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About Ravager

  • Birthday 08/21/1967

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Explorer (4/14)

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  1. oh.my.gawd. Coppelius is awesome. My fave so far!
  2. great pic, my new wallpaper, is there an artist name?
  3. There isn't any setting to shrink all the master pics?
  4. As many times as my minis get dropped, I sure hope they don't go to resin. I already have Lilitu, Lelu, Candy, and Sword Vik waiting for re-glues. /I hear resin explodes when dropped. //and all the pieces shoot for your eyes
  5. All fiction is posted in this folder, here in the forums. There are a lot of great stories on nearly every faction and character. http://www.wyrd-games.net/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=12
  6. I repeated this post to consolidate the story. I kept going back and 'fixing' parts and realized that if anyone was following it that all those changes are probably making them less interested in reading it. Anyway, if you do muddle through it, post a comment good or bad. I'm sure there's something controversial in there somewhere...
  7. A Boy's Life Dr. Mark Goodwell had had a very good day but knew something was wrong the minute he turned off the ignition to his hybrid sedan. He also felt something amiss as he pushed open the picket gate to his freshly manicured lawn. There was a twinge in his stomach as pressed his key into the lock of his victorian front door and another as he slowly pushed the door open. The living room seemed normal. There were his son’s favorite toys scattered across the floor. A plastic ninja sword was propped up against a stuffed rabbit the boy called Fluffy. Teddy, his son’s stuffed bear, wore a cowboy hat and lay on the sofa as if relaxing from a long day’s work. But then he heard sobbing in the kitchen. It was Kate. His wife. He walked towards the sound, carefully avoiding stepping on his son’s latest creation. Is that a Lego spider? He sometimes wondered at his son’s creativity. Kate sniffed and looked up at him as he entered the dining room. “The school principal called again today.” She said. Her normally beautiful blue eyes were now nearly totally bloodshot and seemed almost purple with her tears. “He’s getting worse.” Her left hand held a tissue, there were several more tissues, crumpled and scattered about the table and floor. Her right hand lay atop an overstuffed paper folder. The way her hand was placed over the folder, it seemed as if she was trying to keep it from opening. Almost as if she were keeping it from opening on its own. “What happened?” was all he could think to say. Gone were the thoughts of how nice his day had been. *** “Didja hear that?” said the one, looking over the campfire into the night. “Hear what?” said the other as began settling into his bedroll. As always, a sharp rock seemed to be dead center in the spot he wanted to lay. He swept under the rough mat and knocked it aside. He was anxious to get some rest, it had been a long day. The first outcast wasn’t so quick to get comfortable. He was sure he heard something in the wind. He tilted his head to listen for it. “Keep still, dangit!” He said to the second. He heard it again. A boy’s voice. Here, in the woods. Out in the middle of nowhere, there is a boy. “This ain’t right.” He said to his friend. “What ain’t right?” His friend clearly not wanting to get from under his blanket. “You remember all those creepy kids with the rats?” “Of course, I remember, I still have a scar on my butt where one bit me.” “I hear a kid’s voice out here.” At this, his friend did sit up. “I don’t like kids. Seems like all the kids in Malifaux are tainted and creepy.” The man carefully grabbed his six-shooter and began to scan out into the darkness. “What’s that smell?” said the first. The odor was strong and moved across them in a wave. He could nearly taste the oily thickness of it. He heard his friend stifle a cough. “Not sure, but it would gag a maggot. Only bad things smell like that. I’m getting my boots back on, we need to get out of here.” He began to pull on his boots, one at a time, still pointing his pistol out into the darkness. “Are you taking a nap?” The voice came from behind the two outcasts. They both spun in unison and pointed their pistols at- a gorgeous woman. She had curves in all the right places, he could tell because her naked body was completely visible underneath an impossibly shear, red dress. Her black hair seemed to have its own wind to blow it about her shoulders. Her perfect lips looked delicious and her eyes glistened, yellow and orange and red, in the fire light. At first sight, he wanted her. The outcast was so stunned by her beauty he failed to notice her blue skin. Or the horns on her head. His partner spoke first. “We aim to get out of here real fast. Right now, lady. If you want, you can come with us.” She smiled the most heartbreaking smile he’d ever seen. He felt a feeling he hadn’t felt since his first kiss. “I don’t think either of you will leave here tonight.” Even her voice was sweet. He stared at her as she licked her lips. Out of the trees to his left he noticed movement. He spun and pointed his pistol as a shadow, a man with claws and fangs, leaped across the space and tackled his friend. He fired one shot as a glint of silver snapped across his vision. He looked down at his hands. They felt as if they were on fire. Blood. He saw blood and mangled flesh where his hands used to be. The pistol lay on the ground at his feet, covered in blood and pieces of his hands and fingers. In a daze, he looked back at the woman in the see-through dress. It took only a moment to realize her silver barbed whip had severed his fingers. She was smiling that beautiful smile again. He didn’t want to look away from her - even as the barbed whip snapped across his throat. *** “These pictures are horrible, Mark.” Kate clenched a fist over the folder on the table. Kate’s voice held all the sorrow Mark could bear. “Honey, I hate seeing you so upset, let me see.” he said as he lightly moved her hand off the folder of his son’s artwork. He sat down at the table and pulled the folder to him. He noticed his hands were shaking. As a surgeon his hands never shook. The pictures were always beautiful in a way. Kate would admonish him for seeing anything positive, but Mark was honestly impressed by the boy’s talent. If only the pictures were not so danged creepy. At first glance, the first picture was innocent enough. It showed Fluffy the rabbit, dancing in a field of flowers. Looking closer, Mark thought that, apart from dancing, it was a near exact match for his stuffed toy. Apart for the dancing, and the fangs. Artwork Fluffy had fangs that were nearly as long as his head. The rabbit seemed ecstatic to show off his teeth as he danced in crimson and clover. Mark flipped over the page and looked at the next picture. Crayon artwork of a woman in a cowboy hat. Harmless, even the pistols at her side looked normal enough. Nothing creepy here. Although, he imagined the school administration had a problem with just how much detail when into the artwork. The girl was stacked. And all her clothes were tight fitting. How much sexuality does an eight-year old boy notice? The next picture was of old man? Maybe. This old man had tentacles and suckers like an octopus where his face should be. He held a loose eyeball in his fingers. The detail was so good Mark could make out the nerve endings still attached to the body part. His son had written the word, “GROSS!” across the top of the page. The next was of the stuffed bear. Teddy was standing in a playground, drenched in blood, grinning with a mouth full of teeth. Next to him lay a headless corpse. It wasn’t a child’s corpse but a shiver ran up Mark’s back all the same. There were forty drawings in all and each more disturbing than the last. With a shaky sigh, Mark finally closed the folder and looked at his wife. *** “Hey Billy, Tito, there she is.” Zits said. The three men were hunkered down and camouflaged in the treeline. Using the surrounding vegetation as concealment, the killers were virtually invisible until someone walked on top of them. Billy looked up. Walking towards them certainly looked like their target. Singing a song, she appeared as the five or six year old little girl in the description. Blond and dressed in a clean blue dress, she portrayed an innocent child walking home from grade school. But Billy guessed this was no school girl. Her name was Candy and she would kill for the joy of it. He was pretty sure of it. “She don’t look like much, Billy.” said the third man. “Seems kinda scummy to take down a little girl.” Billy thought about this. “Well, yeah Tito, Sarge warned us about that. She might be using her power on us.” Even as he said it, he hard a hard time believing it himself. She looked about as dangerous as a flower. He forced himself to say, “We kill her or we don’t get paid.” Zits spit on the ground to his right. “Right,” he said. “Money is money. You taking the shot or ain’t ya?” Billy shook his head, “We should wait for the boy. If he shows we can be sure.” Just in case, he kept the reticule of his powerful rifle aimed at the little girl’s head. The shot would take her head clean off. Moments later they heard a voice. A little boy’s voice barely audible in the wind. The little girl stopped and looked directly at the trio of men hiding in the bushes. She was still a few yards away. Her eyes were wide in surprise and she looked completely like a young child all by herself. Billy suddenly felt silly lying there in the weeds and brush. What kind of sicko was he? “Aw Billy, take the shot, man.” “I kill her or we don’t get paid.” But Billy choked up and struggled to keep the big rifle steady. “What if she’s just a little girl...” his vision blurred and his hands began to tremble. It was enough to prevent him getting a clean shot. The large .60 calibre bullet struck Candy in the shoulder and flipped her spinning nearly a full rotation. Her tiny body dropped like a rag doll and she laid still. There was red blood on her blue dress. Seeing the fragile little girl take that bullet crushed Billy. “Oh lord, forgive me.” he said and he began to shake uncontrollably. “That was mean!” said a little boy’s voice. Tito and Zits looked around but saw no one else about. Zits breathed a quick curse word and drew his machete from its sheathe. He looked over at Billy but his team leader was inconsolable. He motioned to Tito to draw his machete also. In an instant, the little girl jumped up and ran for the protection of the trees. A little boy’s laugh rang out in the woods. Without a word, Tito stood up from their cover and ran after the girl. “Dangit Tito!” said Zits. “The sarge said stay close to each other!” Tito was close enough to catch her. Just a few more steps and he’d be able to yank her down by the hair. Then he’d send this creature to hell with his machete. Behind him he could hear Zits calling for him but he was too close to stop now. Strangely though, within a few moments, Tito realized he would not be able to catch her. He could see the little girl was getting more distance between them. Unbelievably agile, she was somehow clearing tree stumps and bushes that were slowing Tito down. He heard Zits yell, “I’m coming Tito! Wait for me!” It sounded like a good plan. Since he wasn’t getting any closer to the girl anyway, He was also getting too far from Zits. Tito stopped running and let her go. He turned and began walking back to the team. It was then when he felt a change in the air. There was a new scent in the wind. A pungently sweet smell, undeniably of rotten meat. He stopped walking and had to focus to keep his stomach settled. He stifled the urge to puke. He held out his machete in front of his body. He knew of only one creature that smelled that bad. Tito’s vision went black. He swung the machete blindly, striking something thick. Warm fluid splashed on his chest and hands. It was like acid on his skin. Tito spun at a sound behind him. He still couldn’t see and the smell of decay was becoming more intense. Something was moving to his front, then there was the sound like fruit being stomped on by a heavy boot. He heard Zits cry out in pain but the scream was cut short with another sound of bones breaking and wet sounds that could only be flesh being stabbed - or chewed. In a moment, Tito’s blindness was no more. Straight ahead were two Stitched Together. So-called beings because they were literally living burlap sacks stuffed with body parts. To his horror, he could make out his friend Zits’ arm protruding out of the closest creature’s mouth like surreal toothpick. The further Stitched was devouring Billy whole and was nearly finished. Tito saw only a leg remaining. Black blood and ichor dripped from the creature’s mouth. Tito screamed and charged the creatures. *** “He’s only eight years old, darling.” said Mark. He knew this conversation was fruitless. “Don’t say that, Mark!” Kate was furious. “This,” Kate pulled one of the drawings out of the stack. “ is way too detailed for an eight year old. My god, Mark look at her! What eight year old draws a woman’s body like that?” Mark looked at the drawing of the well-endowed girl with long black hair and cowboy hat. They had had this argument at least a hundred times. Every time they both said pretty much the same things they both had said the time before. With a feeling of deja vu Mark said, “Perhaps he is a prodigy. Look at the details...” “No, Mark” Kate stood up from the table. “What kind of prodigy draws pictures of his toys biting off people’s heads?” She walked over to the trash and dumped the folder and artwork in the bin. “For god’s sake, Mark, stop trying to turn this into a good thing! What have we done?” “What have we done?” Mark repeated. That question wasn’t part of their routine. “What are you saying Kate?” *** Miranda ran to the lab. She could smell ozone and smoke and that meant that Jered had heard the news of his brother. Hired for his skill for potion-making Jered had become a reliable ally. Once he learned the secret to tapping soulstones for lightning magic, he lusted for more power and petitioned Marcus to be a henchman. Unfortunately, he was becoming unstable. Inside, the laboratory was a mess. There were charred walls and fixtures and broken equipment but no bodies. At least Jered hadn’t hurt anyone. “When were you going to tell me?” He said as she entered. “Marcus believed…” she began. “Marcus!” said Jered. “It’s always Marcus! My brother is missing while on a mission for Marcus? And no one tells me?” Jered doesn’t know the whole story. She would need backup. “Marcus thought…” she tried again. She realized she shouldn’t say Marcus’s name again but it was too late. “A pox on that bastard!” said Jered. Blue fire and lightning radiated bright from his eyes. Small sparks snapped upon each movement of his body. Miranda could feel her hair begin to rise with static energy. “He knew you’d be upset.” “Damn right.” “You shouldn’t be upset with him. He wanted all the facts first.” Miranda spoke softly. “What are the facts, Miranda?” Jered paced the floor in front of the lab. He stopped to pick up a small glass bottle that lay on the floor at his feet. “Marcus is coming, I sent a dove. I’m sure he’ll explain everything then.” Jered wave his hand over the bottle and sparks materialized then poured from his fingers like a miniature electrical waterfall. Inside the bottle, the electrical energy writhed and arced but stayed contained within. He corked the bottle and held it up for Miranda to see. “He had better tell me everything or you’ll both taste my latest creation.” *** Kate moved to the sink and turned on the tap. Mark sat at the table waiting. Kate was deliberate. She washed, then dried her face with a paper towel and filled a glass with water. After drinking the water she sat back down at the table. “You have something to tell me, Kate?” “He spoke today.” The boy had been mute since birth. As a baby, even his cries were subdued. “What did he say? This is good right?” Mark was hopeful, he touched Kate’s hand across the table. “Gracias. He said gracias.” She paused for a second to let it sink in. “Gracias? A Spanish word?” Mark said. “They don’t teach Spanish at his school.” Kate held Mark’s hand with both of her hands. She positioned her ring finger so it was visible to Mark next to his own. “I love you, Mark.” Mark was about to speak but she shook her head quickly so he wouldn’t interrupt. “I need to tell you something…” she began. *** “Perdita?” Javier’s voice coughed in the dark. “Si, miho,” she said. Her own voice tired and low. “I did good, huh?” Rasping this time; the fluid in his lungs and throat causing him to cough. “Si, miho, you did good.” She wasn’t lying to him. She knew that, in this dark swamp, there at least ten dead creatures. He had killed only one but it was the cerberus that had knocked her down and was tearing out her belly with claws and a redundancy of teeth. She’d be dead if Javier hadn’t wrestled it off of her. “Gracias, Perdita, I rest now okay?” He said clearly and without coughing. He died a few moments later. His final sigh whispering into the nighttime swamp. With some effort and a nearby tree root, Perdita pulled herself up to a sitting position. Her butt resting in the mud and cool water of the swamp. She did not mind the wetness, she was too tired to care. She sat there, unmoving, listening to the swamp. Slowly bleeding to death. It was quiet now. No frogs croaking, no crickets chirping. No birds singing out a nighttime song. But thankfully, there were also no three-headed tigers growling or rodents screeching. Nor were there other fiendish beasts splashing as they jumped towards her with razor-sharp teeth glowing in the dark. She alone, it seemed, had survived the ambush. She was out of ammunition and soulstones but she had survived. It was much later when she felt a presence. She hadn’t heard anyone approach. “Are you sick?” said a voice in the trees. A little boy’s voice. It was daylight now. Morning in the swamp. It should be noisy with swamp critters waking up with the sun. It was still too quiet. “Are you sick?” the voice repeated. There was no concern in the question, only curiosity. She still saw no one but she could sense someone or something was nearby. There was raw power out there. Power that could wield soulstones. “Si, um, yes, I’m hurt,” she said. “You have lots of hair.” said the voice. She felt his presence watching her. It tingled with the power of a Master. “It’s very messy.” “Thank you, miho,” Perdita managed a smile. The child did not realize she was bleeding to death. “I’m not a mehole!” the voice laughed as a boy appeared before her. Shimmering in the morning light, his feet not touching the dirty swampwater as he walked. A spirit then, thought Perdita. The boy spirit was yellow-haired and wore a man’s t-shirt that fit him like a dress. He looked dressed for sleeping. “It’s dangerous now, how did you get all the way out here?” She asked the boy spirit. “Ew, that’s cool.” Oblivious to her question, he was poking at the dead cerberus, clearly fascinated by the three mouths glistening with sharp fangs. “Did you kill it?” he asked finally. “My friend did.” She said, thinking of brave Javier tackling the beast as it was tearing at her belly. She realized she hadn’t really known him. If she wasn’t so weak, she’d probably feel more sorrow about that. More pressing was that she was in no condition to defend herself if there was another attack. “That thing has friends, they may come looking for me.” “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you!” said the boy, puffing out his chest. His little boy’s smile gleaming innocently down at her. “Come out you brats!” He laughed. In a few moments, she began to feel the presence of other spirits. Many little beings, like tiny breezes of sorrow and dread. It was not a good feeling. “Um, are you going to finish me off little boy?” She looked for an escape. She saw no way out. She was vulnerable. Her Peacebringer was without ammo and she was out of soulstones. The boy laughed again. “Finish you off? What does that mean? These are my friends and I am your protector!” As the spirits materialized they walked to the boy. As each noticed Perdita, they looked at her hungrily and with longing. She sensed anger and fear in the monsters. Undeniably also, she felt hate from the creatures. Some spirits were tiny compilations of teeth and eyes, some others were like misshapen dwarves. All of the monsters looked dangerous. Perdita anticipated one of them jumping at her any second. Unfortunately, she was powerless to stop any of them. Like subjects paying homage to their liege, each monster walked to the boy. Remarkably, a few of them handed him a jewel, a soulstone. As the monsters approached, the boy played the character, as if he were their ruler, graciously accepting the stones and giving compliments. “Sir Drippy-eyes, thank you. Your googly eyes are extra buggy today. Oh, thank you, Lady Yuck, yes, your breath is very smelly.” After their tributes, the boy had five soulstones. Perdita was getting weaker. Her bleeding hadn’t slowed and time was getting short to get help. She tried to create a plan to get the soulstones. Should she trick the boy? She was so weak, even the little boy could out-muscle her. To her surprise, the boy approached her and handed her the soulstones. “Here are some rubies. Sometimes if I fall down, I can use them to feel better. You can use them to make you feel better like I did.” “Gracias,” she said as she took the stones. The boy mouthed the word but said aloud, “I have to go now.” “Um, what about your friends.” The creatures were Neverborn. All of the monsters were still looking at her. Feelings of pain and fear ebbed and flowed in her mind. The creatures knew who she was, even if the boy did not. “My friends won’t hurt you. I told them not to.” he said. “What is your name?” “I am Perdita.” She said and as she did the monsters rippled. Fear again. Or anger. Definitely hatred. The boy didn’t seem to notice. Merely holding the stones, Perdita could feel the familiar power contained within them. A wave of comfort began pulsing from her hands throughout her body. “Gracias, thank you for your protection, you are an angel.” She smiled, “Mi Angelito.” Blushing, the boy said her name. “Perdeeta.” He then looked confused. “What’s a leeto?” “Angelito.” Perdita said. “You are a good boy.” “Gracias, Miss Perdita” said the boy and he blushed again, smiling back at her. “Don’t fall asleep around Lady Yuck, she can be a brat sometimes. Bye.” He turned around and walked past the Neverborn and into the swamp. After a few steps he was gone. Perdita looked at her company. There must’ve been twenty little Neverborn creatures looking back at her. Every now and then a flash of fear occurred to her. The flash was always brief but it was intense enough to make her jump and give her goosebumps. Purposely, Perdita began to heal. She first tucked two stones in her belt pouch for easy access if needed. She then took a stone and pulled the power from it. Grasping and directing the power she used it to examine her torn belly. Using the soulstone’s magic, she completely cleaned the wound and healed the internal injuries. She took her time in order to maximise the soulstones and their power. The whole procedure took a few hours. She then exhausted another stone to pull some ammunition for the Peacebringer. At last, Perdita felt better. She still needed to rest but remembered the boy’s warning about napping. She wasn’t sure what happened when a nightmare was being bratty but she was sure she didn’t want to find out. *** Miranda had managed to walk Jered outside to the courtyard. Marcus arrived with a platoon of creatures. Jered, to his credit, realized he wouldn’t be able to act out against that many. Jered was frustrated. “At last, Master Marcus! You bring a crew to tell me of my brother’s mission?” “Yes Jered.” Marcus said as he allowed his beasts to encircle the unstable Arcanist. Jered watched in mock amusement as the beasts took positions around him. “Your brother was on a secret mission for me to retrieve an item. He did not succeed.” “What happened?” “The Guild was there, he ambushed them but your brother was killed while he was shape-shifted. Our razorspines report that he managed to kill one while injuring a Guild Master very badly.” A few moments passed while Miranda and Marcus awaited Jered’s reaction. Miranda sent a mental call to her razorspines to be ready. At last, Jered sat down on the grass of the courtyard. Defeated. “I knew he died. I saw it while I slept last night.” “Your brother was a brave man, Jered.” Miranda slowly approached him and placed an arm around him. “Thank you Miranda.” To Marcus he said, “Who is the Master?” Marcus walked up to Jered and put his hand on his shoulder. “Perdita is the Master that killed your brother.” *** “PERDITA.” She jumped at the sound. This voice was strong and reminded her of childhood fears. Her hand flew and her Peacemaker was out and ready. “ARE YOU HEALED, PERDITA?” Each syllable created chills up her back. “I’m strong enough to send you to hell with bullet holes in your head!” “A DEAL, PERDITA.” the voice of dread spoke again. Perdita felt fear overwhelming her senses. Her stomach fluttered with anxiety. She nervously looked around but saw only the twenty monsters in front of her. None of them were speaking in this voice. “The boy said you weren’t allowed to hurt me!” She struggled to keep panic out of her voice. “REST ASSURED, PERDITA, THE BOY’S GEAS KEEPS US FROM KILLING YOU.” “What do you want from me?” She was shaking now. Fighting to control her fear of this new creature and the little monsters around her. “YOU ARE HIDING AN ITEM. YOU KILLED THE ARCANIST’S BEASTS TO CLAIM IT. RESURRECTIONISTS ARE NOW NEARBY TO PROTEST YOUR CLAIM. YOU ARE SURROUNDED BY THE NIGHTMARES OF THE NEVERBORN.” the creature paused then. There was a brief respite of feelings of doom. Then the twenty little monsters all took a step closer to Perdita. The feelings of doom came back, twenty-fold and Perdita gasped. The creature said, “YOU HAVE MANY ENEMIES PERDITA.” “You are not allowed to hurt me!” She screamed. In a second the monsters would jump on her and tear her to pieces. She couldn’t shoot them all in time. “THE FEAR YOU FEEL NOW IS ONLY THE RESIDUE OF MY POWER. I ABIDE BY THE DREAMER’S GEAS.” Perdita felt a tear roll down her cheek. “THE BOY MUST NOT BE HARMED. YOU MUST PROTECT THEY BOY FROM THE RESURRECTIONISTS AND ARCANISTS AND GET THE BOY TO THE CITY OF MALIFAUX.” “Why me?” There was a choking sound as the creature laughed. “HE LIKES YOU.” “And what happens if I don’t protect the boy?” “IF THE BOY DIES, THEN THE GEAS IS LIFTED.” Perdita felt something touch her gun hand. When she looked down, she saw spiders. Thousands of spiders, crawling over each other in a ball of clicking madness. More spiders crawled up her arm and to her neck. Perdita screamed. “Leave her alone!” said the boy as he appeared in front of her. Abruptly, the spiders vanished. Gone too was any feelings of fear or dread. The quiet of the swamp was suddenly matched by the calm of sanity. The Neverborn creatures shirked away from the boy and seemed to melt into the swamp floor and disappear. There was no sign of the powerful creature that had spoke to Perdita. ***
  8. How bout non-canon fiction Check out my ongoing draft of "A Boy's Life". It's pretty much trash but it's fun. It's still WIP but its how I get my dreamer/chompy fix when there's no one available to play against. Comments are welcome there.
  9. I can't wait for the Malifaux breakfast cereal.
  10. moved to ABL -Final Thanks for reading and the comments!
  11. Alpha by name or you can sort by puppet. No password needed, anyone can edit. May require a gmail account. But Google will rule the world soon so you might as well get a gmail account anyway. https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoHOIt7MkzB1dGQyWUh1WGlvTXU4cTlHMTZaR08wWlE&hl=en_US&authkey=CPTQ_cEL
  12. Here's my contribution... Alphabeticalization!!! Baby Kade - rudders Bete Noir - Talishko C Hoffmann - Bleyrs Bariman Cassandra - Chanst Colette DuBois - Asyouwish78 Collodi - Totalywyrd Coryphee - Cmac Daydream - Thepandadirector Death Marshal - Johnni Desolation Engine - mistercactus Desperate Merc - Hoarcats Pride Drill Sergeant - Aka Hazard Enslaved Nephilim - Karn987 Francisco Ortega - Ciaran Freikorps Specialist - Katcher Freikorpsmann - Nightseer Governor's Proxy - Nerdelemental Gremlin - Prunesquallor Gremlin Taxidermist - Huoshini Guild Guard Captain - Bigasb Guild Hound - Dark Alleycat Hans - Dorian Hoarcat - Dire Hoarcat smuggler Hooded Rider - Jack The Ripper Joss - Maverickman5 Judge - Nilus Kaeris - GTfriday13 Kirai - Sholto Lady Justice - Theonewhofell Large Steampunk Arachnid - lobostele (no, you're not my father! Lawyer - Hookers Leveticus - Elazar Lilitu - elril Malifaux Rat - Ratty Mannequin - Tuesday Mechanical Attendant - Da Big Baws Mechanical Dove - Silver Chocobo Molly - Sezar Nekima - xxxhayzelxxx Nicodem - Chucklemonkey Nix - Mentor Nurse - rajoze Onryu (?) - Antizombie Ophelia Lacroix - Aaroon42 Peacekeeper - themurphyfella Perdita Ortega - dgraz Pigapult - manicmac Purifying Flame - Magnustheix Rami Lacroix - Dumb luck raphael Lacroix - Jay Barlecamp rasputina - Mach 5 Rat Catcher - Magic pockets Razorspine Rattler - Yazza Rogue Necromancy - Tumling Ronin - Ironchief Rotton Belles - Fetid Strumpet Ryle - Stern Sabretooth Cerberus - Uk Rocky Seamus - Osoi Sebastian - Zee Seishin - Catslaughing Showgirl - Lonely Path Snowstorm - tograth So'mer Teeth - tiny Sonnia Criid - Madarcanist Steamborg Executioner - Goblyn13 Steampunk Arachnid - Absolution Black Teddy - Weird Sketch The Hanged - Keltheos Viks - kaine Young Lacroix - lalochezia Zombie Chihuahua - Nathan caroland Zoraida - Yetischool ( and by hijacking, Yslaire)
  13. No Stitched yet? I want!! Do I have to sketch one first? _^_ / \ It's kinda rough, I admit...
  14. So...the Dreamer is an anacronism. How do you like them apples?
  15. They look good, but did you dip them? They're all shiny.
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