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Everything posted by ispep

  1. Stunning work. I think the base might be causing some "washout" though. A seamless background might help too. It's still beautiful though. Great work, and good luck!
  2. Simply amazing. That base just gorgeous. Excellent job.
  3. Very nice Josh, as usual. Your boards never fail to impress. We've got a tourney at Pandemonium coming up on the 16th, hint hint =oD
  4. From what Eric has said in the Aethervox and GL podcast interviews, the regular release Avatars are going to be pretty hefty, so I don't see there being a need for Nightmare versions.
  5. What are the thoughts on taking a rat or two with Som'er? I'm thinking if you take a rat instead of a skeeter, you can use Larva on the rat, get your 3rd or 4th Mosquito, and heal the original skeeters for some A Gremlin's Luck action without having to use Som'er's AP for Take A Swig.
  6. I wouldn't put money on Teddy. While he is loved by everyone, the big misunderstood stuffed bear doesn't really mix well with the idea of "extra bits/customization(paraphrased)" that Eric implied in the interview. For the next Miss Pack, I wouldn't be surprised to see it is a Performer or Mannequin, to continue the attractive(?) lady theme, first being the Gremlinette and the second being a Nurse. Although the one thing going against the Performer/Mannequin is they are a matched pair and it would be a fiscally poor decision to use the combo. Perhaps a female Desparate Merc or Convict Gunslinger for slightly wider appeal than just one faction? Regardless, I can't wait to find out what goodies Wyrd has in its top secret warehouse.
  7. I've played around with it before, but not done any actual battle reports. If you are dedicated it would probably be very useful. If you are impatient and want it done now, it probably isn't for you. While it has some nice features and is fairly easy to use for the basics, the details like terrain and such can take some time to set up, and importing your own graphics for units and terrain isn't exactly convenient nor intuitive. I think if you already do battle reports, this program would help you take them to the next level, but for beginners it would be more trouble than its worth.
  8. I love the Peacekeeper's "come at me bro" pose. I kind of like the pigs, its a little harsh, but I think it suits the crew.The part I don't like about them is the eyes. They are too distracting.
  9. My coworker, oldoneeye here on the forums, as you might guess from the name is mono-ocularly challenged, and he's adapted to painting quite well, so even if you don't have 100% recovery, I'm sure you'll be just fine in the painting department. Like learning to paint from the beginning, don't get discouraged and keep at it. Here's hoping to see some more great minis from you in the future! :cheers:
  10. NE Warpig and Flesh Construct, imo. Or Killjoy. Maybe Steamborg Executioner, or Ice Golem. Or, well, just about anything really. The possibilities are endless.
  11. A Daydream, perched upon a pile of balls: Pretty happy with him, and the base, but I'm going to have to make future bases with the model in mind, as there wasn't really anywhere to perch him properly. But since the Daydreams are spirits, him sort of lazily floating around isn't too bad.
  12. There is nothing fun about losing. In the recent league I was ready to quit after week 2. Rankings give you something to play for, a tangible reason to do something and try harder.
  13. Why play a game if you aren't going to try and be the best? A ranking system gives you something to chase, a reason to improve your game, and incentive to push the boundaries for those extra 10 points.
  14. I'm sure one of those geniuses was Courtney Love, after all she needs more money for perfectly legal and legitimate reasons. After all, she is the Yoko Ono of the 90s.
  15. Its actually a repackaged product with a significant mark up. It can be found under the brand name "Friendly Plastic", "Polymorph", and some Japanese name, Omayau or something. There is some discussion about it on Warseer and TGN, just do a google search for Instant Mold and check out some of the links. The proper name of the stuff is polycaprolactone.
  16. So far the stuff is working out pretty good. Time for crappy cell phone pictures! The original base: (Yes, those are BBs) And the copied version: Its a little tough getting the balls filled with green stuff without air bubbles, but not too bad. It takes a surprising amount of GS to fill a 30 mm base. What I've done with that one was cleaned up the not-quite-full bottom, and then cut the center out of a base and puttied it it. For those who are wondering, I'm planning ball pit bases for my dreamer crew =oD I also tried copying one of my brick/cobblestone bases. Original: Copy 1: Copy 2: For these ones, I put enough GS in to capture the details, and then crammed a base into the hole. One this helped mush everything into the mold, two it used a whole lot less GS, and 3 the tops aren't going to come unglued from the bases.
  17. Good to hear you guys like it. Do you think it would work for a full base, or would it be better to just make toppers/inserts?
  18. Has anyone given this stuff a try? I just picked some up from work, I'm hoping it will make creating the bases for my Dreamer crew easier. Any tips/tricks, other than your usual mold making stuff? I'm guessing it won't handle undercuts or detail very well. What about a release agent? I'll probably use GS or Milliput for the "casting". http://www.coolminiornot.com/shop/tools-and-misc/instant-mold.html
  19. The best tactic in Malifaux is to focus on your strategies and schemes =oD
  20. Has anyone else had issues with the CMON site lately? It has been incredibly slow, and most of the time if I click on anything I get no reply from the server. Cleared my cookies/cache/etc, using Chrome browser.
  21. I really like Teddy's heart and Candy's dress. Doppelganger looks great too.
  22. Very nice. The sign is awesome. Only bad thing I would say is the boots seem too plain.There's all the great fishnet and lace, and then just plain black boots. Maybe lighten the laces or something just to break them up some.
  23. I hadn't thought of using the Slop Hauler as a medic, the games I've taken him I'm always trying to reduce the opponents Df (usually to little or no effect). The thing is, I already have so much stuffed into a small area, its already a big target for AoE effects Pandora herself wasn't that much of an issue, she spent nearly the whole game back in a corner. She killed one piglet that I threw over there to get a range estimate. It was Teddy and the Stitched Togethers that really did a number on my crew.
  24. The scrollwork is awesome. Very solid job overall.
  25. For the eyes I had originally planned on filing down the sculpted eyes and finding some little googly eyes to glue on, but even the smallest googly eyes I found were too big. So I just decided to paint them a little lopsided. It was a careful balance of "not right" and "not too wrong". I'd like to incorporate more Sesame Street/Muppet characters into my Dreamer crew, but I'm not sure where they would fit. Currently I'm trying to sculpt some Doozers for my Daydreams, but my sculpting ability is proving to be inadequate =o/
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