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Everything posted by ispep

  1. I am envious of your yellow painting skills. Looks great. Me and yellow, we just don't along =o/
  2. I never said that Wyrd couldn't police their forums how they want. I never made claims that anyone is infringing on my rights of free speech, which only applies to the gov't and not private businesses. It is in fact, their house and their rules. But why create those rules in the first place? Why cater to the close minded puritan ideals of "$$$$$$$$ is a dirty word and you'll go to hell for saying it"? If someone is unable to differentiate between what matters and what is just 1s and 0s electronically transmitted from one place to another, so what? That is their problem, not anyone else's. As I said earlier, this isn't just related to the Wyrd forums. The WoW forums are a seething pit of everything that is wrong with the internet. And they are heavily moderated. The moderation doesn't make it a better place, it stifles engaging conversation and leaves people frustrated, which leads them to getting progressively more and more hostile towards other members of the community as well as the people moderating them. Issues that could have stayed in one thread spawn more threads and disrupt others because the place they belong is no longer available. Why? Because someone might choose to be offended. Unnecessary moderation is unnecessary and detrimental to a community.
  3. Being offended by something is 100% a choice. If you don't want to find something offensive, then it isn't offensive to you. If you want the color orange to be offensive, you choose to be offended by orange things. Things are not inherently offensive, they are only that way because people and society deem them to be offensive.
  4. All I'm reading is "I can't think outside the box or separate real life from the internet, so here's some legalise all websites use to cover their asses in an overly litigious society." I'm generally not the type to outright insult others just because of their beliefs. In the female sculpts thread that was locked, I didn't tell anyone that they were wrong, that their feelings on the matter were skewed, that they were a big poopie head. But I was enjoying watching the drama unfold between a few select people in the thread. I thought all sides had some merit to their arguments, even if they weren't all put forth in the most elegant fashion. I find watching coherent level headed adults devolve into bickering 12 year old girls entertaining. Strict over moderation severely limits the opportunities to witness such events.
  5. There is a difference between calling an idiot an idiot and throwing racial slurs for the hell of it. There is a difference between controlling juvenile behavior and letting people express their views and thought how they wish. As far as the internet and RL becoming the same, thats only if you let it. Any random stranger on the internet can call me whatever the hell they want, I'm not going to lose sleep over it. Why waste the energy getting offended by something that doesn't matter? And anyone who is put off of a company because of what random people not associated with the company isn't worth the companies time to worry about. How people act on the Wyrd forums in no way influences my feelings about Wyrd's products. It shouldn't influence yours either.
  6. He's got a beak. Hunt and peck typing, not just for little old ladies.
  7. Is that not a textbook description of a dictatorship? And I'm not referring to the Wyrd boards only, but the internet as a whole. Its always "our rules, like it or GTFO". If things get out of hand at our store, obviously something is done. It is real life, there are real repercussions, and an altercation could compromise the safety of our other customers who may not be directly involved in the situation or collateral damage to our property. On an internet forum, the only damage is the bruised egos of those who choose to be involved.
  8. If someone chooses to be insulted, to be offended, to let what someone else says bother them, that is their choice. Censorship just says "well it will all be OK, someone will be here to hold your hand and dry your tears". If you don't want to be offended, don't be. You can call my strategy, theme, painting, mother, dog, or whatever else the worst, most horrific thing and I'm not going to care. It tells me how you want the conversation to go, so I can respond in kind. I typically have a minor role, if any, in actioned threads. But that doesn't mean I don't enjoy watching them progress. Moderation, censorship, and dictatorship are not the solution. It just encourages people to misbehave, because if it gets out of line and they can't back their statements up anymore, they know the cleaners will come along and save their asses.
  9. Maybe a discarded book? Like a playbill or something someone dropped outside the theater. It would be big for a playbill/program, but miniatures are all about over exaggerating the details. Plus it would tie in with the Arcanists.
  10. Got a few things worked on today. Varnished the throne Arcane Fulcrum, Did some work on the Demon Portal (or whatever its called) fulcrum, And greenstuffed Chompy's new abs, Also assembled the rest of my alps, got them undercoated, and undercoated the other 3 stitched togethers.
  11. I have a visor magnifier, but haven't used it yet. Picked it up for $5.99 at Harbor Freight. It does help with seeing the details, but it isn't going to do anything about brush control, so I'm weary of how useful it may actually be.
  12. What is the purpose of locking, deleting, or otherwise moderating threads? Not just around here, but on the internet in general. If it is a conversation you don't want to be involved in, then don't be involved with it. If its getting "hostile" so what, its just words on the internet. If your delicate sensibilities can't handle being called unsavory things, then the internet isn't for you. Removing a thread with active discussion doesn't solve any problems. No one is ever going to say "oh, that thread is done, I guess everything is just hugs and puppies now." The only time internet discussion requires moderation is if it turns to a real world situation. A 13 page thread of random bull$$$$$$$$ is fine, but 5 pages and someones hurt feelings despite the interesting view points warrants action? It is a symptom of the real world. We have to protect all the weak innocents, wrap them in bubble wrap and make sure they don't feel sad. Well news flash, bad things happen. Deal with it.
  13. Realizing that some people are just better painters. Accepting that I have a ceiling to my ability, and not always striving to be the best. No matter how many times I repaint this mini, it isn't going to be a studio piece, it isn't going to win a Golden Demon, so just do it as well as I am personally capable of.
  14. I appreciate models based on their technical composition. I don't care if they are supposed to be fertile young women perfect for creating offspring, or feeble old men. The aesthetic composition is not nearly as important as the technical execution of the techniques used. Like wise, I am more interested in mechanically strong heroes/heroines who can justify their cost. Fluff is just that, fluff. It has no bearing on in-game effectiveness. Its just there to be there. My goal in miniature games is not to lust after a 2 inch metal figurine, but to play the game and win. Looks and story have nothing to do with that.
  15. Sleeves. The word you are looking for is sleeves. Not cases, slips, covers, plastics, or whatever random word that comes to mind. Sleeves. Don't be a YuGiOh player. That out of the way, I laminate my cards. We have one of these http://www.officemax.com/office-supplies/laminating-binding/laminating-machines/product-prod1812115 at work that we use for making our store gift cards, and it is just big enough to hold the 3.5"x 5.5" sheets, which are great for the Malifaux cards. There are 1/8th" margins around 3 sides, and the forth edge is about 1/2", great for notes or whatever. I store them in a dollar store accordion-file style coupon holder.
  16. Maybe if you have the hand for it. I've never managed to get Get Your Bro off more than once in a turn.
  17. Gremlin 1 goes, pass, pass, reckless, pass. Gremlin 2 goes, pass, pass, reckless, pass. Gremlin 3 goes, pass, pass, reckless, pass. Bam, 3 wounded gremlins looking for a heal.
  18. They never said what time Friday. They also extened the availability twice. Not for people who couldn't budget before hand but for those who couldn't order over the initial sale dates. Personally I think extending it to Wednesday was more than generous, and far superior to what other companies would do.
  19. A game in a genre where "normal" is anything but the norm? The first thing I said when I saw the new PP Constance Blaize was "why doesn't she have a giant rack?" Gaming miniatures of females have overtly enhanced breasts. It is just the way it is. Whether it is social reprehensible to objectify women or the exact reason for this trend isn't important, or something you are going to get people to agree about.
  20. All of the information you need is on the forums. A fancy flash-based website like everyone else has would be obnoxious and just like everyone else.
  21. Today at work, a customer bought 3 full crews, and I think more models for crews he already has. It was a lot of Wyrd product.
  22. Including the non-humanoid figures. Have you ever put together a warpig? Or some of the canine remains?
  23. Great work. The spade/crow is a little more phoenix looking than crow, but it still gets the idea across.
  24. I need Gupps. And every time I put them on the table, I will yell "Mrglglglrglgl".
  25. I hope you told your buddy to suck it up and take one for the team. j/k And goyf is awesome. How could you not love him? Planeswalkers are still a little iffy in my book, but not game ruining.
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