_image&pID=456&zenid=a80a7ba2dd886423f3a0c53abdde52d0
  11. Just came across these gaming polls over at tabletopgaming news in relation to what people purchased and played over 2010. http://www.tabletopgamingnews.com/2010/10/01/39749 Makes interesing reading. Malifaux seems to only be below WM/H and the 2 core GW games (I don't count LOTR as core), at least it was when I looked. Whilst I suspect that percentage wise GW would be much higher than it is in the polls - some GW players are very insular - it is still good to see. Anyway, just thought it was worth posting for your perusal. Edit: I assume this is the right place to post this, if not feel free to move to general or wherever it would be best placed.
  12. It seems so... here is the link http://wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?t=15429&highlight=toolkit @avatar: I like your PP suggestions.
  13. Possibly something like these with a little bit of work and a few additions. http://www.frpgames.com/cart.php?m=product_detail&p=67870&ref=news http://www.heresyminiatures.com/images/hsf035_security_1.jpg There is nothing ideal which springs to mind
  14. Those are all some impressive tables. The club I play at has a very nice selection of terrain. Nothing decent for games at home. At least not till Terraclips are released.
  15. What sort of lemony goodness would result in a re-housed LCB? On topic will this just be an extra errata or will this be an all inclusive kind of deal?
  16. Now i'm no mod but if people have issues with a particular poster i'm pretty sure they can ignore the posts. Either technically(?) or just by not reading them. While I have no issue with any poster, and like to see reasoned debate, I would add that in many of the threads mentioned earlier the critical responses have been totally over the top. Can't we all just get along? :dancing::vb_cheers
  17. Agree with Werecat on the totem situation, although for me it is mostly for thematic reasons. Other than that it looks a pretty solid list, but then I would say that. As you can see from the base lists suggested McMournings box set is not optimal but he is a LOT of fun to play.
  18. Agreed (in terms of looking forward to it, wasn't a huge fan of the miniature), I am very much looking forward to all of the mini's that would fit in with the Haemonculous aspect of the army. There is talk that grotesques are now monstrous size - so may see a purchase as a second flesh construct - with smaller human size slaves/monsters also.
  19. Have been eyeing up the few mini's released by this French company for a while and here is their latest release http://www.ragingheroes.com/blogs/news If anyone can come up with ideas for use of any of their stuff in Malifaux then please post them. I'm just looking for an excuse....
  20. May or may not be useful but this website has pics of a good number of oriental masks. http://www.nohmask.com/masklist/femaleghostspirit.html
  21. At 25 pts I usually play something like this McM Sebastian 6 Bete Noire 9 (Your dogs will die after all) 4 Canine Remains 8pt total Zombie Chihuahua 1 Leaving one extra stone. As others have said you will be trying to create a flesh construct so having one of those would be very useful. A lot of people still take the nurse but I have never got the hang of her.
  22. I am liking the look of the new jetbikes. As I have said elsewhere tho I have my de army and don't fancy replacing everything. I could yet be tempted by manDrakes if they look fantastic and the rules stack up. Other than that just looking forward to reading the codex
  23. Agreed, I think a more appropriate question for the guild may be how many people use a guild crew for demo purposes. I know I have a Perdita crew I have never used but has probably been played the most of all my crews, as my opponent.
  24. Very nice. Love the basework and the sorrows too look very well done. Any chance of a close up of your Teddy? I'm a sucker for them.
  25. I was expecting to see Dryads when I clicked the thread. While I too prefer the Wyrd Waldgeist, I would add that I do like both your paintjob and the demon/treeroot things you have at the back of him. It does make it seem he is emerging from something.
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