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Everything posted by Chucklemonkey

  1. Whilst I see your point I can't fully agree with it. As a very occasional and recent player of warmachine I was lucky to get a special deal on the box set I wanted and the core rules, then I figured out which caster I wanted to use and the starter box became next to useless due to playstyle etc. It has actually slowed my interest in the Game as I need to buy an entire list separately. As such I definitely think Wyrd have it right in terms of the starter boxes but can also see your point on selection. I do like tadakas thoughts of limiting new masters and focusing expansion on Henchmen and special forces. I don't have a Henchman crew yet, are the box sets differentiated so newer players know they are not fully fledged masters?
  2. I really enjoyed it. I was expecting the pictures to represent the malifaux scenes you described, but in any event both strands held my attention nicely.
  3. In terms of an actual catalogue, you used to occasionally get one with orders from the online shop the others linked too. I haven't received one with my last few orders so can only assume they have stopped.
  4. Reason why Karn is awesome example 1. A pic of action Jackson himself, oh and the shwarz!
  5. This had previously been my exact thoughts on the matter. I find even at 35pts the Game can get a little tied down.
  6. Well it's fairly clear what game they are meant for. A sign of wyrd's success perhaps? They look nice enough to be fair.
  7. Many thanks for the feedback gentlemen. You can probably tell the idea was formulated during a somewhat slow day at work. The contents of the chest should be revealed this weekend. I am loving the holiday weekends. @ A B, I'm enjoying working my way through your stories. Should be up to speed with them soon.
  8. Hello there. Welcome to the game and the boards. Although I have a perdita crew I am really a neverborn player so will let the more seasoned guilders help you crew wise.
  9. Jumps onto Hayzels shoulder and eyes Yazzas boxstructs warily...
  10. Bruce Campbell rocks. Bubba Ho Tep is a personal fave. Also, I'm very much alive.
  11. Not yet. They are due in July. Although that may now be August, with the rejigging of the schedule.
  12. Not ideal if you don't have a computer...which isn't or shouldn't be a requirement to play the game.
  13. Pretty sure that is the only way for now. Not ideal but you could buy the set and ebay the other models. You should make enough money back to justify it I would think. Like I say, not ideal but depends how much you want it.
  14. He he, me too. Great isn't it. And a long weekend next week too....
  15. To a certain extent I agree with your general point but I would say perspective has been lost by both the defenders and attackers (Couldn't think of better phraseology there, apologies). There have been genuine points of concern that get lost in what becomes nothing but a circular argument. In the V2 card thread that got locked there was a very good point about the time limit on the redemption as it appeared there was still some V1 blisters out there. It was stated that there shouldn't be anymore v1 in circulation, but as someone who has a friend who not that long ago bought a pre-malifaux judge with no card, I can safely say there were, and as a result there may still be issues for those coming newly into the game. Hopefully the stat card boxes will be out shortly. I love this game as much as anyone but it is clear there are lessons to be learnt - and some people here (i'm not saying you, but in general) just start shouting down anyone who mentions this. All I hope for is that Wyrd keep putting in the efforts that they do, both in developing the game, and in taking care of their customers. I had worked on a much larger more eloquent but similar post to this previously but Weird Sketch ninja threadlocked that particular battleground.
  16. Just wondering if anyone else had been folowing the Studio McVey releases for their sci-fi range sedition wars? Now that i'm solely dedicated to skirmish games this looks like it could deal with my sci-fi itch (Although the sodaverse is still in contention) http://seditionwars.com/ Edit: Should this be in news and reviews? I wasn't sure.
  17. My daydreams arrive just the other day, they are very cute. Check out Karn's dreamer tactica when you start getting a few games going. Very useful - as all his tactica's tend to be.
  18. The deluxe version of Mid-evil with the two expansions, which is another take on Zombies by twilight games. It was the first time we had played this particular game so there were a few quirks. Nothing too much to say about it, you kind of know what you are getting with those games.
  19. I checked my pocket watch. It was approximately four minutes from when I had last checked it, and a full eight hours before I would check it for the last time this day and head home. It was mid morning, but in in the windowless basement of the guild treasury it was impossible to tell night from day and the first set of wax candles had nearly come to the end of their life. There were five of us here today, not that you would know it as the only sign of life was the rustling of paper or clinking together of guild scrip. My excitement for the day had been that I had finally been given a key to enter the treasury un-supervised. It had been four months since I had followed my heart through the breach from earth-side. The lure of a lucrative guild contract easing all thoughts as to the difficulty of the transition; as it turned out the laws in Malifaux were far more different than I had given them credit for. I had also been unaware of the additional thirty percent retention tax placed on all guild employees, and so visits to my favourite drinking establishments were so few and far between that I could but daydream about them. At least I had time for that.... Recollections of my time storming into and closing down brothels and illicit saloons, on the other side had almost completely disappeared from a memory which, like my intellect and enthusiasm, appeared to be fading fast. I checked my pocket watch. The red light on the department aether-vox began flashing. I grabbed it before anyone else could, thinking a conversation might break the monotony of the day. I had no clue as to how right that would turn out to be. “Who’s that?” Screamed the voice on the other side of the vox. It was Waldorf Davis, my boss. A good and fair one all things considered. Some people said he had the ear of the Governor himself. I had no idea if this was true, but I had seen him speaking to Lucius once. “It’s me sir, Charles” I replied. “Ah good, Anyway listen up Charles. I have just been given the heads up on a mining company failing to pay their taxes or suppliers. I’m heading there now to take them for everything they’ve got. I want you with me Charles. Get yourself on that flea bitten horse of yours and meet me there.” I jotted down the address before grabbing my case, leaving the basement and heading to the stables where I had parked my one horse carriage that morning. It was old, had taken one too many shunts, and had generally seen better days – much like the horse that pulled it. I dreamed of upgrading to the new carriage-master VX3000 with bucket seats and twin awnings, but my modest salary prevented me from taking that interest further. Still at least my mileage was paid at a rate of 0.4 scrips of hay per mile travelled, it was more than the horse needed and I always considered selling the surplus to a local stable-master, although I never did. It transpired that it was a warm day in the streets of Malifaux town and I enjoyed cocking a glance at the local showgirl wannabees as they headed to open auditions that I had heard were occurring at the Star over the next few days. My carriage made its way through the winding cobbled streets to the outskirts of town. A half hour later and I arrived. I looked around and it was clear that this had been no two-bit operation. Valuable drilling rigs and equipment were strewn about the yard and the office building looked as large as any I had seen on a similar site. The wind whipped dust about me as I headed over to Waldorf, who it seemed had already arrived, and had begun berating the foreman, who looked petrified. I wondered why he was so scared. Surely he was under the protection of the M & SU and even Waldorf was hesitant in seizing absolute control over their assets; unless of course this was an unregulated mine. “Charles, what the bloody hell took you so long? I thought I was going to have to do everything around here myself. Start checking the site for our security options and take an Inventory asap before those sticky fingered miners half inch everything worth half a scrip around here.” “Yes sir, right away.” I headed towards the entrance of the office building, carefully avoiding the stares of the twenty or so miners that had gathered nearby, knowing that this was to be their last day in the job. Inside the building it was clear that cleanliness had not been a virtue as almost everything seemed to be covered with a thick coat of red dust. The office had nothing but a few tables and chairs that clearly had no value, the store room that I spied in the back left hand corner of the room however, would surely be more lucrative. I entered the room and immediately began taking note of the weird and wonderful tools on display. I grabbed a chair to stand on so I could determine if the goods on the higher shelves were worth collecting – that, and I had spotted an un-opened bottle of soulstone gin up there, which may just fit into my case undetected. It was just out of reach at first, but that wasn’t going to stop me and I leaned across as far as I could. I could feel the chair about to topple but could do nothing as I started to fall backwards. I landed with a thump and struck my back on a locked chest. The pain was unbearable for a moment, but then anger brought me to my feet and I turned to take out my frustration on this inanimate object. Before I could do that however, I noticed two things, the first was that the chest was balanced on two planks of wood, and the second that it was locked with what appeared to be a fairly heavy duty padlock which was new, as it had not been afforded the opportunity of gathering the same film of dust that everything else in this forsaken place seemed to attract. I grabbed the largest set of bolt cutters I could find and set to work. It soon became clear that the unit was not balanced correctly so I started moving it across the floor to ensure I could get enough leverage to break the lock. It turned out there had been a hole in the floor beneath it but I did not worry about that for the moment and again I began forcefully trying to break the lock. I could feel it start to give, and then with a snap I knew I had it. I took a moment to consider what may be inside. I figured it may be more soulstone gin and wondered how I would manage to sneak more bottles to my carriage undetected. I licked my lips and lifted the lid...... I immediately knew it was going to be a far longer and more interesting day than any that had preceded it.
  20. I had spotted this miniature on tgn I think. He is very nice. I will certainly keep an eye out for the 32mm steampunk stuff. Certainly an interest in that style around here.
  21. It's gone all dark all of a sudden. Looks for way out... this might take a while...
  22. I just Saw weird sketch in a tv add. Will someone with a computer search youtube for the cornetto enigma advert? Stupid phone. Yazza wouldn't resort to the old sandwich in a box trap? Surely!
  23. Nice to see a bit of planning around here! Wanders towards box...
  24. I have the feeling I won't be seeing that sandwich...
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